7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the evolution of the sharing economy towards sustainability. Trends and transformations of the concept

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    The Sharing Economy has been emerged in recent years as a trend with high growth potential by showing itself to be an innovative model for creating products, services and relationships based on sustainable consumption. The Sharing Economy has emerged as a multidimensional and multidisciplinary concept, which initially only covered areas of the economy and social sciences and which later experienced growth in business, urban planning, tourism, information technology and digital science (industry 4.0) or engineering. This has transformed its development from an economic opportunity to a form of decentralised, equitable and sustainable economy with the creation of new initiatives and companies that have reduced environmental impact by decreasing the use of natural resources. The present study aims to evaluate the evolution of the discourse and the way research has progressed in this incipient sphere of collaborative consumption up to the present day by means of an in-depth analysis of scientific production through bibliometrics and network analysis techniques with the VOSviewer© software and the complete database of publications obtained from the Web Of Science (2152 publications). It also includes the detailed examination of the most relevant bibliographic reviews on Sharing Economics, as well as the main publications on bibliometric analysis. The article evaluates key words, sources, authors, citations, organizations, categories, and countries using various bibliometric techniques. Finally, in the results 5 clusters of thematic categories are obtained where a change in the trend of publications towards the field of clean and green technology is reflected, forming in recent years an agglutinating nucleus of all the disciplines in which “sustainability” acts as the backbone of scientific production. This is a positive development in cleaner production, where institutions and authors from the USA and Europe have risen to the top of the ranking of publications and impact. At a global level, the current commitment to research for the development of accessible, equitable and sustainable products and services is reflected.Premio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Escuela Politécnica Superio

    Understanding post-adoption behaviour in the context of ride-hailing apps : the role of customer perceived value

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    PURPOSE : Despite the perceived role of customer value in post-adoption behaviour in the context of ride-hailing apps such as Uber, there has been limited research on the subject. This paper seeks to enrich the understanding of the relationships between customer perceived value, particularly hedonic value and economic value, customer satisfaction and continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH : This analysis is based on field data collected from 567 users of ride-hailing apps in Ghana. Data collected from the survey were analysed using the partial least square (PLS) approach to structural equation modelling (SEM). FINDINGS : The paper provides evidence that hedonic value, as well as economic value, positively predicts customer satisfaction and continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. Further analysis reveals customer satisfaction directly predicts continued use intentions in addition to partially mediating the influence of customer perceived value on continued use intentions of ride-hailing apps. Finally, the findings suggest that hedonic value has a stronger impact on continued use intentions than economic value, while economic value has a greater impact on satisfaction than hedonic value. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : The study contributes to post-adoption behaviour research by providing evidence on the relationships among the study constructs in a developing country context. Overall, the findings will stimulate future empirical debates on the subject and guide practitioners in decision-making concerning customers' usage of ride-hailing apps.https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0959-3845hj2023Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Impacto dos fatores de expectativa na continuidade de uso dos usuários de fintechs

