4 research outputs found

    A Review on the Relationship Between Business Plan Learning Outcomes and Business Plan Simulation in Entrepreneurial Education

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    Entrepreneurship education prepare graduate to be more confident to enter the business world. They need to be prepare of various skills as an added value besides their program certificate. To start-up a business the graduate need plan and pitch skills to present their business plan to the funder. Due to that an initiative had been made to explore the relationship of business simulation to achieve business plan learning outcome. The literature of learning outcome of from business plan and business simulation use to explore the relationship. The finding show that business plan learning outcome can be achieve through business simulation

    A vállalkozóképzés formái

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    Fontos gazdaságpolitikai cél, hogy minél több és minél felkészültebb vállalkozók vegyen részt a társadalmi és gazdasági életben. Ennek kapcsán azonban felvetődik a kérdés, hogy milyen módon tudunk vállalkozókat képezni a felsőoktatásban. Jelen tanulmány is ehhez a kérdéshez kapcsolódik. Célja annak bemutatása, hogy az általános tanítási/tanulási modellek milyen formában jelennek meg a vállalkozóképzésben. A kínálati modell a tudásátadást, a keresleti modell a tanulói jelentésadást, míg a kompetenciamodell a komplex helyzetekhez való alkalmazkodást helyezi középpontba. A tanulmány második része ezeket a modelleket már a vállalkozóképzés szemszögéből tárgyalja. Végezetül az írás a kitér arra, hogy milyen módon egészíthetik ki egymást ezek a modellek, majd ennek kapcsán összefoglalja a tanulmány legfontosabb üzeneteit

    Business simulation games as digital tools for supporting school entrepreneurship education

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    During the last few years there has been considerable interest for digital game-based learning. This interest can be attributed to the increased popularity of digital games among school students, as well as to their potential as effective learning environments for collaborative learning-by-doing activities. On the other hand, fostering entrepreneurial mindsets through teaching and learning has been a key priority for entrepreneurship education in Europe. The aim of this paper is to study the potential use of a commercial business simulation digital game, namely "Sims 2 - Open for business", in school entrepreneurship education drawing links with standard curriculum math teaching. © 2011 IEEE

    Teaching guidelines for digital entrepreneurship

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    Using of methodological recommendations in the course of education of students on the peculiarities of the content of teaching digital entrepreneurship allows the teacher: to master new methods, techniques, technologies of digital learning in new virtual reality; to acquire digital business competencies in alignment with Industry 4.0 and highly specialized business level. This should be done in order to train professionals who have the required quality, the required business of the 21st century, the level of digital skills and abilities that effectively and safely use digital technology to solve business problems. For these reasons, it is important to use the latest methods in the field of education to increase the level of competence in digital entrepreneurship, namely teachers of economics and business, its compliance with approved European standards, which is what these guidelines for teaching digital entrepreneurship