14 research outputs found

    Risk and Uncertainty in the Cost Contingency of Transport Projects: Accommodating Bias or Heuristics, or Both?

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    Transport projects are regularly subjected to cost misperformance. The contingency set aside to cover any increases in cost due to risk and uncertainty issues is often insufficient. We review approaches that have been used to estimate a cost contingency. We show that some approaches such as reference class forecasting, which underpins the planning fallacy theory, take a biased view to formulate a contingency. Indeed, there is a perception that the risks and uncertainties that form the parts of a cost contingency cannot be accurately assessed using heuristics. The absence of an overarching theory to support the use of heuristics has resulted in them often being downplayed in a project's investment decision-making process. This article fills this void and provides the theoretical backdrop to support the use of heuristics to formulate a cost contingency. We make a clarion call to reconcile the duality of the bias and heuristic approaches, propose a balanced framework for developing a cost contingency, and suggest the use of uplifts to derisk cost estimates is redundant. We hope our advocacy for a balanced approach will stimulate debate and question the legitimacy of uplifts to solely debias cost estimates

    Assessing the Maturity and Accuracy of Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for Large, Complex Industrial Projects

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    abstract: Planning efforts conducted during the early stages of a construction project, known as front end planning (FEP), have a large impact on project success and significant influence on the configuration of the final project. As a key component of FEP, front end engineering design (FEED) plays an essential role in the overall success of large industrial projects. The primary objective of this dissertation focuses on FEED maturity and accuracy and its impact on project performance. The author was a member of the Construction Industry Institute (CII) Research Team (RT) 331, which was tasked to develop the FEED Maturity and Accuracy Total Rating System (FEED MATRS), pronounced “feed matters.” This dissertation provides the motivation, methodology, data analysis, research findings (which include significant correlations between the maturity and accuracy of FEED and project performance), applicability and contributions to academia and industry. A scientific research methodology was employed in this dissertation that included a literature review, focus groups, an industry survey, data collection workshops, in-progress projects testing, and statistical analysis of project performance. The results presented in this dissertation are based on input from 128 experts in 57 organizations and a data sample of 33 completed and 11 on-going large industrial projects representing over $13.9 billion of total installed cost. The contributions of this work include: (1) developing a tested FEED definition for the large industrial projects sector, (2) determining the industry’s state of practice for measuring FEED deliverables, (3) developing an objective and scalable two-dimensional method to measure FEED maturity and accuracy, and (4) quantifying that projects with high FEED maturity and accuracy outperformed projects with low FEED maturity and accuracy by 24 percent in terms of cost growth, in relation to the approved budget.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Construction Management 201

    Owner time and cost contingency estimation for building construction projects in Egypt

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    Time and cost overruns are an integral part of the construction projects. Both have several associated negative consequences to the project owners. Setting the right time and cost contingency is a major contributing factor to the success of the project as it should minimize/prevent budget and time overruns. Project managers usually tend to allocate project time and cost contingency subjectively based on their previous experience and may not capture all projects specific factors that impact the contingency estimation. The competency of the project manager plays an important role in this case in determining the contingency percentage. The contingency estimation for a given project can hugely vary from one project manager to another. This research presents a fuzzy logic-based model that allows owners predict the project time and cost contingency reliably and accurately in Egypt. The most important factors affecting time and cost contingency have been identified and are defined as input variables for the model. The effect of these factors on the time and cost contingency, the output variables, have been determined and incorporated into the model via fuzzy rules. On the basis of the known effects of these factors, a fuzzy logic model is developed to automate the prediction process using MS Excel software. Several scenarios of the model are developed and subjected to initial testing using 10 actual projects data. Based on the initial testing, the best model was subjected to tuning in order to achieve the optimum model results in terms of accuracy and validity. Finally, the model is tested by applying it on new five actual construction projects which were not used in the initial testing nor tuning. The model results were found to be acceptable having an average validity percent of 84% and 81% for time and cost contingency, respectively. The proposed model allows the owners to [1] understand the effect of the project different factors on the contingency values, which in turn represent the degree of risk involved and accordingly, allows the owner to take necessary measures at the preconstruction stage to reduce the risks, [2] minimize the cost and time overrun through setting the right amount of contingency, [3] avoid tie up of excessive funds for the project, which can be used in others projects or activities, and [4] have higher confidence during the decision making process of whether to proceed or not to proceed with the project

