2,444,167 research outputs found

    Is Hyperconjugation Responsible For The Gauche Effect In 1-Fluoropropane And Other 2-Substituted-1-Fluoroethanes?

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    The energies and geometries of a series of 2-substituted-1-fluoroethanes were computed at the MP2/6-311++G**(6D)//MP2/6-31+G* level of theory for both the maxima and minima of the rotation about the C-C bond. The results did not support the predictions of a hyperconjugative model, that both 1,2-difluoroethane and 1-chloro-2-fluoroethane would strongly prefer a gauche conformation, and that 1-fluoro-2-silylethane would strongly prefer an anti conformation. The existence of competing electrostatic interactions between the fluorine and the substituents at C-2 was indicated by the detailed geometries of the gauche conformers and by the calculated sensitivity of the gauche-anti energy differences to the presence of a polar solvent. However, Fourier analyses of the torsional potential energies were wholly consistent with hyperconjugative electron donation into the C-F sigma* orbital contributing to the conformational preferences of these 1-fluoroethanes. Fourier analyses also showed that hyperconjugation contributes to the small variations in C-C and C-F bond lengths and in fluorine atomic charges that were computed. The torsional potential energies, variations in geometry and atomic charge, and sensitivity to solvent were all in accord with the expected ranking of hyperconjugative electron donating ability of bonds to carbon, C-Si \u3e C-H \u3e C-C \u3e C-Cl \u3e C-F

    Theoretical And Experimental Studies Of Collision-Induced Electronic Energy Transfer From v=0-3 Of The E(0g+) Ion-Pair State Of Br2: Collisions With He And Ar

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    Collisions of Br(2), prepared in the E(0(g)(+)) ion-pair (IP) electronic state, with He or Ar result in electronic energy transfer to the D, D(\u27), and beta IP states. These events have been examined in experimental and theoretical investigations. Experimentally, analysis of the wavelength resolved emission spectra reveals the distribution of population in the vibrational levels of the final electronic states and the relative efficiencies of He and Ar collisions in promoting a specific electronic energy transfer channel. Theoretically, semiempirical rare gas-Br(2) potential energy surfaces and diabatic couplings are used in quantum scattering calculations of the state-to-state rate constants for electronic energy transfer and distributions of population in the final electronic state vibrational levels. Agreement between theory and experiment is excellent. Comparison of the results with those obtained for similar processes in the IP excited I(2) molecule points to the general importance of Franck-Condon effects in determining vibrational populations, although this effect is more important for He collisions than for Ar collisions

    Rovibrational Resonance Effects In Collision-Induced Electronic Energy Transfer: I2(E,v=0-2)+CF4

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    Collisions of I-2 in the E(0(g)(+)) electronic state with CF4 molecules induce electronic energy transfer to the nearby D, beta, and D-\u27 ion-pair states. Simulations of dispersed fluorescence spectra reveal collision-induced electronic energy transfer rate constants and final vibrational state distributions within each final electronic state. In comparison with earlier reports on I-2(upsilon(E)=0-2) collisions with He or Ar atoms, we find markedly different dynamics when I-2, excited to the same rovibronic states, collides with CF4. Final vibrational state distributions agree with the associated Franck-Condon factors with the initially prepared state to a greater degree than those found with He or Ar collision partners and suggest that internal degrees of freedom in the CF4 molecule represent a substantial means for accepting the accompanying loss of I-2 vibronic energy. Comparison of the E -\u3e D transfer of I-2 excited to the J=23 and J=55 levels of the upsilon(E)=0 state reveals the onset of specific, nonstatistical dynamics as the available energy is increased above the threshold for excitation of the low frequency nu(2) bending mode of CF4. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Mechanism For Copper(II)-Mediated Disaggregation Of A Porphyrin J-Aggregate

