5 research outputs found

    Distributed Programming with Shared Data

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    Until recently, at least one thing was clear about parallel programming: tightly coupled (shared memory) machines were programmed in a language based on shared variables and loosely coupled (distributed) systems were programmed using message passing. The explosive growth of research on distributed systems and their languages, however, has led to several new methodologies that blur this simple distinction. Operating system primitives (e.g., problem-oriented shared memory, Shared Virtual Memory, the Agora shared memory) and languages (e.g., Concurrent Prolog, Linda, Emerald) for programming distributed systems have been proposed that support the shared variable paradigm without the presence of physical shared memory. In this paper we will look at the reasons for this evolution, the resemblances and differences among these new proposals, and the key issues in their design and implementation. It turns out that many implementations are based on replication of data. We take this idea one step further, and discuss how automatic replication (initiated by the run time system) can be used as a basis for a new model, called the shared data-object model, whose semantics are similar to the shared variable model. Finally, we discuss the design of a new language for distributed programming, Orca, based on the shared data-object model. 1

    A distributed object-oriented graphical programming system

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    technical reportThis report presents the design of a distributed parallel object system (DPOS) and its implementation using a graphical editing interface. DPOS brings together concepts of object-oriented programming and graphical programming with aspects of modern functional languages. Programs are defined as networks of active processes called "Process Objects" and interconnecting communications lines. These active objects are independent single threaded programs that employ much of the modularity, encapsulation of function, and encapsulation of data found in sequential object-oriented programming. The system defines a clear and simple approach to generating and managing parallelism and interprocess communication in a distributed parallel environment. DPOS contributes several new solutions to the problems of distributed parallel programming that are improvements over existing systems. The key improvements of this system include: a more complete and versatile means of dynamic process creation; the specification of complex network topologies in an intuitively clear and understandable way; seperation of the management of parallelism from the definition of computation; automatic resolution of low level critical section issues; the ability to design and develop separate processes as traditional single threaded programs; the encapsulation and incremental development of programs subnetworks; application of graphical programming concepts to high level programming

    Toward Optimizing Distributed Programs Directed by Configurations

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    Networks of workstations are now viable environments for running distributed and parallel applications. Recent advances in software interconnection technology enables programmers to prepare applications to run in dynamically changing environments because module interconnection activity is regarded as an essentially distinct and different intellectual activity so as isolated from that of implementing individual modules. But there remains the question of how to optimize the performance of those applications for a given execution environment: how can developers realize performance gains without paying a high programming cost to specialize their application for the target environment? Interconnection technology has allowed programmers to tailor and tune their applications on distributed environments, but the traditional approach to this process has ignored the performance issue over gracefully seemless integration of various software components

    The shared data-object model as a paradigm for programming distributed systems

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    Formal modelling and analysis of broadcasting embedded control systems

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    PhD ThesisEmbedded systems are real-time, communicating systems, and the effective modelling and analysis of these aspects of their behaviour is regarded as essential for acquiring confidence in their correct operation. In practice, it is important to minimise the burden of model construction and to automate the analysis, if possible. Among the most promising techniques for real-time systems are reachability analysis and model-checking of networks of timed automata. We identify two obstacles to the application of these techniques to a large class of distributed embedded systems: firstly, the language of timed automata is too low-level for straightforward model construction, and secondly, the synchronous, handshake communication mechanism of the timed automata model does not fit well with the asynchronous, broadcast mechanism employed in many distributed embedded systems. As a result, the task of model construction can be unduly onerous. This dissertation proposes an expressive language for the construction of models of real-time, broadcasting control systems, and demonstrates how effi- cient analysis techniques can be applied to them. The dissertation is concerned in particular with the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol which is emerging as a de facto standard in the automotive industry. An abstract formal model of CAN is developed. This model is adopted as the communication primitive in a new language, bCANDLE, which includes value passing, broadcast communication, message priorities and explicit time. A high-level language, CANDLE, is introduced and its semantics defined by translation to bCANDLE. We show how realistic CAN systems can be described in CANDLE and how a timed transition model of a system can be extracted for analysis. Finally, it is shown how efficient methods of analysis, such as 'on-the- fly' and symbolic techniques, can be applied to these models. The dissertation contributes to the practical application of formal methods within the domain of broadcasting, embedded control systemsSchool of Computing and Mathematics at the University of Northumbri