    A Study of Risk-Taking Behavior in Investment Banking

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    This dissertation examines corporate risk-taking behavior by investment banks in the United States. This study was sparked by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, one of the largest bankruptcy filings in U.S. history. This dissertation examines the specific factors that drove investment banks such as Lehman Brothers to take excessive risks, and how the deregulation of the US financial services industry towards the end of the 1990s contributed to risk-taking behavior. I use four theoretical perspectives to examine corporate risk-taking behavior among investment banks. These perspectives include: institutional theory, behavioral theory of the firm, knowledge based view (KBV) of the firm, and agency theory. Risk research in strategic management has mostly tended to adopt three theoretical perspectives: behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert & March, 1963), prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979), and agency theory (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). I included institutional theory and KBV perspectives because numerous studies suggest that the regulatory environment (Scott, 2003) and knowledge base of a firm (Grant, 1996b) matters in corporate risk-taking. A review of the practitioner literature also suggests that regulatory frameworks and lack of firm competence have played a role in firm risk-taking behavior (Pirson & Turnbull, 2011; Summers, 2011; Wallison, 2011). My analysis suggests that both external and internal factors were associated with excessive corporate risk-taking among investment banks. External factors associated with firm risk-taking include the institutional environment, such as regulation (or absence thereof). Internal factors associated with firm risk-taking include aspirations of executives, level of corporate diversification, knowledge base of company, number of interlocking directorships in the board, size of the board, ratio of insiders to outsiders on the board, and ownership of the stock by board members of investment banks. The findings of this study contribute to the literature on corporate risk-taking behavior, and suggest that the study of such a complex phenomenon as corporate-risk taking needs to be done using multiple theoretical perspectives

    A Methodology for Project Risk Analysis using Bayesian Belief Networks within a Monte Carlo Simulation Environment

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    Projects are commonly over budget and behind schedule, to some extent because uncertainties are not accounted for in cost and schedule estimates. Research and practice is now addressing this problem, often by using Monte Carlo methods to simulate the effect of variances in work package costs and durations on total cost and date of completion. However, many such project risk approaches ignore the large impact of probabilistic correlation on work package cost and duration predictions. This dissertation presents a risk analysis methodology that integrates schedule and cost uncertainties considering the effect of correlations. Current approaches deal with correlation typically by using a correlation matrix in input parameters. This is conceptually correct, but the number of correlation coefficients to be estimated grows combinatorially with the number of variables. Moreover, if historical data are unavailable, the analyst is forced to elicit values for both the variances and the correlations from expert opinion. Most experts are not trained in probability and have difficulty quantifying correlations. An alternative is the integration of Bayesian belief networks (BBN's) within an integrated cost-schedule Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) model. BBN's can be used to implicitly generate dependency among risk factors and to examine non-additive impacts. The MCS is used to model independent events, which are propagated through BBN's to assess dependent posterior probabilities of cost and time to completion. BBN's can also include qualitative considerations and project characteristics when soft evidence is acquired. The approach builds on emerging methods of systems reliability

    Utilization of the building information model in the operative procurement process of housing construction

