716 research outputs found

    Accelerated physical emulation of Bayesian inference in spiking neural networks

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    The massively parallel nature of biological information processing plays an important role for its superiority to human-engineered computing devices. In particular, it may hold the key to overcoming the von Neumann bottleneck that limits contemporary computer architectures. Physical-model neuromorphic devices seek to replicate not only this inherent parallelism, but also aspects of its microscopic dynamics in analog circuits emulating neurons and synapses. However, these machines require network models that are not only adept at solving particular tasks, but that can also cope with the inherent imperfections of analog substrates. We present a spiking network model that performs Bayesian inference through sampling on the BrainScaleS neuromorphic platform, where we use it for generative and discriminative computations on visual data. By illustrating its functionality on this platform, we implicitly demonstrate its robustness to various substrate-specific distortive effects, as well as its accelerated capability for computation. These results showcase the advantages of brain-inspired physical computation and provide important building blocks for large-scale neuromorphic applications.Comment: This preprint has been published 2019 November 14. Please cite as: Kungl A. F. et al. (2019) Accelerated Physical Emulation of Bayesian Inference in Spiking Neural Networks. Front. Neurosci. 13:1201. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.0120

    Stochastic firing rate models

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    We review a recent approach to the mean-field limits in neural networks that takes into account the stochastic nature of input current and the uncertainty in synaptic coupling. This approach was proved to be a rigorous limit of the network equations in a general setting, and we express here the results in a more customary and simpler framework. We propose a heuristic argument to derive these equations providing a more intuitive understanding of their origin. These equations are characterized by a strong coupling between the different moments of the solutions. We analyse the equations, present an algorithm to simulate the solutions of these mean-field equations, and investigate numerically the equations. In particular, we build a bridge between these equations and Sompolinsky and collaborators approach (1988, 1990), and show how the coupling between the mean and the covariance function deviates from customary approaches

    Self-sustained irregular activity in an ensemble of neural oscillators

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    An ensemble of pulse-coupled phase-oscillators is thoroughly analysed in the presence of a mean-field coupling and a dispersion of their natural frequencies. In spite of the analogies with the Kuramoto setup, a much richer scenario is observed. The "synchronised phase", which emerges upon increasing the coupling strength, is characterized by highly-irregular fluctuations: a time-series analysis reveals that the dynamics of the order parameter is indeed high-dimensional. The complex dynamics appears to be the result of the non-perturbative action of a suitably shaped phase-response curve. Such mechanism differs from the often invoked balance between excitation and inhibition and might provide an alternative basis to account for the self-sustained brain activity in the resting state. The potential interest of this dynamical regime is further strengthened by its (microscopic) linear stability, which makes it quite suited for computational tasks. The overall study has been performed by combining analytical and numerical studies, starting from the linear stability analysis of the asynchronous regime, to include the Fourier analysis of the Kuramoto order parameter, the computation of various types of Lyapunov exponents, and a microscopic study of the inter-spike intervals.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    A topological data analysis based classification method for multiple measurements

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    HR was partly supported by a collaboration agreement between the University of Aberdeen and EPFL. WC was partially supported by VR 2014-04770 and Wallenberg AI, Autonomous System and Software Program (WASP) funded by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Göran Gustafsson Stiftelse. JT is fully funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. JH is partially supported by VR K825930053. RR is partially supported by MultipleMS. The collaboration agreement between EPFL and University of Aberdeen played a role in the design of the neuron spiking analysis and in providing the data required, i.e. the neuronal network and the spiking activity. Open access funding provided by Karolinska Institute.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Contributions to statistical analysis methods for neural spiking activity

