9 research outputs found

    Learning Social Image Embedding with Deep Multimodal Attention Networks

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    Learning social media data embedding by deep models has attracted extensive research interest as well as boomed a lot of applications, such as link prediction, classification, and cross-modal search. However, for social images which contain both link information and multimodal contents (e.g., text description, and visual content), simply employing the embedding learnt from network structure or data content results in sub-optimal social image representation. In this paper, we propose a novel social image embedding approach called Deep Multimodal Attention Networks (DMAN), which employs a deep model to jointly embed multimodal contents and link information. Specifically, to effectively capture the correlations between multimodal contents, we propose a multimodal attention network to encode the fine-granularity relation between image regions and textual words. To leverage the network structure for embedding learning, a novel Siamese-Triplet neural network is proposed to model the links among images. With the joint deep model, the learnt embedding can capture both the multimodal contents and the nonlinear network information. Extensive experiments are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of our approach in the applications of multi-label classification and cross-modal search. Compared to state-of-the-art image embeddings, our proposed DMAN achieves significant improvement in the tasks of multi-label classification and cross-modal search

    Internet cross-media retrieval based on deep learning

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    With the development of Internet, multimedia information such as image and video is widely used. Therefore, how to find the required multimedia data quickly and accurately in a large number of resources , has become a research focus in the field of information process. In this paper, we propose a real time internet cross-media retrieval method based on deep learning. As an innovation, we have made full improvement in feature extracting and distance detection. After getting a large amount of image feature vectors, we sort the elements in the vector according to their contribution and then eliminate unnecessary features. Experiments show that our method can achieve high precision in image-text cross media retrieval, using less retrieval time. This method has a great application space in the field of cross media retrieval

    Heritage image annotation via collective knowledge

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd The automatic image annotation can provide semantic illustrations to understand image contents, and builds a foundation to develop algorithms that can search images within a large database. However, most current methods focus on solving the annotation problem by modeling the image visual content and tag semantic information, which overlooks the additional information, such as scene descriptions and locations. Moreover, the majority of current annotation datasets are visually consistent and only annotated by common visual objects and attributes, which makes the classic methods vulnerable to handle the more diverse image annotation. To address above issues, we propose to annotate images via collective knowledge, that is, we uncover relationships between the image and its neighbors by measuring similarities among metadata and conduct the metric learning to obtain the representations of image contents, we also generate semantic representations for images given collective semantic information from their neighbors. Two representations from different paradigms are embedded together to train an annotation model. We ground our model on the heritage image collection we collected from the library online open data. Annotations on the heritage image collection are not limited to common visual objects, and are highly relevant to historical events, and the diversity of the heritage image content is much larger than the current datasets, which makes it more suitable for this task. Comprehensive experimental results on the benchmark dataset indicate that the proposed model achieves the best performance compared to baselines and state-of-the-art methods

    Hyperbolic Hierarchical Contrastive Hashing

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    Hierarchical semantic structures, naturally existing in real-world datasets, can assist in capturing the latent distribution of data to learn robust hash codes for retrieval systems. Although hierarchical semantic structures can be simply expressed by integrating semantically relevant data into a high-level taxon with coarser-grained semantics, the construction, embedding, and exploitation of the structures remain tricky for unsupervised hash learning. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel unsupervised hashing method named Hyperbolic Hierarchical Contrastive Hashing (HHCH). We propose to embed continuous hash codes into hyperbolic space for accurate semantic expression since embedding hierarchies in hyperbolic space generates less distortion than in hyper-sphere space and Euclidean space. In addition, we extend the K-Means algorithm to hyperbolic space and perform the proposed hierarchical hyperbolic K-Means algorithm to construct hierarchical semantic structures adaptively. To exploit the hierarchical semantic structures in hyperbolic space, we designed the hierarchical contrastive learning algorithm, including hierarchical instance-wise and hierarchical prototype-wise contrastive learning. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised hashing methods. Codes will be released.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Robust Multimodal Representation Learning with Evolutionary Adversarial Attention Networks

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    Multimodal representation learning is beneficial for many multimedia-oriented applications such as social image recognition and visual question answering. The different modalities of the same instance (e.g., a social image and its corresponding description) are usually correlational and complementary. Most existing approaches for multimodal representation learning are not effective to model the deep correlation between different modalities. Moreover, it is difficult for these approaches to deal with the noise within social images. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based approach named Evolutionary Adversarial Attention Networks (EAAN), which combines the attention mechanism with adversarial networks through evolutionary training, for robust multimodal representation learning. Specifically, a two-branch visual-textual attention model is proposed to correlate visual and textual content for joint representation. Then adversarial networks are employed to impose regularization upon the representation by matching its posterior distribution to the given priors. Finally, the attention model and adversarial networks are integrated into an evolutionary training framework for robust multimodal representation learning. Extensive experiments have been conducted on four real-world datasets, including PASCAL, MIR, CLEF, and NUS-WIDE. Substantial performance improvements on the tasks of image classification and tag recommendation demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach