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    TÀmÀ diplomityö kÀsittelee tietomallien hyödyntÀmistÀ asuntorakentamisen operatiivisen eli projektikohtaisen hankinnan prosessissa. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, miten tietomallia voitaisiin hyödyntÀÀ tehokkaammin tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksen hankintatoimessa. Hankintojen osuus rakennushankkeiden kokonaiskustannuksista on jatkuvassa kasvussa. TÀllÀ hetkellÀ hankinnat muodostavat noin 60-80% osuuden rakennushankkeiden kokonaiskustannuksista. NÀin ollen hankintojen onnistumisella on merkittÀvÀ rooli hankkeen taloudellisessa onnistumisessa. Hankintojen merkittÀvÀn taloudellisen vaikutuksen vuoksi rakennusliikkeet panostavat hankintojen kehittÀmiseen. Tietomallintaminen on yksi rakennusalan potentiaalisimmista kehityskohdista. Tietomallin sisÀltÀmÀÀ tietoa voidaan hyödyntÀÀ rakentamisen lisÀksi myös hankinnoissa. Tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksessÀ tehtyjen selvitysten perusteella tietomallia ei vielÀ hyödynnetÀ tehokkaasti kohdeyrityksen hankintatoimessa. Perustajaurakoitavissa kohteissa rakennusliikkeellÀ on parhaat mahdollisuudet vaikuttaa hankkeen tietomallintamiseen, joten tutkimuksessa kÀsiteltiin tietomallintamista asuntorakentamisen ja perustajaurakoinnin nÀkökulmasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa osassa. EnsimmÀisessÀ osassa tutkittiin tietomallien hyödyntÀmisen nykytilannetta kohdeyrityksen hankintatoimessa kyselytutkimuksen avulla sekÀ kartoitettiin tietomallintamisen kehityskohtia haastattelututkimuksen avulla. Kyselytutkimus toteutettiin valtakunnallisesti koko kohdeyrityksen hankintahenkilöstölle sÀhköisenÀ verkkokyselynÀ. Haastattelututkimuksessa haastateltiin kaikkien operatiivisen hankintaprosessin osapuolten edustajia: suunnittelijat, suunnittelunohjaus, laskenta, hankinta, tuotanto ja alihankkijat. Haastattelututkimus toteutettiin case-projektin kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen jÀlkimmÀisessÀ osassa tutkittiin kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla talonrakentamisen hankintatoimea, tietomalleja rakennusalan kontekstissa sekÀ tietomallien hyödyntÀmistÀ rakennushankkeessa. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla selvitettiin hankintojen erilaisia luokitteluja ja hankintojen merkitystÀ yrityksen liiketoiminnalle sekÀ kuvattiin hankinnan prosessi. Tietomallintamisen osalta kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla selvitettiin tietomallipohjaisen suunnittelun ja perinteisen suunnittelun eroavaisuuksia sekÀ tietomallintamisen periaatteita, kÀytiin lÀpi Yleiset tietomallivaatimukset ja tietomallipohjaisen asuntorakennushankkeen kulku sekÀ tutkittiin tietomallien laadunvarmistuskeinoja, tietomallipohjaista mÀÀrÀlaskentaa ja tietomallien kÀyttöÀ perustajaurakoinnissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin tietomallintamisen kehityskohdat, joihin panostamalla kohdeyrityksen hankintatoimessa pystytÀÀn hyödyntÀmÀÀn tietomalleja tulevaisuudessa tehokkaammin. LisÀksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kehityskohtien jatkokehitystarpeet, jatkokehitystarpeiden vaikutukset hankintaprosessin osapuoliin sekÀ hankinnan mÀÀrÀtietovaatimukset kymmenen taloudellisesti merkittÀvimmÀn hankintanimikkeen osalta. Tutkimuksessa esille nousseet tietomallintamisen kehityskohdat ovat: henkilöstön tietomalliosaaminen, tietomallipohjainen mÀÀrÀtieto, suunnitteluprosessi ja pÀÀtöksenteko, tietomalliohjeistus, sopimustekniset asiat, suunnitteluohjelmistot ja tietomallinnus, suunnitteluaikataulu, osapuolten motivaatio sekÀ palautteen antaminen. Tietomallien hyödyntÀmisessÀ hankintojen kannalta tÀrkeintÀ on tietomallipohjaisen mÀÀrÀtiedon luotettavuus ja oikea-aikaisuus. Jotta tietomallintamisen tÀysi potentiaali pystytÀÀn hankintaprosessissa hyödyntÀmÀÀn, tulee kaikilla hankintaprosessin osapuolilla olla valmiudet toimia tietomallipohjaisesti. Tietomallien tehokkaampi hyödyntÀminen tulee olemaan pitkÀllisen kehitystyön tulos, mikÀ vaatii motivaatiota kaikilta prosessin osapuolilta

