9 research outputs found

    Portfolio approach to information technology security resource allocation decisions

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    This paper presents a portfolio optimization approach to information technology (IT) security investment decisions in an organization. This approach has been motivated by the extreme variations that are found in IT security requirements for organizations in addition to the diversity of starting conditions found in organizations that choose to embark on a formal approach to managing their security. Often, a budgetary allocation is made for IT security and IT managers and management are faced with the problem of how to allocate these monies or resources across competing projects and products that can potentially improve or enhance IT security in an organization. Instead of ranking or rating the various alternatives based on their benefits only, it is demonstrated how, by identifying organizational objectives, and then aligning the decisions with the objectives, one can optimally allocate resources across the IT security portfolio. The approach in this paper has been to provide a generic decision framework that can be customized by practitioners and fine-tuned by other researchers. The approach is explained and then the results are discussed using a case study. Both the strengths and weaknesses of this approach are highlighted and suggestions for how this approach can be deployed and enhanced are provided

    A procedure model for evaluating IT-security investments

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    The security of information systems is a vital factor for companies nowadays. In order to achieve an adequate level of security, a variety of distinct measures is available, ranging from technical meas-ures to organizational measures. In near past suitable methods for decision support especially for the assessment of the profitability of IT-security investments have been developed. But integrated procedure models for a complete it-security controlling can neither be found in literature nor in practice. With this article, we propose a method framework that enables the analysis of the results of alternative security investments from a process-oriented perspective. As a basis, we have conducted an in-deep analysis of the state-of-the-art in the fields of IT-Business-Alignment and IT-security management in order to identify suitable concepts for the framework. A special focus lies on the requirements of IT-security controlling of critical business processes.Безпека інформаційних систем у теперішній час є життєво важливим фактором для компаній. Багато різних вимірів, від технічних до організаційних, є доступними для досягнення прийнятного рівня безпеки. У недалекому минулому було розроблено методи підтримки прийняття рішень при оцінюванні прибутковості інвестицій у IT-безпеку. Проте інтегральні процедурні моделі для повного управління IT-безпекою до цього часу не знайдені – ані у літературі, ані на практиці. У цієї статті ми пропонуємо середовище, яке дає можливість аналізувати результати альтернативних інвестицій у безпеку з точки зору, орієнтованої на процеси. Ми здійснили поглиблений аналіз сучасного стану справ у галузях синхронізації IT та бізнесу та управління IT-безпекою з метою ідентифікувати прийнятні концепції для цього середовища. Спеціальну увагу приділено вимогам до IT-безпеки критичних бізнес-процесів

    Business process security maturity: a paradigm convergence

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    Information technology developments in software and hardware have enabled radical changes in information systems, culminating in the paradigm Business Process Management. There has been a concomitant rise in the importance of information security and security engineering due to the increased reliance by society on information. Information is seen as a critical success factor which needs protection. Information security is the response to increased hazards created through recent innovations in Web technology and the advent of intra and inter enterprise-wide systems. Security engineering is based on a variety of codes of practice and security metrics which aim at ameliorating these increased security hazards. Its aim is to produce a balanced set of security needs which are integrated into the system activities to establish confidence in the effectiveness of the security counter-measures. It is generally accepted that security should be applied in an integrated approach, for example, in Information Systems development. This has proved to be a noble thought but is the exception to the rule. Security, historically, is generally applied as an after-thought in an Information Technology implementation. This motivated the concept of formulating a model of integrating security inherently within the paradigm of BPM. The overarching requirements of the model are to align the overall organisational security initiatives and ensure continuous improvement through constant evaluation and adaptation of the security processes. It is the intention of this research to show that these requirements are achievable through aligning the process management methodology of BPM, with the security paradigms of Information Security Management (using the ISO 17799 standard) and security engineering (using the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model – SSE-CMM). The aim of the Business Process Security Maturity model as the output of this research, is to link the SSE-CMM, as the security metric and appraisal method, to the ISO 17799 security standard, which provides the guidance for the information security management framework and security control selection, within the Business Process Management environment. The SSE-CMM, as the security version of the Capability Maturity Model, provides the necessary strategy to control the security engineering processes that support the information systems and it maintains that as processes mature they become more predictable, effective and manageable. The aim of the model is to provide an integrated, mature security strategy within the business process and monitor and correct the security posture of the implemented counter-measures