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    Com a aceleração da digitalização, muitas empresas tem buscado na tecnologia um meio de aprimorar o desempenho de seus produtos, processos e gestão, entregando aos usuários uma experiência cada vez melhor. Desta forma entender fatores que levam os usuários a continuar utilizando tecnologias torna-se essencial para as empresas se destacarem em um cenário competitivo. No setor financeiro, esse movimento tem se consolidado através do crescimento das fintechs, com um número crescente de usuários que passou a adotá-las. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os impactos dos fatores de expectativa: confiança, valor, riscos e qualidade do sistema na continuidade de uso dos usuários de fintechs. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi alcançado com a realização de 3 artigos. O artigo 1 tem como objetivo analisar as relações dos fatores de expectativa: confiança, valor, riscos e qualidade do sistema na continuidade de uso através de uma revisão de literatura e meta-análise, propondo um modelo de pesquisa. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, seguida de uma análise de peso e meta-análise em artigos selecionados das bases Scopus, Web of Science e Emerald para propor o modelo de pesquisa. Um total de 116 artigos foram selecionados para as análises. Foi identificado que o principal preditor da continuidade de uso é o valor, seguido de confiança e qualidade do sistema. O modelo de pesquisa proposto pode auxiliar estudos futuros que avaliem a continuidade de uso utilizando estes fatores de expectativa. O artigo 2 busca medir os impactos dos fatores de expectativa: confiança, valor, riscos e qualidade do sistema na continuidade de uso dos usuários de fintechs. Através de uma survey online com 426 respondentes, buscou-se medir os impactos dos fatores de expectativa confiança, valor, riscos e qualidade do sistema na continuidade de uso das fintechs. SPSS e SmartPLS 3.0 foram utilizados para executar técnicas estatísticas multivariadas para análise de dados. Os resultados demonstram que o valor é o principal fator que impacta a intenção de continuidade de uso destas empresas. Das sete hipóteses propostas, seis foram suportadas. O artigo 3 tem como objetivo estudar os impactos dos fatores de expectativa: confiança, valor, riscos e qualidade do sistema na continuidade de uso dos usuários de diferentes categorias de fintechs. SPSS e SmartPLS 3.0 foram utilizados para executar técnicas estatísticas multivariadas para análise de dados, especialmente MICOM e MGA. Os resultados demonstram que os impactos dos fatores variam conforme a categoria de fintech analisada. Especialmente as fintechs de serviços digitais e pagamentos, a qualidade do sistema e os riscos são os principais fatores relacionados a continuidade de uso, juntamente com o valor. Enquanto nas fintechs de investimentos, apenas o fator valor se relaciona com a continuidade de uso.With the acceleration of digitization, many companies have been looking to technology as a way to improve the performance of their products, processes, and management, providing users with an increasingly better experience. Thus, understanding factors that lead users to continue using technologies becomes essential for companies to stand out in a competitive scenario. In the financial sector, this movement has been consolidated through the growth of fintechs, with a growing number of users who started to adopt them. This work aims to analyze the impacts of expectation factors: trust, value, risks and system quality on the continued use of fintech users. The objective of this research was achieved with the completion of 3 articles. Article 1 aims to analyze the relationship of expectation factors: trust, value, risks and quality of the system in the continued use through a literature review and meta-analysis, proposing a research model. A literature review was performed, followed by a weight analysis and meta-analysis on selected articles from the Scopus, Web of Science and Emerald databases to propose the research model. A total of 116 articles were selected for analysis. It was identified that the main predictor of continued use is value, followed by system quality and quality. The proposed research model can help future studies that assess the continued use using these expectation factors. Article 2 seeks to measure the impacts of expectation factors: trust, value, risks and system quality on the continued use of fintech users. Through an online survey with 426 respondents, we sought to measure the impacts of the expected factors of trust, value, risks and system quality on the continued use of fintechs. SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0 were used to perform multivariate statistical techniques for data analysis. The results show that the value is the main factor that impacts the continuance intention using these companies. Of the seven proposed hypotheses, six were supported. Article 3 aims to study the impacts of expectation factors: trust, value, risks and system quality on the continued use of users of different categories of fintechs. SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0 were used to perform multivariate statistical techniques for data analysis, especially MICOM and MGA. The results demonstrate that the impacts of the factors vary according to the analyzed fintech category. Especially digital services and payments fintechs, system quality and risks are the main factors related to continued use, along with value. While in investment fintechs, only the value factor is related to the continued use

    Electronic commerce logistics and the knapsack problem

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    The research object of this dissertation has been e-commerce and the knapsack problem from the perspective of logistics and controlling and consists of two parts, each of which contains two papers. In the first part, through analysis of and research on two specific issues, this dissertation has contributed mainly to the interpretation of the relationship between logistics and e-commerce. The second part of this dissertation provides for companies a free, efficient and easy-to-use optimization software for solving knapsack problems and based on genetic algorithms