    Planification tactique des grands projets d’ingĂ©nierie et de construction

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    RÉSUMÉ : Les grands projets d’ingĂ©nierie et de construction sont planifiĂ©s de façon hiĂ©rarchique afin de faire face Ă  leur grande complexitĂ©. Ainsi, des Ă©chĂ©anciers agrĂ©gĂ©s sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s durant les premiĂšres phases de projet pour un large horizon et des Ă©chĂ©anciers plus dĂ©taillĂ©s sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s au fur et Ă  mesure que le projet avance et que les informations se prĂ©cisent. Les niveaux de planification agrĂ©gĂ©s sont caractĂ©risĂ©s par des degrĂ©s Ă©levĂ©s d’incertitude, notamment le niveau de planification tactique oĂč des dĂ©cisions importantes doivent toutefois ĂȘtre prises relativement Ă  la dĂ©termination du budget de projet et des dates jalons et d’échĂ©ance. Au niveau de planification tactique, les pratiques courantes se basent sur l’ajout de sĂ©curitĂ© dans les Ă©chĂ©anciers tactiques de façon subjective et non fondĂ©e sur des mĂ©thodes scientifiques. Les niveaux d’agrĂ©gation sont Ă©galement Ă©tablis de façon arbitraire. Quant Ă  la littĂ©rature scientifique, peu de modĂšles tactiques considĂ©rant l’incertitude ou Ă©valuĂ©s dans un contexte rĂ©aliste ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s. En particulier, l’incertitude liĂ©e Ă  l’agrĂ©gation des capacitĂ©s est nĂ©gligĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les hypothĂšses des approches proactives d’ordonnancement proposĂ©es pour le problĂšme Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) du niveau opĂ©rationnel ne sont pas adaptĂ©es aux hypothĂšses du problĂšme Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) du niveau tactique. Dans cette thĂšse, nous essayons de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces problĂ©matiques en proposant des approches de planification tactique adaptĂ©es au contexte complexe, incertain et dynamique des grands projets d’ingĂ©nierie et de construction. Nous commençons par proposer un modĂšle de base qui permet d’intĂ©grer plusieurs niveaux d’agrĂ©gation des donnĂ©es Ă  travers la variation des durĂ©es des pĂ©riodes. L’évaluation des rĂ©sultats dans un contexte incertain et dynamique a permis de relever d’une part l’avantage de l’agrĂ©gation des pĂ©riodes dans la rĂ©duction considĂ©rable des temps de calcul et d’autre part l’impact nĂ©gatif qu’elle engendre sur la robustesse des estimations. Nous avons proposĂ© une approche de planification proactive destinĂ©e Ă  la variante time-driven du problĂšme RCCP facilement exploitable en pratique et qui permet d’amĂ©liorer grandement la robustesse du coĂ»t de projet estimĂ© sous l’influence des incertitudes liĂ©es aux charges de travail et Ă  l’agrĂ©gation des capacitĂ©s. Nous avons Ă©galement proposĂ© des approches proactives destinĂ©es Ă  la variante resource-driven du problĂšme RCCP qui permettent d’amĂ©liorer la robustesse des dates jalons y compris la date d’échĂ©ance du projet sous l’influence des incertitudes citĂ©es plus haut. La comparaison de ces approches montre que la stratĂ©gie gagnante de protection des dates jalons contre les dĂ©passements est de concentrer les marges de temps Ă  la fin des chemins menant Ă  ces dates.----------ABSTRACT : Large scale engineering and construction projects are planned hierarchically in order to face the high level of complexity inherent to them. As such, aggregate schedules are generated for a large horizon during the first phases of the project and detailed schedules are developed as the project advances and more accurate information becomes available. The aggregate planning levels are characterized by a high level of uncertainty, especially the tactical planning level where important decisions are made concerning the project budget, milestones and due dates. At the tactical planning level, common practices are based on adding security in tactical schedules in subjective and non-scientifically based ways. Aggregation levels are also arbitrarily established. As for the scientific literature, very few tactical planning models explicitly consider uncertainty or evaluate their models in a realistic context. In particular, the uncertainty related to the aggregation of capacity estimates is neglected in the literature. On the other hand, the proactive scheduling approaches intended for the Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) at the operational level are based on different hypotheses than the ones of the Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) problem intended for the tactical planning level. In this thesis, we try to address these issues by proposing tactical planning approaches appropriate to the complex, uncertain and dynamic context of large scale engineering and construction projects. We begin by proposing a base model that integrates different planning levels by varying the durations of the periods. The results evaluation in an uncertain and dynamic environment shows the considerable reduction of the computational times when aggregating the periods while a decrease in the robustness of the estimations is noticed. We have therefore proposed an easily implementable proactive planning approach for the time-driven variant of the RCCP problem that considerably improves the robustness of cost estimations in presence of the uncertainties related to the aggregation of capacities and to work contents. We have also proposed a number of proactive approaches for the resource-driven variant of the RCCP problem that improve the robustness of project milestones including the due date of the project in the presence of the uncertainties cited above. The comparison of these approaches shows that the best protection strategy of the milestones against delays is to concentrate time buffers at the end of the paths leading to these milestones