29 research outputs found

    The heterogeneity of inter-contact time distributions: its importance for routing in delay tolerant networks

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    Prior work on routing in delay tolerant networks (DTNs) has commonly made the assumption that each pair of nodes shares the same inter-contact time distribution as every other pair. The main argument in this paper is that researchers should also be looking at heterogeneous inter-contact time distributions. We demonstrate the presence of such heterogeneity in the often-used Dartmouth Wi-Fi data set. We also show that DTN routing can benefit from knowing these distributions. We first introduce a new stochastic model focusing on the inter-contact time distributions between all pairs of nodes, which we validate on real connectivity patterns. We then analytically derive the mean delivery time for a bundle of information traversing the network for simple single copy routing schemes. The purpose is to examine the theoretic impact of heterogeneous inter-contact time distributions. Finally, we show that we can exploit this user diversity to improve routing performance.Comment: 6 page

    Impact of Correlated Mobility on Delay-Throughput Performance in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Abstract—We extend the analysis of the scaling laws of wireless ad hoc networks to the case of correlated nodes movements, which are commonly found in real mobility processes. We consider a simple version of the Reference Point Group Mobility model, in which nodes belonging to the same group are constrained to lie in a disc area, whose center moves uniformly across the network according to the i.i.d. model. We assume fast mobility conditions, and take as primary goal the maximization of pernode throughput. We discover that correlated node movements have huge impact on asymptotic throughput and delay, and can sometimes lead to better performance than the one achievable under independent nodes movements. I. INTRODUCTION AND RELATED WORK In the last few years the store-carry-forward communication paradigm, which allows nodes to physically carry buffered dat

    Understanding the WiFi usage of university students

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    In this work, we analyze the use of a WiFi network deployed in a large-scale technical university. To this extent, we leverage three weeks of WiFi traffic data logs and characterize the spatio-temporal correlation of the traffic at different granularities (each individual access point, groups of access points, entire network). The spatial correlation of traffic across nearby access points is also assessed. Then, we search for distinctive fingerprints left on the WiFi traffic by different situations/conditions; namely, we answer the following questions: Do students attending a lecture use the wireless network in a different way than students not attending a lecture?, and Is there any difference in the usage of the wireless network during architecture or engineering classes? A supervised learning approach based on Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) is used to classify empty vs. occupied rooms and engineering vs. architecture lectures using only WiFi traffic logs with promising results

    On the Validity of Geosocial Mobility Traces

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    Mobile networking researchers have long searched for largescale, fine-grained traces of human movement, which have remained elusive for both privacy and logistical reasons. Recently, researchers have begun to focus on geosocial mobility traces, e.g. Foursquare checkin traces, because of their availability and scale. But are we conceding correctness in our zeal for data? In this paper, we take initial steps towards quantifying the value of geosocial datasets using a large ground truth dataset gathered from a user study. By comparing GPS traces against Foursquare checkins, we find that a large portion of visited locations is missing from checkins, and most checkin events are either forged or superfluous events. We characterize extraneous checkins, describe possible techniques for their detection, and show that both extraneous and missing checkins introduce significant errors into applications driven by these traces

    Layered Mobility Model Architecture - LEMMA

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    This paper presents the generic layered architecture for mobility models (LEMMA), which can be used to construct a wide variety of mobility models, including the majority of models used in wireless network simulations. The fundamental components of the architecture are described and analyzed, in addition to its benefits. One of the core principles stipulates that each mobility model is divided in five distinct layers that communicate via interfaces. This allows their easy replacement and recombination, which we support by reviewing 19 layers that can form 480 different mobility models. Some of the advanced features provided by the architecture are also discussed, such as layer aggregation, and creation of hybrid and group mobility models. Finally, some of the numerous existing studies of the different layers are presented

    Changing Trends in Modeling Mobility

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    An empirical framework for user mobility models: Refining and modeling user registration patterns

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    AbstractIn this paper, we examine user registration patterns in empirical WLAN traces, identify elusive patterns that are abused as user movements in constructing empirical mobility models, and analyze them to build up a realistic user mobility model. The examination shows that about 38–90% of transitions are irrelevant to actual user movements. In order to refine the elusive movements, we investigate the geographical relationships among APs and propose a filtering framework for removing them from the trace data. We then analyze the impact of the false-positive movements on an empirical mobility model. The numerical results indicate that the proposed framework improves the fidelity of the empirical mobility model. Finally, we devise an analytical model for characterizing realistic user movements, based on the analysis on the elusive user registration patterns, which emulates elusive user registration patterns and generates true user mobile patterns

    Behavior-Based Mobility Prediction for Seamless Handoffs in Mobile Wireless Networks

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    The field of wireless networking has received unprecedented attention from the research community during the last decade due to its great potential to create new horizons for communicating beyond the Internet. Wireless LANs (WLANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard have become prevalent in public as well as residential areas, and their importance as an enabling technology will continue to grow for future pervasive computing applications. However, as their scale and complexity continue to grow, reducing handoff latency is particularly important. This paper presents the Behavior-based Mobility Prediction scheme to eliminate the scanning overhead incurred in IEEE 802.11 networks. This is achieved by considering not only location information but also group, time-of-day, and duration characteristics of mobile users. This captures short-term and periodic behavior of mobile users to provide accurate next-cell predictions. Our simulation study of a campus network and a municipal wireless network shows that the proposed method improves the next-cell prediction accuracy by 23~43% compared to location-only based schemes and reduces the average handoff delay down to 24~25 ms