4 research outputs found

    A Resilient and Energy-saving Incentive System for Resource Sharing in MANETs

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    Despite of all progress in terms of computational power, communication bandwidth, and feature richness, limited battery capacity is the major bottleneck for using the resources of mobile devices in innovative distributed applications. Incentives are required for motivating a user to spend energy on behalf of other users and it must be ensured that providing these incentives neither consumes much energy by itself nor allows for free-riding and other types of fraud. In this paper, we present a novel incentive system that is tailored to the application scenario of energyaware resource-sharing between mobile devices. The system has low energy consumption due to avoiding the use of public key cryptography. It uses a virtual currency with reusable coins and detects forgery and other fraud when cashing coins at an off-line broker. A prototype-based measurement study indicates the energy-efficiency of the system, while simulation studies show its resilience to fraud. Even in scenarios with 75% of fraudulent users that are colluding to disguise their fraud only 3.2% of them get away with it while the energy overhead (about 3%) for the incentive system is still moderat

    Business models, accounting and billing concepts in grid-aware networks

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    The emerging Grid Economy, shall set new challenges for the network. More and more literature underlines the significance of network - awareness for efficient and effective grid services. Following this path to Grid evolution, this paper identifies some key challenges in the areas of business modeling, accounting and billing and proposes an architecture that addresses them

    Verfahren und Protokolle für energiebewusste, gemeinsame Ressourcenverwendung mit mobilen Geräten

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    Voraussetzung für die gemeinsame Nutzung von Betriebsmitteln mobiler Geräte sind Verfahren, die es erlauben, den Energiebedarf für die Bereitstellung von Ressourcen abzuschätzen, unter mehreren Ressourcenanbietern einen geeigneten auszuwählen und diesen für den erbrachten Energieaufwand zu entschädigen. Diese Arbeit stellt hierfür entwickelte Verfahren vor, die insbesondere das geringe Energiebudget mobiler Geräte berücksichtigen

    Evidence-as-a-service: state recordkeeping in the cloud

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    The White House has engaged in recent years in efforts to ensure greater citizen access to government information and greater efficiency and effectiveness in managing that information. The Open Data policy and recent directives requiring that federal agencies create capacity to share scientific data have fallen on the heels of the Federal Government's Cloud First policy, an initiative requiring Federal agencies to consider using cloud computing before making IT investments. Still, much of the information accessed by the public resides in the hands of state and local records creators. Thus, this exploratory study sought to examine how cloud computing actually affects public information recordkeeping stewards. Specifically, it investigated whether recordkeeping stewards' concerns about cloud computing risks are similar to published risks in newly implemented cloud computing environments, it examined their perceptions of how cross-occupational relationships affect their ability to perform recordkeeping responsibilities in the Cloud, and it compared how recordkeeping roles and responsibilities are distributed within their organizations. The distribution was compared to published reports of recordkeeping roles and responsibilities in archives and records management journals published over the past 42 years. The study used an interpretive, constant comparative approach to data collection and an analytical framework from Structuration Theory. Findings were drawn from 29 interviews and their associated transcripts and from 682 published articles from six archives and records management journals dating from 1970 onwards. It was found that the actual work environments reported by interview participants most resembled the recordkeeping environments published by archival continuum theorists. In addition, records managers reported greater worry about status and a lack of clearly demarcated lines of responsibility in their work than did the archivists. Records managers also reported less impact from the new technology as physical artifact than from political and inter-occupational power adjustments that altered their status after the cloud implementations. It was also found that current cloud computing environments exhibit a variety of disincentives for accurate and complete recordkeeping, some of which are primarily due to political changes and others from the distributed nature of information storage in the Cloud.Doctor of Philosoph