    Deep Hashing for Image Similarity Search

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    Hashing for similarity search is one of the most widely used methods to solve the approximate nearest neighbor search problem. In this method, one first maps data items from a real valued high-dimensional space to a suitable low dimensional binary code space and then performs the approximate nearest neighbor search in this code space instead. This is beneficial because the search in the code space can be solved more efficiently in terms of runtime complexity and storage consumption. Obviously, for this method to succeed, it is necessary that similar data items be mapped to binary code words that have small Hamming distance. For real-world data such as images, one usually proceeds as follows. For each data item, a pre-processing algorithm removes noise and insignificant information and extracts important discriminating information to generate a feature vector that captures the important semantic content. Next, a vector hash function maps this real valued feature vector to a binary code word. It is also possible to use the raw feature vectors afterwards to further process the search result candidates produced by binary hash codes. In this dissertation we focus on the following. First, developing a learning based counterpart for the MinHash hashing algorithm. Second, presenting a new unsupervised hashing method UmapHash to map the neighborhood relations of data items from the feature vector space to the binary hash code space. Finally, an application of the aforementioned hashing methods for rapid face image recognition

    Multimodal Learning and Its Application to Mobile Active Authentication

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    Mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and convenience in managing personal information such as bank accounts, profiles and passwords. With the increasing use of mobile devices comes the issue of security as the loss of a smartphone would compromise the personal information of the user. Traditional methods for authenticating users on mobile devices are based on passwords or fingerprints. As long as mobile devices remain active, they do not incorporate any mechanisms for verifying if the user originally authenticated is still the user in control of the mobile device. Thus, unauthorized individuals may improperly obtain access to personal information of the user if a password is compromised or if a user does not exercise adequate vigilance after initial authentication on a device. To deal with this problem, active authentication systems have been proposed in which users are continuously monitored after the initial access to the mobile device. Active authentication systems can capture users' data (facial image data, screen touch data, motion data, etc) through sensors (camera, touch screen, accelerometer, etc), extract features from different sensors' data, build classification models and authenticate users via comparing additional sensor data against the models. Mobile active authentication can be viewed as one application of the more general problem, namely, multimodal classification. The idea of multimodal classification is to utilize multiple sources (modalities) measuring the same instance to improve the overall performance compared to using a single source (modality). Multimodal classification also arises in many computer vision tasks such as image classification, RGBD object classification and scene recognition. In this dissertation, we not only present methods and algorithms related to active authentication problems, but also propose multimodal recognition algorithms based on low-rank and joint sparse representations as well as multimodal metric learning algorithm to improve multimodal classification performance. The multimodal learning algorithms proposed in this dissertation make no assumption about the feature type or applications, thus they can be applied to various recognition tasks such as mobile active authentication, image classification and RGBD recognition. First, we study the mobile active authentication problem by exploiting a dataset consisting of 50 users' face captured by the phone's frontal camera and screen touch data sensed by the screen for evaluating active authentication algorithms developed under this research. The dataset is named as UMD Active Authentication (UMDAA) dataset. Details on data preprocessing and feature extraction for touch data and face data are described respectively. Second, we present an approach for active user authentication using screen touch gestures by building linear and kernelized dictionaries based on sparse representations and associated classifiers. Experiments using the screen touch data components of UMDAA dataset as well as two other publicly available screen touch datasets show that the dictionary-based classification method compares favorably to those discussed in the literature. Experiments done using screen touch data collected in three different sessions show a drop in performance when the training and test data come from different sessions. This suggests a need for applying domain adaptation methods to further improve the performance of the classifiers. Third, we propose a domain adaptive sparse representation-based classification method that learns projections of data in a space where the sparsity of data is maintained. We provide an efficient iterative procedure for solving the proposed optimization problem. One of the key features of the proposed method is that it is computationally efficient as learning is done in the lower-dimensional space. Various experiments on UMDAA dataset show that our method is able to capture the meaningful structure of data and can perform significantly better than many competitive domain adaptation algorithms. Fourth, we propose low-rank and joint sparse representations-based multimodal recognition. Our formulations can be viewed as generalized versions of multivariate low-rank and sparse regression, where sparse and low-rank representations across all the modalities are imposed. One of our methods takes into account coupling information within different modalities simultaneously by enforcing the common low-rank and joint sparse representation among each modality's observations. We also modify our formulations by including an occlusion term that is assumed to be sparse. The alternating direction method of multipliers is proposed to efficiently solve the proposed optimization problems. Extensive experiments on UMDAA dataset, WVU multimodal biometrics dataset and Pascal-Sentence image classification dataset show that that our methods provide better recognition performance than other feature-level fusion methods. Finally, we propose a hierarchical multimodal metric learning algorithm for multimodal data in order to improve multimodal classification performance. We design metric for each modality as a product of two matrices: one matrix is modality specific, the other is enforced to be shared by all the modalities. The modality specific projection matrices capture the varying characteristics exhibited by multiple modalities and the common projection matrix establishes the relationship of the distance metrics corresponding to multiple modalities. The learned metrics significantly improves classification accuracy and experimental results of tagged image classification problem as well as various RGBD recognition problems show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing learning algorithms based on multiple metrics as well as other state-of-the-art approaches tested on these datasets. Furthermore, we make the proposed multimodal metric learning algorithm non-linear by using kernel methods