8 research outputs found

    Byzantine-Tolerant Gathering of Mobile Agents in Arbitrary Networks with Authenticated Whiteboards

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    We propose an algorithm for the gathering problem of mobile agents in arbitrary networks (graphs) with Byzantine agents. Our algorithm can make all correct agents meet at a single node in O(fm) time (f is the upper bound of the number of Byzantine agents and m is the number of edges) under the assumption that agents have unique ID and behave synchronously, each node is equipped with an authenticated whiteboard, and f is known to agents. Here, the whiteboard is a node memory where agents can leave information. Since the existing algorithm achieves gathering without a whiteboard in Õ(n9λ) time, where n is the number of nodes and λ is the length of the longest ID, our algorithm shows an authenticated whiteboard can significantly reduce the time for the gathering problem in Byzantine environments

    Byzantine-Tolerant Gathering of Mobile Agents in Arbitrary Networks with Authenticated Whiteboards

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    Byzantine-Tolerant Gathering of Mobile Agents in Asynchronous Arbitrary Networks with Authenticated Whiteboards

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    We propose two algorithms for the gathering of k mobile agents in asynchronous Byzantine environments. For both algorithms, we assume that graph topology is arbitrary, each node is equipped with an authenticated whiteboard, agents have unique IDs, and at most f weakly Byzantine agents exist. Here, a weakly Byzantine agent can make arbitrary behavior except falsifying its ID. Under these assumptions, the first algorithm achieves a gathering without termination detection in O(m+fn) moves per agent (m is the number of edges and n is the number of nodes). The second algorithm achieves a gathering with termination detection in O(m+fn) moves per agent by additionally assuming that agents on the same node are synchronized, f<13kf<\lceil \frac{1}{3} k \rceil holds, and agents know k. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to address the gathering problem of mobile agents for arbitrary topology networks in asynchronous Byzantine environments