57 research outputs found

    Multimode Operation of a PV-Battery System fed Brushless DC Motor Drive

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    Utilization of energy storage systems along with Photovoltaic systems, can provide an efficient solution to overcome the challenges associated with renewable energy sources. This paper proposes an algorithm for the multimode operation of a Brushless DC motor drive fed using a combination of Photovoltaic System and battery-based energy storage. Based on the solar irradiation and the state of charge of the battery, the proposed algorithm identifies a control scheme wherein the entire system operates in Four different modes. The working of the PV-Battery System fed Brushless DC Motor Drive under various operating modes is presented and is verified using simulation analysis performed in MATLAB/Simulink. © 2020 IEEE

    Online power management with embedded optimization for a multi-source hybrid with real time applications

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    The focus of this thesis is to develop a suitable power management optimization strategy for a three-source hybrid vehicle powertrain. This strategy takes into account the integration of optimized parameters that limit the battery and fuel cell current by utilizing a third power source, namely supercapacitor. The goal is to develop a modular structure with decoupled online and offline parts such that implementation in case of real driving conditions is feasible. Based on the literature review it can be concluded that providing optimal solutions in terms of multiple objectives online is an issue. Adaption of optimized control strategy to real driving data is another concern. The developed strategy employs an online rule-based control with embedded offline-optimized parameters. The parameters are optimized with respect to multiple and conflicting objectives such as fuel consumption and state-of-charge deviation minimization. By a suitable selection of parameters, operation of all three sources within desired working ranges is possible, keeping in mind the load demand. By varying the weights between the objectives, one or more objectives can be given more priority than others. The application of this concept to fuel cell-battery-supercapacitor hybrid is discussed in this thesis. Detailed modeling of all components along with verification and plausibility assessment is done. For the purpose of experimental validation, the real powertrain components are replaced by controllable power sources and sinks that emulate the dynamics of real components. Finally, a brief concept is presented to integrate the developed power management optimization in real driving scenarios. For validation/verification purposes, a driving simulator environment is connected to the experimental hybrid electric vehicle set-up and with the help of an illustrative example, the desired predicted optimal values are calculated online and displayed to the human driver by a suitable interface. The absence of online tuning of controller parameters in this example is counteracted by developing a concept based on literature. With the help of this concept, the adaption of the power management control concept, developed in this thesis, can be realized

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 1

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    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Application of Integrated Magnetics and Discontinuous Conduction Mode to Multi-port DC-DC Power Conversion for integrating PV panels with storage

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2016. Major: Electrical/Computer Engineering. Advisor: Ned Mohan. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 114 pages.Multi-port converter design and analysis presents one of the most intriguing challenges in the incorporation of renewables in the power grid. Choice of topology is of paramount importance to improve the power conditioning. To this eect, the Cuk topology can be a suitable candidate : low Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), low component count, simplied Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and power management, reduction of lter capacitor requirement, high eciency. This thesis revisits the concept of integrated magnetics in the Cuk topology and uses it judiciously to achieve the aforementioned requirements, by generating ripple-free currents at two terminals, independent regulation of two outputs in addition to magnetic integration. However, till date, no completely deterministic method has existed to design the integrated magnetic version of the Cuk converter. Two dierent methods, adopted from the area-product and the Kg (geometrical constant) methods are explored to design the two-port version of this converter. The area-product method is validated by means of experimental results on a 250W prototype. The ideas are then extended to a three-port version, but with the addition of another feature: independent regulation of two output ports. This is achieved by means of a combined Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM)-Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) operation, but without sacrificing the ripple-free nature of currents on two of the ports. The non-isolated version of this converter, meant for modular use in a microconverter architecture, is validated by means of simulation and experimental results on a 150W prototype. A soft-switching scheme has also been demonstrated for a three-port converter with integrated magnetics. This has an active-clamp Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) turn-on circuit with the addition of a Zero-Current Switching (ZCS) turn-o. The design of the external components and simulation results for the same are presented as well. Finally, with the ever-increasing adoption of wide bandgap devices and planar magnetics in power electronics, it makes sense to get rid of the isolation transformer altogether for PV-to-grid applications, since isolation is not an imposed standard in PV power systems. Two Cuk converter based topologies are proposed which are hybrid charge-pump/inductive converter circuits. Simulation results are presented for the same

    Application of Power Electronics Converters in Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Systems

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    This book focuses on the applications of Power Electronics Converters in smart grids and renewable energy systems. The topics covered include methods to CO2 emission control, schemes for electric vehicle charging, reliable renewable energy forecasting methods, and various power electronics converters. The converters include the quasi neutral point clamped inverter, MPPT algorithms, the bidirectional DC-DC converter, and the push–pull converter with a fuzzy logic controller

    Alternative Fuels for Transportation

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    With existing petroleum oil and natural gas reserves enough for only several more decades, there is an imminent need for alternative energy sources. This critical situation has incited greater improvements in automotive technology and the increased use of nonconventional fuels. Alternative Fuels for Transportation covers the potential, production methods, properties, vehicle tests, merits, and drawbacks of alternative fuels. The esteemed editor highlights the importance of moving toward alternative fuels and the problems and environmental impact of depending on petroleum products. Each self-contained chapter focuses on a particular fuel source, including vegetable oils, biodiesel, methanol, ethanol, dimethyl ether, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, hydrogen, electric, fuel cells, and fuel from nonfood crops. For most of these fuels, production methods, storage, transportation and distribution, physiochemical properties, system modification, engine tests, economics, applications, safety aspects, material compatibility, and future scope are discussed. Although we now know that increases in greenhouse gases will contribute to global climate change, the transportation sector and decentralized power generation continue to heavily rely on petroleum products, particularly gasoline and diesel. Exploring how to counteract the world’s energy insecurity and environmental pollution, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of nonconventional fuel sources and technology

