20,806 research outputs found

    The Spectra of Lamplighter Groups and Cayley Machines

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    We calculate the spectra and spectral measures associated to random walks on restricted wreath products of finite groups with the infinite cyclic group, by calculating the Kesten-von Neumann-Serre spectral measures for the random walks on Schreier graphs of certain groups generated by automata. This generalises the work of Grigorchuk and Zuk on the lamplighter group. In the process we characterise when the usual spectral measure for a group generated by automata coincides with the Kesten-von Neumann-Serre spectral measure.Comment: 36 pages, improved exposition, main results slightly strengthene

    Procedures for calculating reversible one-dimensional cellular automata

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    We describe two algorithms for calculating reversible one-dimensional cellular automata of neighborhood size 2. We explain how this kind of automaton represents all the other cases. Using two basic properties of reversible automata such as uniform multiplicity of ancestors and Welch indices, these algorithms only require matrix products and transitive closures of binary relations to classify all the possible reversible automata of neighborhood size 2. We expose the features, advantages and differences with other well-known methods. Finally, we present results for reversible automata from three to six states and neighborhood size 2. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Automata in SageMath---Combinatorics meet Theoretical Computer Science

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    The new finite state machine package in the mathematics software system SageMath is presented and illustrated by many examples. Several combinatorial problems, in particular digit problems, are introduced, modeled by automata and transducers and solved using SageMath. In particular, we compute the asymptotic Hamming weight of a non-adjacent-form-like digit expansion, which was not known before

    Mean-Field Theory of Meta-Learning

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    We discuss here the mean-field theory for a cellular automata model of meta-learning. The meta-learning is the process of combining outcomes of individual learning procedures in order to determine the final decision with higher accuracy than any single learning method. Our method is constructed from an ensemble of interacting, learning agents, that acquire and process incoming information using various types, or different versions of machine learning algorithms. The abstract learning space, where all agents are located, is constructed here using a fully connected model that couples all agents with random strength values. The cellular automata network simulates the higher level integration of information acquired from the independent learning trials. The final classification of incoming input data is therefore defined as the stationary state of the meta-learning system using simple majority rule, yet the minority clusters that share opposite classification outcome can be observed in the system. Therefore, the probability of selecting proper class for a given input data, can be estimated even without the prior knowledge of its affiliation. The fuzzy logic can be easily introduced into the system, even if learning agents are build from simple binary classification machine learning algorithms by calculating the percentage of agreeing agents.Comment: 23 page

    The Kinetic Basis of Self-Organized Pattern Formation

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    In his seminal paper on morphogenesis (1952), Alan Turing demonstrated that different spatio-temporal patterns can arise due to instability of the homogeneous state in reaction-diffusion systems, but at least two species are necessary to produce even the simplest stationary patterns. This paper is aimed to propose a novel model of the analog (continuous state) kinetic automaton and to show that stationary and dynamic patterns can arise in one-component networks of kinetic automata. Possible applicability of kinetic networks to modeling of real-world phenomena is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to the 14th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (Alife 14) on 23.03.2014, accepted 09.05.201

    Complex dynamics emerging in Rule 30 with majority memory

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    In cellular automata with memory, the unchanged maps of the conventional cellular automata are applied to cells endowed with memory of their past states in some specified interval. We implement Rule 30 automata with a majority memory and show that using the memory function we can transform quasi-chaotic dynamics of classical Rule 30 into domains of travelling structures with predictable behaviour. We analyse morphological complexity of the automata and classify dynamics of gliders (particles, self-localizations) in memory-enriched Rule 30. We provide formal ways of encoding and classifying glider dynamics using de Bruijn diagrams, soliton reactions and quasi-chemical representations