8 research outputs found

    Building Interoperable Vocabulary and Structures for Learning Objects

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    The structural, functional, and production views on learning objects influence metadata structure and vocabulary. We drew on these views and conducted a literature review and in-depth analysis of 14 learning objects and over 500 components in these learning objects to model the knowledge framework for a learning object ontology. The learning object ontology reported in this paper consists of 8 top-level classes, 28 classes at the second level, and 34 at the third level. Except class Learning object, all other classes have the three properties of preferred term, related term, and synonym. To validate the ontology, we conducted a query log analysis that focused on discovering what terms users have used at both conceptual and word levels. The findings show that the main classes in the ontology are either conceptually or linguistically similar to the top terms in the query log data. We built an Exercise Editor as an informal experiment to test its ability to be adopted in authoring tools. The main contribution of this project is in the framework for the learning object domain and methodology used to develop and validate an ontology

    A ontologia na ciência da informação

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    Este artigo apresenta o uso do termo ontologia, a partir de levantamento da freqüência deste em artigos de periódicos indexados na Base LISA. Procurou-se identificar a evolução do volume de publicações em diversos idiomas, desde a primeira vez em que o termo foi utilizado, em 1977, até março de 2006; a relação do termo com outros temas e a identificação dos pesquisadores com maior contribuição acadêmica na área. Os dados encontrados sugerem que deve ser realizado um estudo qualitativo, como a análise de conteúdo dos resumos ou textos completos para estabelecer uma análise mais aprofundada do escopo em que a ontologia se vê inserida hoje no campo da Ciência da Informação. Abstract This paper presents ontology term using thorough of frequency reseraching of it, at articles of indexed journals at LISA database. The objective was identify publications quantity increasing at various languages, since the first time where the term was used, at 1977, until March 2006 and the researchers identification with great academic contribution at this area. The founded data suggest that it must be developed a qualitative study, like the complete analysis of content of the abstracts or texts to establish a scope deeper analysis where Ontology is inserted today at Information Science area

    Spring 2006 Vol. 9 No. 1

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    Spring 2006

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    Fall 2006 Vol. 9 No. 2

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    Fall 2006

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    A model of organizing information in the electronic learning environment

