10 research outputs found

    Distributed aspect-oriented service composition for business compliance governance with public service processes

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a technical foundation for Enterprise Application Integration and business collaboration through service-based business components. With increasing process outsourcing and cloud computing, enterprises need process-level integration and collaboration (process-oriented) to quickly launch new business processes for new customers and products. However, business processes that cross organisations’ compliance regulation boundaries are still unaddressed. We introduce a distributed aspect-oriented service composition approach, which enables multiple process clients hot-plugging their business compliance models (business rules, fault handling policy, and execution monitor) to BPEL business processes

    A prototype for view-based monitoring of BPEL processes

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    This report describes the initial version of a tool for business process monitoring based on process viewing techniques. The tool, Business Process Illustrator (BPI), has been developed in the course of a Diploma Thesis which has been conducted at the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems. BPI is a Web-based tool for monitoring the execution of business processes. It displays the current state of a process instance in form of a process graph which is refreshed regularly. The initial version of the prototype supports regular process monitoring of processes based on the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), plus process view transformations to reduce complexity and to ease analysis of process instances

    Compliance Principles for Decision Management Solutions at the Dutch Government

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    Since decision management is becoming an integrated part of business process management, more and more decision management implementations are realized. Therefore, organizations search for guidance to design such solutions. Principles are often applied to guide the design of information systems in general. A particular area of interest when designing decision management solutions is compliance. In an earlier published study we took a general perspective on principles regarding the design of decision management solutions. In this paper, we re-address our earlier work, yet from a different perspective, the compliance perspective. Thus, we analyzed how the principles can be utilized in the design of compliant decision management solutions. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to specify, classify, and validate compliance principles. To identify relevant compliance principles, we conducted a three round focus group and three round Delphi Study which led to the identification of eleven compliance principles

    Aiding compliance governance in service-based business processes

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    Assessing whether a company's business practices conform to laws and regulations and follow standards and SLAs, i.e., compliance management, is a complex and costly task. Few software tools aiding compliance management exist; yet, they typically do not address the needs of who is actually in charge of assessing and understanding compliance. We advocate the use of a compliance governance dashboard and suitable root cause analysis techniques that are specifically tailored to the needs of compliance experts and auditors. The design and implementation of these instruments are challenging for at least three reasons: (1) it is fundamental to identify the right level of abstraction for the information to be shown; (2) it is not trivial to visualize different analysis perspectives; and (3) it is difficult to manage and analyze the large amount of involved concepts, instruments, and data. This chapter shows how to address these issues, which concepts and models underlie the problem, and, eventually, how IT can effectively support compliance analysis in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). © 2012, IGI Global

    An integrated solution for runtime compliance governance

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    Abstract. In response to recent financial scandals (e.g. those involving Enron, Fortis, Parmalat), new regulations for protecting the society from financial and operational risks of the companies have been introduced. Therefore, companies are required to assure compliance of their operations with those new regulations as well as those already in place. Regulations are only one example of compliance sources modern organizations deal with every day. Other sources of compliance include licenses of business partners and other contracts, internal policies, and international standards. The diversity of compliance sources introduces the problem of compliance governance in an organization. In this paper, we propose an integrated solution for runtime compliance governance in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). We show how the proposed solution supports the whole cycle of compliance management: from modeling compliance requirements in domain-specific languages through monitoring them during process execution to displaying information about the current state of compliance in dashboards. We focus on the runtime part of the proposed solution and describe it in detail. We apply the developed framework in a real case study coming from EU FP7 project COMPAS, and this case study is used through the paper to illustrate our solution

    Web service composition: A survey of techniques and tools

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    Web services are a consolidated reality of the modern Web with tremendous, increasing impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted, and most vivid distributed computing platform ever. Yet, the use and integration of Web services into composite services or applications, which is a highly sensible and conceptually non-trivial task, is still not unleashing its full magnitude of power. A consolidated analysis framework that advances the fundamental understanding of Web service composition building blocks in terms of concepts, models, languages, productivity support techniques, and tools is required. This framework is necessary to enable effective exploration, understanding, assessing, comparing, and selecting service composition models, languages, techniques, platforms, and tools. This article establishes such a framework and reviews the state of the art in service composition from an unprecedented, holistic perspective

    ActiveLifestyle: a persuasive platform to monitor and motivate physical training plan compliance in elderly people

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    The primary public health goal is to increase the number of years of good health and, therefore, maintain independence and quality of life as long as possible. Healthy ageing is characterized by the avoidance of disease and disability, the maintenance of high physical and cognitive function, and sustained engagement in social and productive activities. These three components together define successful ageing. An important part of successful ageing, hence, is maximisation of physical performance. The ability to fully participate in productive and recreational activities of daily life may be af-fected when the capacity to easily perform common physical functions decreases. Health status, thus, is an important indicator of quality of life among older people. It appears that especially components of health-related fitness and functional performance, or serious, chronic conditions and diseases that directly influence the components of fitness and performance, are related to perceived health among middle-aged and older adults. Regular physical activity or exercise substantially prevents the development and progres-sion of most chronic degenerative diseases. In summary, it is evident that to increase older adults’ quality of life and fitness, we need to encourage the elderly to become more physically active and increase their fitness through training. Home environmental interventions to prevent functional decline seem to be effective and are, furthermore, preferred by elderly. Such interventions with integrated assistive technology devices have, in this context, the potential to further help in overcoming some of the barriers to start training and, thereby, maintaining physical independence for independently living elderly. Hence, the objective of this thesis is to identify how, through IT or IT-mediated persuasive soft-ware applications, we can enable independently living and healthy elderly people to perform balance and strength training plans autonomously at home and keep them motivated, in order to increase their compliance toward the plans

    A systematic investigation of risk management and process mining ontologies

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    Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019.This study proposes and examines the ‘’Risk – Process’’ ontology with respect to and in comparison with the Process mining methodology. The ontology consists of Process elements (Process Mining, Business Process Management and Business Process Intelligence) and Risk elements (Governance, Risk Management & Compliance, Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk Management). A two-fold literature review is executed, focusing firstly on the six key elements of the ‘’Risk - Process’’ ontology, and secondly at the “Risk” components of the ontology. Moving on, as an original contribution, the popularity and the coherence of the aforementioned elements in internet searches from 2004 to 2018 is presented and forecasted with the use of the Google Trends tool. As a last step, a statistical analysis of the time series obtained through Google Trends is performed, in order to find relation, correlations, statistical significance and predictors with respect to Process minin

    Business compliance governance in service-oriented architectures

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    Governing business compliance with regulations, laws, best practices, contracts, and the like is not an easy task, and so far there are only limited software products available that help a company to express compliance rules and to analyze its compliance state. We argue that today's SOA-based way of implementing and conducting business (e.g., using Web services and business process engines) lends itself very well to the development of a comprehensive compliance government solution that effectively aids companies in being compliant. In this paper, we contextualize the compliance problem in SOA-based businesses, we highlight which are the most salient research challenges that need to be addressed, and we describe our approach to compliance governance, spanning design, execution, and evaluation concerns. © 2009 IEEE