3 research outputs found

    Broadcast from Minicast Secure Against General Adversaries

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    Byzantine broadcast is a distributed primitive that allows a specific party to consistently distribute a message among nn parties in the presence of potential misbehavior of up to tt of the parties. The celebrated result of \cite{PSL80} shows that broadcast is achievable from point-to-point channels if and only if t<n/3t < n/3. The following two generalizations have been proposed to the original broadcast problem. In~\cite{FM98} the authors considered a \emph{general adversary} characterized by the sets of parties that can be corrupted. It was shown that broadcast is achievable from point-to-point channels if and only if no three possible corrupted sets can cover the whole party set. In~\cite{CFFLMM05} the notion of point-to-point channels has been extended to the bb-minicast channels allowing to locally broadcast among any subset of bb parties. It has been shown that broadcast secure against adversaries corrupting up to tt parties is achievable from bb-minicast if and only if t<b−1b+1nt < \frac{b-1}{b+1}n. In this paper we combine both generalizations by considering the problem of achieving broadcast from bb-minicast channels secure against general adversaries. Our main result is a condition on the possible corrupted sets such that broadcast is achievable from bb-minicast if and only if this condition holds

    From Partial to Global Asynchronous Reliable Broadcast

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    Broadcast is a fundamental primitive in distributed computing. It allows a sender to consistently distribute a message among n recipients. The seminal result of Pease et al. [JACM\u2780] shows that in a complete network of synchronous bilateral channels, broadcast is achievable if and only if the number of corruptions is bounded by t < n/3. To overcome this bound, a fascinating line of works, Fitzi and Maurer [STOC\u2700], Considine et al. [JC\u2705], and Raykov [ICALP\u2715], proposed strengthening the communication network by assuming partial synchronous broadcast channels, which guarantee consistency among a subset of recipients. We extend this line of research to the asynchronous setting. We consider reliable broadcast protocols assuming a communication network which provides each subset of b parties with reliable broadcast channels. A natural question is to investigate the trade-off between the size b and the corruption threshold t. We answer this question by showing feasibility and impossibility results: - A reliable broadcast protocol ?_{RBC} that: - For 3 ? b ? 4, is secure up to t < n/2 corruptions. - For b > 4 even, is secure up to t < ((b-4)/(b-2) n + 8/(b-2)) corruptions. - For b > 4 odd, is secure up to t < ((b-3)/(b-1) n + 6/(b-1)) corruptions. - A nonstop reliable broadcast ?_{nRBC}, where parties are guaranteed to obtain output as in reliable broadcast but may need to run forever, secure up to t < (b-1)/(b+1) n corruptions. - There is no protocol for (nonstop) reliable broadcast secure up to t ? (b-1)/(b+1) n corruptions, implying that ?_{RBC} is an asymptotically optimal reliable broadcast protocol, and ?_{nRBC} is an optimal nonstop reliable broadcast protocol

    On Broadcast in Generalized Network and Adversarial Models

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    Broadcast is a primitive which allows a specific party to distribute a message consistently among n parties, even if up to t parties exhibit malicious behaviour. In the classical model with a complete network of bilateral authenticated channels, the seminal result of Pease et al. [Pease et al., 1980] shows that broadcast is achievable if and only if t < n/3. There are two generalizations suggested for the broadcast problem - with respect to the adversarial model and the communication model. Fitzi and Maurer [Fitzi and Maurer, 1998] consider a (non-threshold) general adversary that is characterized by the subsets of parties that could be corrupted, and show that broadcast can be realized from bilateral channels if and only if the union of no three possible corrupted sets equals the entire set of n parties. On the other hand, Considine et al. [Considine et al., 2005] extend the standard model of bilateral channels with the existence of b-minicast channels that allow to locally broadcast among any subset of b parties; the authors show that in this enhanced model of communication, secure broadcast tolerating up to t corrupted parties is possible if and only if t < (b-1)/(b+1)n. These generalizations are unified in the work by Raykov [Raykov P., 2015], where a tight condition on the possible corrupted sets is presented such that broadcast is achievable from a complete set of b-minicasts. This paper investigates the achievability of broadcast in general networks, i.e., networks where only some subsets of minicast channels may be available, thereby addressing open problems posed in [Jaffe et al., 2012; Raykov P., 2015]. To that end, we propose a hierarchy over all possible general adversaries, and identify for each class of general adversaries 1) a set of minicast channels that are necessary to achieve broadcast and 2) a set of minicast channels that are sufficient to achieve broadcast. In particular, this allows us to derive bounds on the amount of b-minicasts that are necessary and that suffice towards constructing broadcast in general b-minicast networks