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    Reformska nastojanja u području visokog obrazovanja usmjerena su na potpunu integraciju informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija u obrazovnu praksu svih sudionika akademskog obrazovnog procesa. Bez kvalitetne infrastrukture digitalnih obrazovnih izvora reformske se težnje neće moći u potpunosti ostvariti. No stvaranje digitalnog obrazovnog materijala složen je i skup postupak koji pretpostavlja izraziti angažman. Primjereni mehanizmi i instrumenti omogućili bi organizaciju, pretraživanje i pronalaženje toga materijala, a njegovo bi ponovno korištenje doprinijelo racionalnosti i učinkovitosti procesa obrazovanja te osiguralo iscrpnije iskorištavanje intelektualnog potencijala akademskih sredina. Zahvaljujući činjenici da velik dio web prostora udomljuje obrazovni sadržaj, autorica konstatira da je danas moguće govoriti o kvantitativno stabilnom elektroničkom obrazovnom okruženju. No istovremeno upućuje na izrazitu slojevitosti i raznolikost obrazovnih izvora kojima je moguće pristupiti u okviru lokalnih i mrežnih izvora, poput digitalnih knjižnica, repozitorija, obrazovnih portala, sustava za upravljanje učenjem itd., a naznačena heterogenost otežava stvaranje i održavanje sredine u kojoj je znanje organizirano i integrirano u smislu konsistentnih skupova znanstvenih ili pedagoških koncepata. Primjereno navedenom, središnje pitanje koje se postavlja u radu odnosi se na organizaciju i predstavljanje znanja u digitalnoj obrazovnoj okolini, kako bi se kvantitativna značajka elektroničke obrazovne okoline pretvorila u kvalitativnu. U svrhu konceptualizacije opisane, po svojoj prirodi multidisciplinarne problematike, u prvim se poglavljima opisuju teorijski doprinosi iz pedagogije i informacijskih znanosti. Teorijska razmatranja iz šireg područja obrazovanja osobito su usmjerena na ulogu informacijskih izvora u obrazovnim procesima, čija bi organizacija doprinijela učinkovitosti i djelotvornosti elektroničkih obrazovnih okolina. Osvrt na spoznajni aparat iz područja informacijskih znanosti uz opis ključnih fenomena vezanih za organizaciju znanja i pretraživanje informacija osobito se bavi problematikom mrežnog otkrivanja i pretraživanja informacija te funkcijama i ulogom metapodataka. Kako je riječ o novom multidisciplinarnom području istraživanja, osobit je naglasak stavljen na pojmovni aparat, koji je još uvijek u stadiju konsolidacije. Osnovno se pojmovlje koje se obrađuje odnosi na objekte učenja (engl. learning objects) te na aplikacije i sustave za pretraživanje objekata učenja i digitalnih obrazovnih izvora, kao što su repozitoriji, digitalne knjižnice obrazovnih izvora, predmetni direktoriji itd. Analizirajući pojmove, autorica uočava određene nelogičnosti u načinu korištenja terminologije, što obrazlaže činjenicom da (različito) nazivlje koje se trenutno upotrebljava odražava potrebe i gledište pojedinih struka, a količina inicijativa koje već uspješno djeluju ukazuje sasvim jasno da se pojam repozitorija već nametnuo i prevladava u postojećem diskursu. U nastavku se autorica bavi mogućim doprinosima teorijskih i praktičnih načela informacijske zajednice elektroničkoj obrazovnoj okolini, prvo kroz razvijanje i stvaranje metapodataka koji će se obraditi u posebnom dijelu rada, a potom kroz izgradnju repozitorija koji nude informacijski pristup strukturiran i organiziran na način da podržava pronalaženje i korištenje nastavne građe odnosno obrazovnih materijala. Pritom se osobito osvrće na korištenje kontroliranh rječnika u specifičnom području primjene obrazovnih metapodataka, propitkuje potencijalnu ulogu tradicionalnih alata za organizaciju informacija koji su razvijeni u informacijskim zanostima i knjižničarstvu poput tezaurusa ili klasifikacija, te analizira problem semantičke interoperabilnosti u konkretnom području primjene. Poglavlje zaključuje osvrtom na ulogu ontologija kao obećavajućeg modela koji će otvoriti put prema Semantičkom webu. Na kraju autorica iznosi rezultate dvaju istraživanja: analize repozitorija digitalnog obrazovnog materijala u svijetu, kao i pripadajućih im metapodataka i standarda na kojima se temelji njihova izgradnja. Istraživanjima su utvrđeni obrasci u strukturnim svojstvima i modalitetima djelovanja aplikacija za pronalaženje i pretraživanje obrazovnih izvora koji su dostupni putem weba. Izradom teorijskog modela u radu je ponuđen pojmovni, strukturni i djelatni okvir za organizaciju informacija u elektroničkom obrazovnom okruženju. Model ukazuje na ključnu funkcionalnu, strukturnu i razvojnu poziciju metapodataka te izglednu budućnost čiji se središnji aspekt ogleda u stvaranju ontološkog sloja koji osigurava pristup na razini komponenata za inteligentnije pretraživanje, iskazuje bogatiju semantiku te omogućuje razvoj prema naprednijem razvojnom stupnju weba, tzv. Semantičkom webu. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja i predloženi model ujedno su ponudili ishodište za praktično i djelatno oblikovanje elektroničke obrazovne okoline i prateće infrastukture obrazovnih izvora u Hrvatskoj, koji se u kontekstu namjeravanih obrazovnih reformi, korištenja informacijskokomunikacijskih tehnologija u nastavi te izgradnji infrastrukture za programe učenja na daljinu nameću kao neophodni.Higher education reforms are oriented towards the full integration of information and communication technologies into the learning and teaching practice of academic communities. However, without a high quality infrastructure of digital learning resources, the intended educational reforms can hardly be accomplished. The creation of digital learning materials is a complex and expensive process that requires a significant commitment in time and technical skills. This results in a growing need for the creation of storage and retrieval systems that will allow to access these resources and encourage the discovery, exchange, and reuse of educational material. Their reuse would support the efficiency and improve the performace of learning processes, while harnessing the identification, presentation and use of the intellectual potential of academic communities. Having in mind the large amounts of educational contents available on the web, the author observes that electronic learning environments are quantitatively stable phenomenons. However, educational resources are rather complex and heterogeneous in nature and accessible through a variety of local and global networks, i.e. digital libraries, repositories, educational portals, learning management systems et.c. In this context, there is an evident need to create environments in which knowledge will be organized and integrated in the form of consistent sets of scientifical or pedagogical concepts. To transform the quantitative aspect of the electronic learning environment into a qualitative, the issue of organizing and representing knowledge in the digital learning environment has to be resolved. In order to conceptualize the multidisciplinary focused research problems, theoretical foundations from the field of education and information sciences will be presented in the first chapters. Pedagogical theoretical discussions will be oriented towards the role of information resources in learning processes. The organization of these resources would significantly raise the efficiacy and effectiveness of electronic learning environments. To discuss these goals, theoretical reflections from information sciences will be presented which refer to crucial phenomenons involving the organization of information and information retrieval, with a special focus on networked information discovery and retrieval and the role of metadata. Since the research field is new and multidisciplinary in nature, the terminological apparatus is still in a consolidation phase. Elementary terms involve learning objects, applications for learning object and digital learning resources retrieval like repositories, educational digital libraries, educational gateways et.c. By analyzing the terms, the author stresses some inconsistencies and contradictories in the way terminology is used. This state is a reflection of the perspectives and needs of different professions that are involved in the research activities and discussions in the field. The amount of successfull initiatives shows that the term learning object repository dominates in the present discourse. Next, the author will deal with the contribution of theoretical and practical priciples from the information science field and their application in the electronic learning environment, through the development and creation of metadata and the creation of learning object repositories that facilitate structured and organized information access and support the discovery and use of learning materials. Therefore, the author reflects on the use of controlled vocabularies, discusses the potential role of traditional information organization tools like thesauruses and classifications and analyzes the problem of semantic interoperability. Finally, the role of ontologies in facilitating the development towards the Semantic web is considered. At the end, the results of two investigations are presented: the comparative analysis of learning object repositores worldwide and the structural analysis of metadata for learning resources. The investigations have shown patterns in structural features of metadata shemas and functional modalities of applications for the discovery and retrieval of educational web resources. By developing the theoretical model the author defines a terminological, structural and functional framework for information organization in the electronic learning environment. The model emphasizes the functional, structural and developmental role of metadata and envisions the future in the form of ontological layers that support access on component level for intelligent retrieval, deploy rich semantics and stimulate the development toward the Semantic web. The results of the investigation, together with the proposed model are forming the point of departure for the practical creation of an electronic learning environment and an infrastructure of learning resources in Croatia, that are both essential in the context of intended educational reforms, the use of ICT in higher education and the creation of an high quality infrastructure for e-learning