110 research outputs found

    Business Intelligence in the Cloud?

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    Business Intelligence (BI) deals with integrated approaches to management support. In many cases, the integrated infrastructures that are subject to BI have become complex, costly, and inflexible. A possible remedy for these issues might arise on the horizon with “Cloud Computing” concepts that promise new options for a net based sourcing of hard- and software. Currently, there is still a dearth of concepts for defining, designing, and structuring a possible adaption of Cloud Computing to the domain of BI. This contribution combines results from the outsourcing and the BI literature and derives a framework for delineating “Cloud BI” approaches. This is the bases for the discussion of six possible scenarios – some of which within immediate reach today

    Cloud BI: Future of business intelligence in the Cloud

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    In self-hosted environments it was feared that business intelligence (BI) will eventually face a resource crunch situation due to the never ending expansion of data warehouses and the online analytical processing (OLAP) demands on the underlying networking. Cloud computing has instigated a new hope for future prospects of BI. However, how will BI be implemented on Cloud and how will the traffic and demand profile look like? This research attempts to answer these key questions in regards to taking BI to the Cloud. The Cloud hosting of BI has been demonstrated with the help of a simulation on OPNET comprising a Cloud model with multiple OLAP application servers applying parallel query loads on an array of servers hosting relational databases. The simulation results reflected that extensible parallel processing of database servers on the Cloud can efficiently process OLAP application demands on Cloud computing

    Ubiquitous Computing – an Application Domain for Business Intelligence in the Cloud?

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    A number of IT providers have introduced web-based services for management support that are discussed under the label“Business Intelligence (BI) in the Cloud”. It has been argued that these Cloud products might become valuable complementsto on-premise enterprise BI infrastructures by allowing a flexible addition of sizeable components, tools or – in selected areas– complete solutions. In this publication, it is discussed in how far a Ubiquitous Computing setting based on technologies likeradio frequency identification (RFID) or sensor technology could become a relevant application domain for Cloud-BI”. Themain insights come from a literature review, a series of expert interviews on BI and Cloud Computing, and a case on spareparts logistics. The results indicate that the addressed domain indeed comes with business potential and highlight the need forfurther design oriented research

    Addressing Insider Threats in modern ERP Environments: Business Intelligence in the Cloud

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    Insider threats pose a serious risk to businesses yet risks posed by outsiders continue to remain in the spotlight. A study of insider threats is perhaps more difficult as researchers must address the socio-technical nature of the organization which requires a focus on interactions between individuals as well as between individuals and the organization’s information systems. For the purpose of this study the interpretive paradigm (Dhillon & Backhouse, 2001) was used to understand the organizational interactions. Business Intelligence tools were used to examine interactions between employees and the ERP system and revealed that illicit transactions can be found. Furthermore, tuning the diagnostic capabilities of the data analytics system to the unique characteristics of each employee increases the ability to find illicit transactions in real time

    Risk analysis of business intelligence in cloud computing

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    © 2015 IEEE. The paper discusses the issues of risk analysis of Business Intelligence on the basis of Cloud platforms. The study gives an account on various aspects of the issue such as benefits and risks, financial appliance, and a factual process of data analysis. The paper attempts to address the issue in terms of empirical knowledge as long as numerous organizations face difficulties concerning appropriate application of Business Intelligence in the Cloud environment for purposes of risk forecasting and assessment

    Healthcare Data Analytics on the Cloud

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    Meaningful analysis of voluminous health information has always been a challenge in most healthcare organizations. Accurate and timely information required by the management to lead a healthcare organization through the challenges found in the industry can be obtained using business intelligence (BI) or business analytics tools. However, these require large capital investments to implement and support the large volumes of data that needs to be analyzed to identify trends. They also require enormous processing power which places pressure on the business resources in addition to the dynamic changes in the digital technology. This paper evaluates the various nuances of business analytics of healthcare hosted on the cloud computing environment. The paper explores BI being offered as Software as a Service (SaaS) solution towards offering meaningful use of information for improving functions in healthcare enterprise. It also attempts to identify the challenges that healthcare enterprises face when making use of a BI SaaS solution

    Cloud-based Business Intelligence Solutions in the Management of Polish Companies

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    The aim of the paper is to indicate the role, scale, and benefits resulting from the application of Business Intelligence systems in the cloud computing model in the management of Polish companies. The paper characterizes cloud-based BI systems and its role in the support of a contemporary company’s management. It focuses on the cloud as a factor positively affecting business organization development where the research was conducted on a sample of 400 medium and large Polish companies in the 2021 year. The research part indicates benefits resulting from the application of Cloud BI systems by medium and large companies in Poland, the popularity of Cloud BI systems, threats and barriers resulting from the application of Cloud BI systems, assessment of Cloud BI systems application in the scope of the decision and business processes support and evaluation of the application of Cloud BI systems in supporting key company’s areas and activities

    Modern technologies for data storage, organization and managing in CRM systems

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    In our study we intend to emphasize the main targeted objectives for the implementation of CRM type platforms. According to these objectives, in order to provide the functionality of CRM platforms, we will make a reference to\ud the prime methods of collecting and organizing information: databases, data warehouses, data centers from Cloud Computing field. As a representative procedure of handling information we will exemplify the OLAP technique which\ud is implemented by means of SQL Server Analysis Service software instrument. Finally, we will try to look over some of the Cloud Computing based CRM platforms and how the OLAP techniques can be applied to them

    A Survey on Cloud based Business Intelligence and Analytics

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    The paper discusses the issues of impact of Business Intelligence based on Cloud computing. Cloud computing has become hot topic to research because of the benefits it can provide to the business and one of the best technological developments in restructuring the business world. Being a key component of a company?s infrastructure, both small business and large businesses are able to profitable from cloud services that offer rapid scalability to meet demand, lower labor costs, lower infrastructure, lower investments and accessibility. As more companies relocate or move their data and applications to the cloud, business itself changes dramatically. It maintains the businesses finances and time by improving collaboration, improving productivity and promoting innovation
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