    Alternative Fuels for Transportation

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    Exploring how to counteract the world's energy insecurity and environmental pollution, this volume covers the production methods, properties, storage, engine tests, system modification, transportation and distribution, economics, safety aspects, applications, and material compatibility of alternative fuels. The esteemed editor highlights the importance of moving toward alternative fuels and the problems and environmental impact of depending on petroleum products. Each self-contained chapter focuses on a particular fuel source, including vegetable oils, biodiesel, methanol, ethanol, dimethyl ether, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, hydrogen, electric, fuel cells, and fuel from nonfood crops

    PID tasarımında MDA denklemlerinin geliştirilmesi ve MPPT için yükseltici tip DC-DC çevirici kontrolü

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu tez çalışması iki ana bölümden oluşmaktadır; ilk bölümde PID kontrolcü parametrelerinin hesaplanması için belirlenen performans kriterlerine göre ayrık-zamanda modele dayalı analitik (MDA) denklemler çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilmiş olan parametrik MDA denklemleri sayısı iki ve hesap edilmesi gereken PID katsayıları K_i,K_p,K_d adedi üç olduğundan denklemler lineer bağımlıdır. Bu nedenle, PID kontrolcü parametrelerinin hesaplanmasında 4 adımdan oluşan bir uygulama prosedürü verilmiştir. Literatürde model bazlı olan/olmayan PID kontrolcü parametre hesabı için çeşitli yöntemler bulunmaktadır ancak bu yöntemler sürekli zaman için veya belirli sistemlere özel olarak çıkartılmıştır. Kompakt formda ayrık zamanda PID kontrolcü parametrelerinin doğrudan hesaplanabildiği bir yönteme literatürde rastlanılmamıştır. Bu çalışmada önerilen MDA denklemleri ve uygulama yöntemi tasarım mühendisleri ve araştırmacılar için ayrık zamanda dönüşüm gerektirmeden doğrudan PID kontrolcü parametrelerinin hesaplanmasını pratik ve etkili olarak sağlayan bir yöntem olarak literatüre kazandırılmıştır. Tezin ikinci bölümünde ise, önerilen MDA denklemleri PI kontrolcü parametrelerinin doğrudan hesaplanabilmesi için yeniden türetilmiştir. Türetilen denklem sayısı ile hesap edilmesi gereken bilinmeyen PI katsayıları adedi eşit olduğundan denklemler lineer bağımsızdır. Yeni kompakt formdaki denklemler ile yükseltici tip DC-DC çeviriciler için çift döngü PI kontrolcü parametreleri doğrudan hesaplanabilmektedir. Literatürde çift döngü kontrol için çeşitli kontrolcüler kaskad bağlanarak (PI-SMC, PI-Fuzzy gibi) kullanılmıştır ancak her iki döngüde de PI kontrol kuralının uygulandığı çift döngü kontrol yöntemine rastlanılmamıştır. Her döngüde farklı kontrol teoreminin/yönteminin kullanılması fazladan hesaplama yükü ve her iki döngü için farklı tasarım adımları/metodları gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada literatürden farklı olarak çift döngü PI kontrolcü yapısı seçilerek her döngüde farklı tasarım gerektiren teoremlerin/metodların kullanılma gerekliliği ortadan kaldırılmış ve türetilen yeni MDA denklemleri ile her iki döngü için PI kontrolcü parametrelerinin ayrık zamanda doğrudan hesap edilmesi sağlanmıştır. Yukarıda açıklanan her iki özgün yöntemin, benzetim ve gerçek zaman uygulamaları karşılaştırmalı olarak ayrı ayrı yapılmış ve önerilen yöntemlerin doğrulukları gösterilmiştir.This study has two main parts; in the first part the model based analytic formulations are derived in discrete-time due to pre-defined performance criteria. Because of three parameters (K_p,K_i,K_d)) have to be calculated but two MDA formulations for PID parameters are presented, the equations are linear depended. Therefore, the implementation procedure navigates the designer to obtain K_p,K_i,K_d parameters from proposed two MDA formulations. In this study, this specified implementation procedure with four steps for MDA formulations is also introduced. In literature there are model/non-model based calculation methods for PID parameters. However those formulations are derived for specific plants in continues time. A model based analytic formulation in compact form in discrete time has not been come across yet in literature. This method provides a direct calculation method for digital PID controller design in discrete time for all field researchers and application engineers. A fast, easy-implemented, and practical PID parameter calculation method has been provided in the literature. In the second part of this study, proposed MDA formulations has been re-derived to provide a direct calculation formulation for the PI controller parameters. The unknowns number of the PI parameters (K_p and K_i) are equaled to the re-derived equation numbers, therefore the equations are linear independent. Double loop PI controller parameters for the control of the DC-DC boost converter output voltage could be directly calculated from the new re-derived formulations. Generally different types of cascaded discrete time control techniques are given in literature such as PI-SMC (Sliding mode controller), PI-Fuzzy. Among all these techniques a double loop discrete time PI-PI controller technique has not been studied yet. The theorems and design steps have to be different for (each) double loop controller, as in PI-SMC or PI-Fuzzy Logic type, which are used in literature, because the inner and outer loop are using different control techniques, thus bringing extra design and calculation burden. In this study, beside from the literature different design and calculation steps are removed with Double Loop PI controller. The calculation of the each loop could be directly calculated in discrete time thanks to the new re-derived MDA formulations. The simulation and real time studies are separately and comparatively given for both original methods mentioned above. Furthermore, simulation and real time studies provide the accuracy of the methods

    Investigation and development of new concepts for improvement of aircraft electrical power systems Quarterly progress report

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    Electrical loads analysis and parametric data of aircraft utilization component