3 research outputs found

    A Form of List Viterbi Algorithm for Decoding Convolutional Codes

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    Viterbi algorithm is a maximum likelihood decoding algorithm. It is used to decode convolutional code in several wireless communication systems, including Wi-Fi. The standard Viterbi algorithm gives just one decoded output, which may be correct or incorrect. Incorrect packets are normally discarded thereby necessitating retransmission and hence resulting in considerable energy loss and delay. Some real-time applications such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony do not tolerate excessive delay. This makes the conventional Viterbi decoding strategy sub-optimal. In this regard, a modified approach, which involves a form of List Viterbi for decoding the convolutional code is investigated. The technique employed combines the bit-error correction capabilities of both the Viterbi algorithm and the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) procedures. It first uses a form of ‘List Viterbi Algorithm’ (LVA), which generates a list of possible decoded output candidates after the trellis search. The CRC check is then used to determine the presence of correct outcome. Results of experiments conducted using simulation shows considerable improvement in bit-error performance when compared to classical approach

    Simulation Models with Correct Statistical Properties for Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    In this paper, new sum-of-sinusoids statistical simulation models are proposed for Rayleigh fading channels. These new models employ random path gain, random initial phase, and conditional random Doppler frequency for all individual sinusoids. It is shown that the autocorrelations and cross correlations of the quadrature components, and the autocorrelation of the complex envelope of the new simulators match the desired ones exactly, even if the number of sinusoids is as small as a single-digit integer. Moreover, the probability density functions of the envelope and phase, the level crossing rate, the average fade duration, and the autocorrelation of the squared fading envelope which contains fourth-order statistics of the new simulators, asymptotically approach the correct ones as the number of sinusoids approaches infinity, while good convergence is achieved even when the number of sinusoids is as small as eight. The new simulators can be directly used to generate multiple uncorrelated fading waveforms for frequency selective fading channels, multiple-input multiple-output channels, and diversity combining scenarios. Statistical properties of one of the new simulators are evaluated by numerical results, finding good agreements

    Level-crossing rate and average duration of fades of non-stationary multipath fading channels

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    The level-crossing rate (LCR) and average duration of fades (ADF) are important statistical quantities describing the fading behaviour of mobile radio channels. To date, these quantities have only been analysed under the assumption that the mobile radio channel is wide-sense stationary, which is generally not the case in practice. In this paper, we propose a concept for the analysis of the LCR and ADF of non-stationary channels. Rice's standard formula for the derivation of the LCR of wide-sense stationary processes is extended to a more general formula enabling the computation of the instantaneous LCR of non-stationary processes. The application of the new concept results in closed-form expressions for the instantaneous LCR and ADF of non-stationary multipath flat fading channels. The contribution of this paper is of central importance for the statistical characterization of non-stationary mobile radio channels.acceptedVersionnivÄ