64 research outputs found

    A Stress-Free Sum-Of-Squares Lower Bound for Coloring

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    Lift & Project Systems Performing on the Partial-Vertex-Cover Polytope

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    We study integrality gap (IG) lower bounds on strong LP and SDP relaxations derived by the Sherali-Adams (SA), Lovasz-Schrijver-SDP (LS+), and Sherali-Adams-SDP (SA+) lift-and-project (L&P) systems for the t-Partial-Vertex-Cover (t-PVC) problem, a variation of the classic Vertex-Cover problem in which only t edges need to be covered. t-PVC admits a 2-approximation using various algorithmic techniques, all relying on a natural LP relaxation. Starting from this LP relaxation, our main results assert that for every epsilon > 0, level-Theta(n) LPs or SDPs derived by all known L&P systems that have been used for positive algorithmic results (but the Lasserre hierarchy) have IGs at least (1-epsilon)n/t, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph. Our lower bounds are nearly tight. Our results show that restricted yet powerful models of computation derived by many L&P systems fail to witness c-approximate solutions to t-PVC for any constant c, and for t = O(n). This is one of the very few known examples of an intractable combinatorial optimization problem for which LP-based algorithms induce a constant approximation ratio, still lift-and-project LP and SDP tightenings of the same LP have unbounded IGs. We also show that the SDP that has given the best algorithm known for t-PVC has integrality gap n/t on instances that can be solved by the level-1 LP relaxation derived by the LS system. This constitutes another rare phenomenon where (even in specific instances) a static LP outperforms an SDP that has been used for the best approximation guarantee for the problem at hand. Finally, one of our main contributions is that we make explicit of a new and simple methodology of constructing solutions to LP relaxations that almost trivially satisfy constraints derived by all SDP L&P systems known to be useful for algorithmic positive results (except the La system).Comment: 26 page

    Tight Size-Degree Bounds for Sums-of-Squares Proofs

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    We exhibit families of 44-CNF formulas over nn variables that have sums-of-squares (SOS) proofs of unsatisfiability of degree (a.k.a. rank) dd but require SOS proofs of size nΩ(d)n^{\Omega(d)} for values of d=d(n)d = d(n) from constant all the way up to nδn^{\delta} for some universal constantδ\delta. This shows that the nO(d)n^{O(d)} running time obtained by using the Lasserre semidefinite programming relaxations to find degree-dd SOS proofs is optimal up to constant factors in the exponent. We establish this result by combining NP\mathsf{NP}-reductions expressible as low-degree SOS derivations with the idea of relativizing CNF formulas in [Kraj\'i\v{c}ek '04] and [Dantchev and Riis'03], and then applying a restriction argument as in [Atserias, M\"uller, and Oliva '13] and [Atserias, Lauria, and Nordstr\"om '14]. This yields a generic method of amplifying SOS degree lower bounds to size lower bounds, and also generalizes the approach in [ALN14] to obtain size lower bounds for the proof systems resolution, polynomial calculus, and Sherali-Adams from lower bounds on width, degree, and rank, respectively

    The Combined Basic LP and Affine IP Relaxation for Promise VCSPs on Infinite Domains

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    Convex relaxations have been instrumental in solvability of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), as well as in the three different generalisations of CSPs: valued CSPs, infinite-domain CSPs, and most recently promise CSPs. In this work, we extend an existing tractability result to the three generalisations of CSPs combined: We give a sufficient condition for the combined basic linear programming and affine integer programming relaxation for exact solvability of promise valued CSPs over infinite-domains. This extends a result of Brakensiek and Guruswami [SODA\u2720] for promise (non-valued) CSPs (on finite domains)

    Lower Bounds on Query Complexity for Testing Bounded-Degree CSPs

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    In this paper, we consider lower bounds on the query complexity for testing CSPs in the bounded-degree model. First, for any ``symmetric'' predicate P:0,1k→0,1P:{0,1}^{k} \to {0,1} except \equ where k≥3k\geq 3, we show that every (randomized) algorithm that distinguishes satisfiable instances of CSP(P) from instances (∣P−1(0)∣/2k−ϵ)(|P^{-1}(0)|/2^k-\epsilon)-far from satisfiability requires Ω(n1/2+δ)\Omega(n^{1/2+\delta}) queries where nn is the number of variables and δ>0\delta>0 is a constant that depends on PP and ϵ\epsilon. This breaks a natural lower bound Ω(n1/2)\Omega(n^{1/2}), which is obtained by the birthday paradox. We also show that every one-sided error tester requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries for such PP. These results are hereditary in the sense that the same results hold for any predicate QQ such that P−1(1)⊆Q−1(1)P^{-1}(1) \subseteq Q^{-1}(1). For EQU, we give a one-sided error tester whose query complexity is O~(n1/2)\tilde{O}(n^{1/2}). Also, for 2-XOR (or, equivalently E2LIN2), we show an Ω(n1/2+δ)\Omega(n^{1/2+\delta}) lower bound for distinguishing instances between ϵ\epsilon-close to and (1/2−ϵ)(1/2-\epsilon)-far from satisfiability. Next, for the general k-CSP over the binary domain, we show that every algorithm that distinguishes satisfiable instances from instances (1−2k/2k−ϵ)(1-2k/2^k-\epsilon)-far from satisfiability requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries. The matching NP-hardness is not known, even assuming the Unique Games Conjecture or the dd-to-11 Conjecture. As a corollary, for Maximum Independent Set on graphs with nn vertices and a degree bound dd, we show that every approximation algorithm within a factor d/\poly\log d and an additive error of ϵn\epsilon n requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries. Previously, only super-constant lower bounds were known
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