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    With the technical advances in neuroscience experiments in the past few decades, we have seen a massive expansion in our ability to record neural activity. These advances enable neuroscientists to analyze more complex neural coding and communication properties, and at the same time, raise new challenges for analyzing neural spiking data, which keeps growing in scale, dimension, and complexity. This thesis proposes several new statistical methods that advance statistical analysis approaches for neural spiking data, including sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods for efficient estimation of neural dynamics from membrane potential threshold crossings, state-space models using multimodal observation processes, and goodness-of-fit analysis methods for neural marked point process models. In a first project, we derive a set of iterative formulas that enable us to simulate trajectories from stochastic, dynamic neural spiking models that are consistent with a set of spike time observations. We develop a SMC method to simultaneously estimate the parameters of the model and the unobserved dynamic variables from spike train data. We investigate the performance of this approach on a leaky integrate-and-fire model. In another project, we define a semi-latent state-space model to estimate information related to the phenomenon of hippocampal replay. Replay is a recently discovered phenomenon where patterns of hippocampal spiking activity that typically occur during exploration of an environment are reactivated when an animal is at rest. This reactivation is accompanied by high frequency oscillations in hippocampal local field potentials. However, methods to define replay mathematically remain undeveloped. In this project, we construct a novel state-space model that enables us to identify whether replay is occurring, and if so to estimate the movement trajectories consistent with the observed neural activity, and to categorize the content of each event. The state-space model integrates information from the spiking activity from the hippocampal population, the rhythms in the local field potential, and the rat's movement behavior. Finally, we develop a new, general time-rescaling theorem for marked point processes, and use this to develop a general goodness-of-fit framework for neural population spiking models. We investigate this approach through simulation and a real data application

    Training deep neural density estimators to identify mechanistic models of neural dynamics

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    Mechanistic modeling in neuroscience aims to explain observed phenomena in terms of underlying causes. However, determining which model parameters agree with complex and stochastic neural data presents a significant challenge. We address this challenge with a machine learning tool which uses deep neural density estimators-- trained using model simulations-- to carry out Bayesian inference and retrieve the full space of parameters compatible with raw data or selected data features. Our method is scalable in parameters and data features, and can rapidly analyze new data after initial training. We demonstrate the power and flexibility of our approach on receptive fields, ion channels, and Hodgkin-Huxley models. We also characterize the space of circuit configurations giving rise to rhythmic activity in the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion, and use these results to derive hypotheses for underlying compensation mechanisms. Our approach will help close the gap between data-driven and theory-driven models of neural dynamics

    Exploiting Noise as a Resource for Computation and Learning in Spiking Neural Networks

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    Networks of spiking neurons underpin the extraordinary information-processing capabilities of the brain and have emerged as pillar models in neuromorphic intelligence. Despite extensive research on spiking neural networks (SNNs), most are established on deterministic models. Integrating noise into SNNs leads to biophysically more realistic neural dynamics and may benefit model performance. This work presents the noisy spiking neural network (NSNN) and the noise-driven learning rule (NDL) by introducing a spiking neuron model incorporating noisy neuronal dynamics. Our approach shows how noise may act as a resource for computation and learning and theoretically provides a framework for general SNNs. Moreover, NDL provides an insightful biological rationale for surrogate gradients. By incorporating various SNN architectures and algorithms, we show that our approach exhibits competitive performance and improved robustness against challenging perturbations than deterministic SNNs. Additionally, we demonstrate the utility of the NSNN model for neural coding studies. Overall, NSNN offers a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use tool for machine learning practitioners and computational neuroscience researchers.Comment: Fixed the bug in the BBL file generated with bibliography management progra

    Single Biological Neurons as Temporally Precise Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognizers

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    This PhD thesis is focused on the central idea that single neurons in the brain should be regarded as temporally precise and highly complex spatio-temporal pattern recognizers. This is opposed to the prevalent view of biological neurons as simple and mainly spatial pattern recognizers by most neuroscientists today. In this thesis, I will attempt to demonstrate that this is an important distinction, predominantly because the above-mentioned computational properties of single neurons have far-reaching implications with respect to the various brain circuits that neurons compose, and on how information is encoded by neuronal activity in the brain. Namely, that these particular "low-level" details at the single neuron level have substantial system-wide ramifications. In the introduction we will highlight the main components that comprise a neural microcircuit that can perform useful computations and illustrate the inter-dependence of these components from a system perspective. In chapter 1 we discuss the great complexity of the spatio-temporal input-output relationship of cortical neurons that are the result of morphological structure and biophysical properties of the neuron. In chapter 2 we demonstrate that single neurons can generate temporally precise output patterns in response to specific spatio-temporal input patterns with a very simple biologically plausible learning rule. In chapter 3, we use the differentiable deep network analog of a realistic cortical neuron as a tool to approximate the gradient of the output of the neuron with respect to its input and use this capability in an attempt to teach the neuron to perform nonlinear XOR operation. In chapter 4 we expand chapter 3 to describe extension of our ideas to neuronal networks composed of many realistic biological spiking neurons that represent either small microcircuits or entire brain regions