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    J-aggregates of anionic meso-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin form at intermediate pH (2.3–3.1) in the presence of NiSO₄ or ZnSO₄ (ionic strength, I.S. = 3.2 M). These aggregates convert to monomeric porphyrin units via metallation with copper(II) ions. The kinetics for the disassembly process, as monitored by UV/vis spectroscopy, exhibits zeroth-order behavior. The observed zeroth-order rate constants show a two-term dependence on copper(II) ion concentrations: linear and second order. Also observed is an inverse dependence on hydrogen ion concentration. Activation parameters have been determined for the disassembly process leading to ΔH^≠ = (+163 ± 15) kJ·mol⁻¹ and ΔS^≠ = (+136 ± 11) J·K⁻¹. A mechanism is proposed in which copper(II) cation is in pre-equilibrium with a reactive site at the rim of the J-aggregate. An intermediate copper species is thus formed that eventually leads to the final metallated porphyrin either through an assisted attack of a second metal ion or through a direct insertion of the metal cation into the macrocycle core

    N-Methylmesoporphyrin IX Fluorescence As A Reporter Of Strand Orientation In Guanine Quadruplexes

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    Guanine quadruplexes (GQ) are four-stranded DNA structures formed by guanine-rich DNA sequences. The formation of GQs inhibits cancer cell growth, although the detection of GQs invivo has proven difficult, in part because of their structural diversity. The development of GQ-selective fluorescent reporters would enhance our ability to quantify the number and location of GQs, ultimately advancing biological studies of quadruplex relevance and function. N-methylmesoporphyrin IX (NMM) interacts selectively with parallel-stranded GQs; in addition, its fluorescence is sensitive to the presence of DNA, making this ligand a possible candidate for a quadruplex probe. In the present study, we investigated the effect of DNA secondary structure on NMM fluorescence. We found that NMM fluorescence increases by about 60-fold in the presence of parallel-stranded GQs and by about 40-fold in the presence of hybrid GQs. Antiparallel GQs lead to lower than 10-fold increases in NMM fluorescence. Single-stranded DNA, duplex, or i-motif, induce no change in NMM fluorescence. We conclude that NMM shows promise as a turn-on\u27 fluorescent probe for detecting quadruplex structures, as well as for differentiating them on the basis of strand orientation

    Quadruplexes In ‘Dicty’: Crystal Structure Of A Four-Quartet G-Quadruplex Formed By G-Rich Motif Found In The Dictyostelium Discoideum Genome

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    Guanine-rich DNA has the potential to fold into non-canonical G-quadruplex (G4) structures. Analysis of the genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum indicates a low number of sequences with G4-forming potential (249–1055). Therefore, D. discoideum is a perfect model organism to investigate the relationship between the presence of G4s and their biological functions. As a first step in this investigation, we crystallized the dGGGGGAGGGGTACAGGGGTACAGGGG sequence from the putative promoter region of two divergent genes in D. discoideum. According to the crystal structure, this sequence folds into a four-quartet intramolecular antiparallel G4 with two lateral and one diagonal loops. The G-quadruplex core is further stabilized by a G-C Watson–Crick base pair and a A–T–A triad and displays high thermal stability (Tm \u3e 90°C at 100 mM KCl). Biophysical characterization of the native sequence and loop mutants suggests that the DNA adopts the same structure in solution and in crystalline form, and that loop interactions are important for the G4 stability but not for its folding. Four-tetrad G4 structures are sparse. Thus, our work advances understanding of the structural diversity of G-quadruplexes and yields coordinates for in silico drug screening programs and G4 predictive tools

    Collision-Induced Electronic Energy Transfer From v=0 Of The E(0+g) Ion-Pair State In I2: Collisions With He And Ar

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    The electronic energy transfer pathways that occur following collisions between I-2 in the E ion-pair electronic state (v = 0, J = 55) and He and Ar atoms have been determined. The nearby D, D\u27, and beta ion-pair states are populated, but with relative branching ratios that vary with the rare gas collision partner. In He/I-2 collisions, the D state is preferentially populated, while Ar/I-2 collisions preferentially populate the beta electronic state. Bimolecular rate constants and effective hard sphere collision cross sections have been determined for each channel; the cross sections range from 7.0 +/- 1.0 Angstrom(2) for populating the beta state with Ar collisions to 0.9 +/- 0.2 Angstrom(2) for populating the D\u27 state with He collisions. For both rare gas collision partners, and all three final electronic states, low vibrational levels are populated, in rough accord with the relevant Franck-Condon factors. There is little propensity observed for population of vibrational levels that are in near resonance with the initially prepared level in the E state. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics

    Interactions Between Spermine-Derivatized Tentacle Porphyrins And The Human Telomeric DNA G-Quadruplex

