12 research outputs found

    An attitude-based reasoning strategy to enhance interaction with augmented objects

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    This paper describes a mobile-based system to interact with objects in smart spaces, where the offer of resources may be extensive. The underlying idea is to use the augmentation capabilities of the mobile device to enable it as user-object mediator. In particular, the paper details how to build an attitude-based reasoning strategy that facilitates user-object interaction and resource filtering. The strategy prioritizes the available resources depending on the spatial history of the user, his real-time location and orientation and, finally, his active touch and focus interactions with the virtual overlay. The proposed reasoning method has been partially validated through a prototype that handles 2D and 3D visualization interfaces. This framework makes possible to develop in practice the IoT paradigm, augmenting the objects without physically modifying them

    VR binoculars: An immersive visualization framework for IoT data streams

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    Every day we find ourselves moving through a blend of material spaces and immaterial networks. This invisible layer created from the millions of the data streams and network connections that take place around us tends to get denser with the recent development and deployment of the IoT devices in the urban space. In our work we aim to explore how the available technology of Mixed Reality spectrum can be applied to provide us an immerse view of the information that exist within the invisible layer of the “cyberspace” [1]. To this extend, we propose “VR Binoculars”, a digital visualization framework that operates in real time.The available Virtual (VR), Augmented (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) technology is used as a medium to unveil the information that exist in our surrounding space. Specifically, we situate the user within an environment where the digital data visualizations and the physical space are matched together, providing to the user the ability to interact, orient themselves and navigate naturally.For us the proposed framework it is able to promote a better understanding of the IoT ecosystem, it can justify the use of sensors in the public space, and it can raise awareness about privacy and data sharing. Using different urban environments as test cases (indoor, outdoor) we present our methodology and our first results

    Automated Decision Support IoT Framework

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    During the past few years, with the fast development and proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), many application areas have started to exploit this new computing paradigm. The number of active computing devices has been growing at a rapid pace in IoT environments around the world. Consequently, a mechanism to deal with this different devices has become necessary. Middleware systems solutions for IoT have been developed in both research and industrial environments to supply this need. However, decision analytics remain a critical challenge. In this work we present the Decision Support IoT Framework composed of COBASEN, an IoT search engine to address the research challenge regarding the discovery and selection of IoT devices when large number of devices with overlapping and sometimes redundant functionality are available in IoT middleware systems, and DMS, a rule-based reasoner engine allowing to set up computational analytics on device data when it is still in motion, extracting valuable information from it for automated decision making. DMS uses Complex Event Processing to analyze and react over streaming data, allowing for example, to trigger an actuator when a specific error or condition appears in the stream. The main goal of this work is to highlight the importance of a decision support system for decision analytics in the IoT paradigm. We developed a system which implements DMS concepts. However, for preliminarily tests, we made a functional evaluation of both systems in terms of performance. Our initial findings suggest that the Decision Support IoT Framework provides important approaches that facilitate the development of IoT applications, and provides a new way to see how the business rules and decision-making will be made towards the Internet of Things

    Ambient Intelligence for Next-Generation AR

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    Next-generation augmented reality (AR) promises a high degree of context-awareness - a detailed knowledge of the environmental, user, social and system conditions in which an AR experience takes place. This will facilitate both the closer integration of the real and virtual worlds, and the provision of context-specific content or adaptations. However, environmental awareness in particular is challenging to achieve using AR devices alone; not only are these mobile devices' view of an environment spatially and temporally limited, but the data obtained by onboard sensors is frequently inaccurate and incomplete. This, combined with the fact that many aspects of core AR functionality and user experiences are impacted by properties of the real environment, motivates the use of ambient IoT devices, wireless sensors and actuators placed in the surrounding environment, for the measurement and optimization of environment properties. In this book chapter we categorize and examine the wide variety of ways in which these IoT sensors and actuators can support or enhance AR experiences, including quantitative insights and proof-of-concept systems that will inform the development of future solutions. We outline the challenges and opportunities associated with several important research directions which must be addressed to realize the full potential of next-generation AR.Comment: This is a preprint of a book chapter which will appear in the Springer Handbook of the Metavers

    Driving with the Dead: Stories of Loss, Journey, and Wonder

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    We humans —across time, cultures, and geography— struggle with the awareness of our own mortality. Rather than accept finitude, we embrace ideas of boundlessness and perpetuity, and perceive ourselves as beings in constant motion, as travelers, in life as well as in death. We rely on metaphors of inner and outer journey to express life challenges and opportunities, and envision our deceased to be similarly en route: crossing over, passing on, ascending or descending, and, ultimately —hopefully— transcending to some higher realm. My culminating project explores the relationships between bereavement and journey, mourning and wonder. It is a collection of loosely-linked, non-fiction narratives using motifs of travel and transportation to consider the complex and creative ways in which the living interact with the dead. Managing loss and making peace with impermanence is a timeless and universal human pursuit. Story, art, memory, imagination, and metaphor are tools we can use to help traverse this unmappable terrain

    Identity Management Framework for Internet of Things

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    A Look to Burst the Brightest Neon Hearts: Attempts

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    A Look to Burst the Brightest Neon Hearts is an inquiry, via constellation of stories diffuse in structure and subject matter, into the various (and really weird) phenomena comprising contemporary American existence. Cumulatively, the stories seek to: (1) kick up, like bottom feeders searching biogenous sediment, an underlying value system, and (2) explore how language both breastfeeds and like, weans this value system-e.g., what dark matter is it that tethers bromances to reality TV? Quantum mechanics to pop music? How can a country be responsible for both the world\u27s highest incarceration rates, and OKCupid? These stories also explore various American conceptions and embodiments of love, plotting out a strange attractor of cultural reflection and refraction

    2020-2021 Bulletin

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    2019-2020 Bulletin

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