35 research outputs found

    Efficient Online Convex Optimization with Adaptively Minimax Optimal Dynamic Regret

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    We introduce an online convex optimization algorithm using projected sub-gradient descent with ideal adaptive learning rates, where each computation is efficiently done in a sequential manner. For the first time in the literature, this algorithm provides an adaptively minimax optimal dynamic regret guarantee for a sequence of convex functions without any restrictions -- such as strong convexity, smoothness or even Lipschitz continuity -- against a comparator decision sequence with bounded total successive changes. We show optimality by generating the worst-case dynamic regret adaptive lower bound, which constitutes of actual sub-gradient norms and matches with our guarantees. We discuss the advantages of our algorithm as opposed to adaptive projection with sub-gradient self outer products and also derive the extension for independent learning in each decision coordinate separately. Additionally, we demonstrate how to best preserve our guarantees when the bound on total successive changes in the dynamic comparator sequence grows as time goes, in a truly online manner.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, preprint, [v0] 201

    Gaussian Process Classification Bandits

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    Classification bandits are multi-armed bandit problems whose task is to classify a given set of arms into either positive or negative class depending on whether the rate of the arms with the expected reward of at least h is not less than w for given thresholds h and w. We study a special classification bandit problem in which arms correspond to points x in d-dimensional real space with expected rewards f(x) which are generated according to a Gaussian process prior. We develop a framework algorithm for the problem using various arm selection policies and propose policies called FCB and FTSV. We show a smaller sample complexity upper bound for FCB than that for the existing algorithm of the level set estimation, in which whether f(x) is at least h or not must be decided for every arm's x. Arm selection policies depending on an estimated rate of arms with rewards of at least h are also proposed and shown to improve empirical sample complexity. According to our experimental results, the rate-estimation versions of FCB and FTSV, together with that of the popular active learning policy that selects the point with the maximum variance, outperform other policies for synthetic functions, and the version of FTSV is also the best performer for our real-world dataset

    A super-polynomial quantum-classical separation for density modelling

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    Density modelling is the task of learning an unknown probability density function from samples, and is one of the central problems of unsupervised machine learning. In this work, we show that there exists a density modelling problem for which fault-tolerant quantum computers can offer a super-polynomial advantage over classical learning algorithms, given standard cryptographic assumptions. Along the way, we provide a variety of additional results and insights, of potential interest for proving future distribution learning separations between quantum and classical learning algorithms. Specifically, we (a) provide an overview of the relationships between hardness results in supervised learning and distribution learning, and (b) show that any weak pseudo-random function can be used to construct a classically hard density modelling problem. The latter result opens up the possibility of proving quantum-classical separations for density modelling based on weaker assumptions than those necessary for pseudo-random functions.Comment: 15 pages, one figur

    On the adequacy of untuned warmup for adaptive optimization

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    Adaptive optimization algorithms such as Adam are widely used in deep learning. The stability of such algorithms is often improved with a warmup schedule for the learning rate. Motivated by the difficulty of choosing and tuning warmup schedules, recent work proposes automatic variance rectification of Adam's adaptive learning rate, claiming that this rectified approach ("RAdam") surpasses the vanilla Adam algorithm and reduces the need for expensive tuning of Adam with warmup. In this work, we refute this analysis and provide an alternative explanation for the necessity of warmup based on the magnitude of the update term, which is of greater relevance to training stability. We then provide some "rule-of-thumb" warmup schedules, and we demonstrate that simple untuned warmup of Adam performs more-or-less identically to RAdam in typical practical settings. We conclude by suggesting that practitioners stick to linear warmup with Adam, with a sensible default being linear warmup over 2/(1−β2)2 / (1 - \beta_2) training iterations.Comment: AAAI 202