5 research outputs found

    On Equivalence of Known Families of APN Functions in Small Dimensions

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    In this extended abstract, we computationally check and list the CCZ-inequivalent APN functions from infinite families on F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n for n from 6 to 11. These functions are selected with simplest coefficients from CCZ-inequivalent classes. This work can simplify checking CCZ-equivalence between any APN function and infinite APN families.Comment: This paper is already in "PROCEEDING OF THE 20TH CONFERENCE OF FRUCT ASSOCIATION

    CCZ-equivalence of bent vectorial functions and related constructions

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    We observe that the CCZ-equivalence of bent vectorial functions over F2nFn2 (n even) reduces to their EA-equivalence. Then we show that in spite of this fact, CCZ-equivalence can be used for constructing bent functions which are new up to EA-equivalence and therefore to CCZ-equivalence: applying CCZ-equivalence to a non-bent vectorial function F which has some bent components, we get a function F′ which also has some bent components and whose bent components are CCZ-inequivalent to the components of the original function F. Using this approach we construct classes of nonquadratic bent Boolean and bent vectorial functions

    On CCZ-Equivalence, Extended-Affine Equivalence, and Function Twisting

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    International audienceTwo vectorial Boolean functions are "CCZ-equivalent" if there exists an affine permutation mapping the graph of one to the other. It preserves many of the cryptographic properties of a function such as its differential and Walsh spectra, which is why it could be used by Dillon et al. to find the first APN permutation on an even number of variables. However, the meaning of this form of equivalence remains unclear. In fact, to the best of our knowledge, it is not known how to partition a CCZ-equivalence class into its Extended-Affine (EA) equivalence classes; EA-equivalence being a simple particular case of CCZ-equivalence. In this paper, we characterize CCZ-equivalence as a property of the zeroes in the Walsh spectrum of a function F:F2n→F2mF:\mathbb{F}_2^n \to \mathbb{F}_2^m or, equivalently, of the zeroes in its Difference Distribution Table. We use this framework to show how to efficiently upper bound the number of distinct EA-equivalence classes in a given CCZ-equivalence class. More importantly, we prove that it is possible to go from a specific member of any EA-equivalence class to a specific member of another EA-equivalence class in the same CCZ-equivalence class using an operation called twisting; so that CCZ-equivalence can be reduced to the association of EA-equivalence and twisting. Twisting a function is a simple process and its possibility is equivalent to the existence of a particular decomposition of the function considered. Using this knowledge, we revisit several results from the literature on CCZ-equivalence and show how they can be interpreted in light of our new framework. Our results rely on a new concept, the "thickness" of a space (or linear permutation), which can be of independent interest