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    G-rich DNA sequences have the potential to fold into non-canonical G-Quadruplex (GQ) structures implicated in aging and human diseases, notably cancers. Because stabilization of GQs at telomeres and oncogene promoters may prevent cancer, there is an interest in developing small molecules that selectively target GQs. Herein, we investigate the interactions of meso-tetrakis-(4-carboxysperminephenyl)porphyrin (TCPPSpm4) and its Zn(II) derivative (ZnTCPPSpm4) with human telomeric DNA (Tel22) via UV-Vis, circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence spectroscopies, resonance light scattering (RLS), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays. UV-Vis titrations reveal binding constants of 4.7 × 10⁶ and 1.4 × 10⁷ M⁻¹ and binding stoichiometry of 2–4:1 and 10–12:1 for TCPPSpm4 and ZnTCPPSpm4, respectively. High stoichiometry is supported by the Job plot data, CD titrations, and RLS data. FRET melting indicates that TCPPSpm4 stabilizes Tel22 by 36 ± 2 °C at 7.5 eq., and that ZnTCPPSpm4 stabilizes Tel22 by 33 ± 2 °C at ~20 eq.; at least 8 eq. of ZnTCPPSpm4 are required to achieve significant stabilization of Tel22, in agreement with its high binding stoichiometry. FRET competition studies show that both porphyrins are mildly selective for human telomeric GQ vs duplex DNA. Spectroscopic studies, combined, point to end-stacking and porphyrin self-association as major binding modes. This work advances our understanding of ligand interactions with GQ DNA

    Collision-Induced Non-Adiabatic Transitions Between The Ion-Pair States Of Molecular Iodine: A Challenge For Experiment And Theory

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    The ion-pair states of molecular iodine provide a unique system for studying the efficiency, selectivity, and mechanisms of collision-induced non-adiabatic transitions. Non-adiabatic transitions between the first-tier ion-pair states in collisions with molecular partners and rare gases are analyzed and discussed. The qualitative features of the rate constants and product state distributions under single collision conditions are summarized and interpreted in terms of appropriate theoretical approaches. Two mechanisms for the non-adiabatic transitions are clearly identified. The first, operative for collisions involving molecular partners possessing permanent or transition electrostatic moments, is highly selective. It connects the initially prepared level in the E 0(g)(+) electronic state with the near-resonant vibronic level of the D 0(u)(+) state with a minimum change of the total angular momentum. In an extreme quasi-resonant case when the gap between initial and final rovibronic level is less than 1 cm(-1), this mechanism has a giant cross section, 40 times that of a gas kinetic collision. An electrostatic model, which includes the coupling of the giant E-D transition dipole moment with a moment of the colliding partner and the semiclassical Born approximation, provides a plausible interpretation of this mechanism. A second mechanism is shown to govern collisions with rare gas atoms. It results in population of several ion-pair states and broad distributions over rovibronic levels. This mechanism is successfully interpreted by quantum scattering calculations based on the diatomics-in-molecule diabatic potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elements. The calculations provide good agreement with experimental measurements and reveal different mechanisms for the population of different electronic states. Unexplained features of the non-adiabatic dynamics and directions of future work are outlined

    Structural Insights From HIV-Antibody Co-Evolution And Related Immunization Studies

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a rapidly evolving pathogen and causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. There are ~30-35 million people infected with HIV around the world, and ~25 million have died since the first reported cases in 1981. Additionally, each year 2-3 million people become newly infected and more than one million die of AIDS. An HIV-1 vaccine would help halt an AIDS pandemic, and efforts to develop a vaccine have focused on targeting the HIV-1 envelope, Env, found on the surface of the virus. A number of chronically infected individuals have been shown to produce antibodies, called broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs), that target many strains of HIV-1 by binding to Env, thus suggesting promise for HIV-1 vaccine development. BnAbs to take years to develop and have a number of traits that inhibit their production; thus, a number of researchers are trying to understand the pathways that result in bnAb production so that they can be elicited more rapidly by vaccination. This review discusses results and implications from two HIV-1 infected individuals studied longitudinally who produced bnAbs against two different sites on HIV-1 Env, and immunization studies that use Envs deriving from those individuals