1,949 research outputs found

    Overview of CLEF NEWSREEL 2014: News Recommendations Evaluation Labs

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    This paper summarises objectives, organisation, and results of the first news recommendation evaluation lab (NEWSREEL 2014). NEWSREEL targeted the evaluation of news recommendation algorithms in the form of a campaignstyle evaluation lab. Participants had the chance to apply two types of evaluation schemes. On the one hand, participants could apply their algorithms onto a data set. We refer to this setting as off-line evaluation. On the other hand, participants could deploy their algorithms on a server to interactively receive recommendation requests. We refer to this setting as on-line evaluation. This setting ought to reveal the actual performance of recommendation methods. The competition strived to illustrate differences between evaluation with historical data and actual users. The on-line evaluation does reflect all requirements which active recommender systems face in practise. These requirements include real-time responses and large-scale data volumes. We present the competition’s results and discuss commonalities regarding participants’ approaches

    Building a semantically annotated corpus of clinical texts

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    In this paper, we describe the construction of a semantically annotated corpus of clinical texts for use in the development and evaluation of systems for automatically extracting clinically significant information from the textual component of patient records. The paper details the sampling of textual material from a collection of 20,000 cancer patient records, the development of a semantic annotation scheme, the annotation methodology, the distribution of annotations in the final corpus, and the use of the corpus for development of an adaptive information extraction system. The resulting corpus is the most richly semantically annotated resource for clinical text processing built to date, whose value has been demonstrated through its use in developing an effective information extraction system. The detailed presentation of our corpus construction and annotation methodology will be of value to others seeking to build high-quality semantically annotated corpora in biomedical domains

    Benchmarking news recommendations: the CLEF NewsREEL use case

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    The CLEF NewsREEL challenge is a campaign-style evaluation lab allowing participants to evaluate and optimize news recommender algorithms. The goal is to create an algorithm that is able to generate news items that users would click, respecting a strict time constraint. The lab challenges participants to compete in either a "living lab" (Task 1) or perform an evaluation that replays recorded streams (Task 2). In this report, we discuss the objectives and challenges of the NewsREEL lab, summarize last year's campaign and outline the main research challenges that can be addressed by participating in NewsREEL 2016

    A new metric for patent retrieval evaluation

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    Patent retrieval is generally considered to be a recall-oriented information retrieval task that is growing in importance. Despite this fact, precision based scores such as mean average precision (MAP) remain the primary evaluation measures for patent retrieval. Our study examines different evaluation measures for the recall-oriented patent retrieval task and shows the limitations of the current scores in comparing different IR systems for this task. We introduce PRES, a novel evaluation metric for this type of application taking account of recall and user search effort. The behaviour of PRES is demonstrated on 48 runs from the CLEF-IP 2009 patent retrieval track. A full analysis of the performance of PRES shows its suitability for measuring the retrieval effectiveness of systems from a recall focused perspective taking into account the expected search effort of patent searchers

    United we fall, divided we stand: A study of query segmentation and PRF for patent prior art search

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    Previous research in patent search has shown that reducing queries by extracting a few key terms is ineffective primarily because of the vocabulary mismatch between patent applications used as queries and existing patent documents. This ïŹnding has led to the use of full patent applications as queries in patent prior art search. In addition, standard information retrieval (IR) techniques such as query expansion (QE) do not work effectively with patent queries, principally because of the presence of noise terms in the massive queries. In this study, we take a new approach to QE for patent search. Text segmentation is used to decompose a patent query into selfcoherent sub-topic blocks. Each of these much shorted sub-topic blocks which is representative of a speciïŹc aspect or facet of the invention, is then used as a query to retrieve documents. Documents retrieved using the different resulting sub-queries or query streams are interleaved to construct a ïŹnal ranked list. This technique can exploit the potential beneïŹt of QE since the segmented queries are generally more focused and less ambiguous than the full patent query. Experiments on the CLEF-2010 IP prior-art search task show that the proposed method outperforms the retrieval effectiveness achieved when using a single full patent application text as the query, and also demonstrates the potential beneïŹts of QE to alleviate the vocabulary mismatch problem in patent search

    PRES: A score metric for evaluating recall-oriented information retrieval applications

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    Information retrieval (IR) evaluation scores are generally designed to measure the effectiveness with which relevant documents are identified and retrieved. Many scores have been proposed for this purpose over the years. These have primarily focused on aspects of precision and recall, and while these are often discussed with equal importance, in practice most attention has been given to precision focused metrics. Even for recalloriented IR tasks of growing importance, such as patent retrieval, these precision based scores remain the primary evaluation measures. Our study examines different evaluation measures for a recall-oriented patent retrieval task and demonstrates the limitations of the current scores in comparing different IR systems for this task. We introduce PRES, a novel evaluation metric for this type of application taking account of recall and the user’s search effort. The behaviour of PRES is demonstrated on 48 runs from the CLEF-IP 2009 patent retrieval track. A full analysis of the performance of PRES shows its suitability for measuring the retrieval effectiveness of systems from a recall focused perspective taking into account the user’s expected search effort

    Applying the KISS principle for the CLEF-IP 2010 prior art candidate patent search task

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    We present our experiments and results for the DCU CNGL participation in the CLEF-IP 2010 Candidate Patent Search Task. Our work applied standard information retrieval (IR) techniques to patent search. In addition, a very simple citation extraction method was applied to improve the results. This was our second consecutive participation in the CLEF-IP tasks. Our experiments in 2009 showed that many sophisticated approach to IR do not improve the retrieval effectiveness for this task. For this reason of we decided to apply only simple methods in 2010. These were demonstrated to be highly competitive with other participants. DCU submitted three runs for the Prior Art Candidate Search Task, two of these runs achieved the second and third ranks among the 25 runs submitted by nine different participants. Our best run achieved MAP of 0.203, recall of 0.618, and PRES of 0.523

    Simple vs. sophisticated approaches for patent prior-art search

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    Patent prior-art search is concerned with finding all filed patents relevant to a given patent application. We report a comparison between two search approaches representing the state-of-the-art in patent prior-art search. The first approach uses simple and straightforward information retrieval (IR) techniques, while the second uses much more sophisticated techniques which try to model the steps taken by a patent examiner in patent search. Experiments show that the retrieval effectiveness using both techniques is statistically indistinguishable when patent applications contain some initial citations. However, the advanced search technique is statistically better when no initial citations are provided. Our findings suggest that less time and effort can be exerted by applying simple IR approaches when initial citations are provided
