137,671 research outputs found

    PLE-SLAM: A Visual-Inertial SLAM Based on Point-Line Features and Efficient IMU Initialization

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    Visual-inertial SLAM is crucial in various fields, such as aerial vehicles, industrial robots, and autonomous driving. The fusion of camera and inertial measurement unit (IMU) makes up for the shortcomings of a signal sensor, which significantly improves the accuracy and robustness of localization in challenging environments. This article presents PLE-SLAM, an accurate and real-time visual-inertial SLAM algorithm based on point-line features and efficient IMU initialization. First, we use parallel computing methods to extract features and compute descriptors to ensure real-time performance. Adjacent short line segments are merged into long line segments, and isolated short line segments are directly deleted. Second, a rotation-translation-decoupled initialization method is extended to use both points and lines. Gyroscope bias is optimized by tightly coupling IMU measurements and image observations. Accelerometer bias and gravity direction are solved by an analytical method for efficiency. To improve the system's intelligence in handling complex environments, a scheme of leveraging semantic information and geometric constraints to eliminate dynamic features and A solution for loop detection and closed-loop frame pose estimation using CNN and GNN are integrated into the system. All networks are accelerated to ensure real-time performance. The experiment results on public datasets illustrate that PLE-SLAM is one of the state-of-the-art visual-inertial SLAM systems

    A Bayesian Hyperprior Approach for Joint Image Denoising and Interpolation, with an Application to HDR Imaging

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    Recently, impressive denoising results have been achieved by Bayesian approaches which assume Gaussian models for the image patches. This improvement in performance can be attributed to the use of per-patch models. Unfortunately such an approach is particularly unstable for most inverse problems beyond denoising. In this work, we propose the use of a hyperprior to model image patches, in order to stabilize the estimation procedure. There are two main advantages to the proposed restoration scheme: Firstly it is adapted to diagonal degradation matrices, and in particular to missing data problems (e.g. inpainting of missing pixels or zooming). Secondly it can deal with signal dependent noise models, particularly suited to digital cameras. As such, the scheme is especially adapted to computational photography. In order to illustrate this point, we provide an application to high dynamic range imaging from a single image taken with a modified sensor, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.Comment: Some figures are reduced to comply with arxiv's size constraints. Full size images are available as HAL technical report hal-01107519v5, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 201

    Temporally resolved second-order photon correlations of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensate formation

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    Second-order time correlation measurements with a temporal resolution better than 3 ps were performed on a CdTe microcavity where spontaneous Bose-Einstein condensation is observed. After the laser pulse, the nonresonantly excited thermal polariton population relaxes into a coherent polariton condensate. Photon statistics of the light emitted by the microcavity evidences a clear phase transition from the thermal state to a coherent state, which occurs within 3.2 ps after the onset of stimulated scattering. Following this very fast transition, we show that the emission possesses a very high coherence that persists for more than 100 ps after the build-up of the condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Robust 3D People Tracking and Positioning System in a Semi-Overlapped Multi-Camera Environment

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    People positioning and tracking in 3D indoor environments are challenging tasks due to background clutter and occlusions. Current works are focused on solving people occlusions in low-cluttered backgrounds, but fail in high-cluttered scenarios, specially when foreground objects occlude people. In this paper, a novel 3D people positioning and tracking system is presented, which shows itself robust to both possible occlusion sources: static scene objects and other people. The system holds on a set of multiple cameras with partially overlapped fields of view. Moving regions are segmented independently in each camera stream by means of a new background modeling strategy based on Gabor filters. People detection is carried out on these segmentations through a template-based correlation strategy. Detected people are tracked independently in each camera view by means of a graph-based matching strategy, which estimates the best correspondences between consecutive people segmentations. Finally, 3D tracking and positioning of people is achieved by geometrical consistency analysis over the tracked 2D candidates, using head position (instead of object centroids) to increase robustness to foreground occlusions

    The Clustering of K\sim 20 Galaxies on 17 Radio Galaxy Fields

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    We investigate the angular correlation function, ω(Ξ)\omega(\theta), of the galaxi es detected in the K-band on 17 fields (101.5 square arcmin in total), each containing a z∌1.1z\sim 1.1 radio galaxy. There is a significant detection of galaxy clustering at K∌20K\sim 20 limits, with an amplitude higher than expected from simple models which fit the faint galaxy clustering in the blue and red passbands, but consistent with a pure luminosity evolution model i f clustering is stable and early-type galaxies have a steeper correlation function than spirals. We do not detect a significant cross-correlation between the radio galaxies and the other galaxies on these fields, obtaining upper limits consistent with a mean clustering environment of Abell class 0 for z∌1.1z\sim 1.1 radio galaxies, similar to that observed for radio galaxies at z∌0.5z\sim 0.5. At K≀20K\leq 20, the number of galaxy-galaxy pairs of 2--3 arcsec separations exceeds the random expectation by a factor of 2.15±0.262.15\pm 0.26. This excess suggests at least a tripling of the local merger rate at z∌1z\sim 1.Comment: 13 pages, 3 tables, 7 postscript figures, TEX, submitted to MNRA

    A Customizable Camera-based Human Computer Interaction System Allowing People With Disabilities Autonomous Hands Free Navigation of Multiple Computing Task

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    Many people suffer from conditions that lead to deterioration of motor control and makes access to the computer using traditional input devices difficult. In particular, they may loose control of hand movement to the extent that the standard mouse cannot be used as a pointing device. Most current alternatives use markers or specialized hardware to track and translate a user's movement to pointer movement. These approaches may be perceived as intrusive, for example, wearable devices. Camera-based assistive systems that use visual tracking of features on the user's body often require cumbersome manual adjustment. This paper introduces an enhanced computer vision based strategy where features, for example on a user's face, viewed through an inexpensive USB camera, are tracked and translated to pointer movement. The main contributions of this paper are (1) enhancing a video based interface with a mechanism for mapping feature movement to pointer movement, which allows users to navigate to all areas of the screen even with very limited physical movement, and (2) providing a customizable, hierarchical navigation framework for human computer interaction (HCI). This framework provides effective use of the vision-based interface system for accessing multiple applications in an autonomous setting. Experiments with several users show the effectiveness of the mapping strategy and its usage within the application framework as a practical tool for desktop users with disabilities.National Science Foundation (IIS-0093367, IIS-0329009, 0202067

    Multi-camera analysis of soccer sequences

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    The automatic detection of meaningful phases in a soccer game depends on the accurate localization of players and the ball at each moment. However, the automatic analysis of soccer sequences is a challenging task due to the presence of fast moving multiple objects. For this purpose, we present a multi-camera analysis system that yields the position of the ball and players on a common ground plane. The detection in each camera is based on a code-book algorithm and different features are used to classify the detected blobs. The detection results of each camera are transformed using homography to a virtual top-view of the playing field. Within this virtual top-view we merge trajectory information of the different cameras allowing to refine the found positions. In this paper, we evaluate the system on a public SOCCER dataset and end with a discussion of possible improvements of the dataset

    See the Difference: Direct Pre-Image Reconstruction and Pose Estimation by Differentiating HOG

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    The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) descriptor has led to many advances in computer vision over the last decade and is still part of many state of the art approaches. We realize that the associated feature computation is piecewise differentiable and therefore many pipelines which build on HOG can be made differentiable. This lends to advanced introspection as well as opportunities for end-to-end optimization. We present our implementation of ∇\nablaHOG based on the auto-differentiation toolbox Chumpy and show applications to pre-image visualization and pose estimation which extends the existing differentiable renderer OpenDR pipeline. Both applications improve on the respective state-of-the-art HOG approaches
