8 research outputs found

    Como jogos educacionais são desenvolvidos? Uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    The use of educational games for teaching computing has been shown to be an effective instructional strategy that leads students to active learning and acquiring new knowledge, skills and attitudes. However, in order to be effective such games need to be developed systematically and, thus, a question is which processes exist for the development of educational games. In this context, we present a systematic literature review on existing processes for the development of educational games and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. The results of the review can be used as a basis when developing new educational games in a systematic manner as well as a starting point for the evolution and improvement of such processes.A utilização de jogos para o ensino de computação vem se mostrando uma eficiente estratégia instrucional que leva os alunos a uma aprendizagem ativa e permite adquirir novos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. Entretanto, tais jogos precisam ser desenvolvidos de forma sistemática e assim temos a questão: Existem processos para desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais? Neste contexto, apresentamos uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os processos existentes para o desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais e discutimos os pontos fortes e fracos. Os resultados podem ser usados como base no desenvolvimento sistemático de novos jogos, bem como um ponto de partida para evolução e aperfeiçoamento de tais processos

    Authoring of Adaptive Single-Player Educational Games

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    Digital Educational Games, as one of the most important application areas of Serious Games, combine positive properties of digital games, such as strong motivation for players and inherent learning processes, with educational methods and technologies. Adaptive algorithms allow such games to be aligned automatically to the needs of different players, thereby increasing the learning efficacy. However, educational games are among the most complex game production endeavors, since they are often faced with small budget on the one hand and special requirements with impacts on all aspects of game development, from design through programming to asset production, on the other. Authoring tools have been successfully created and used in fields related to Serious Games and educational games, including e-Learning, multimedia, interactive storytelling and entertainment games. These tools incorporate parts of the production workflows in their respective areas and allow all authors, including non-programmers, to create applications. While it appears beneficial to create authoring tools for educational games, we find that authoring tools for educational games have to account for the higher complexity and interactivity of games compared to other forms of multimedia and that they have not been researched thoroughly in the past. These challenges are addressed in this thesis by presenting a concept for an authoring tool for adaptive educational single-player games that accounts for the specifics of educational game development. Major results are an educational game description model, concepts for adaptive control of educational games and author support mechanisms specifically for adaptive educational game authoring. These concepts are implemented in the authoring tool "StoryTec", which is validated in the course of a set of evaluation studies. The novel features of StoryTec include the specific support for adaptive educational games, a concept for structural and interaction templates shown to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the authoring tool, as well as the support for collaborative work. It builds the foundation for a number of current and future research and development projects, including the extension towards authoring of multiplayer games, and is tested and used by over 120 members of an open community

    Authoring of adaptive single-player educational games

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    Games based learning

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether it is possible for a teacher (as a non-game developer) to create educational computer games that could be considered fun‟ to play. The influences of game genre and graphical fidelity on this process are also investigated, along with the practicalities and barriers that constrain the (mainstream) use of computer games within the education system. A literature review was conducted into the motivations for using educational games, the educational and conventional approaches to games design, and finally the development frameworks/software tools available for the purposes of implementation. Building upon the literature review, a questionnaire based survey and a games design pilot were conducted in order to establish what constitutes educational games design „best practice‟. Based on the feedback/results obtained, a small number of educational games were developed (using the package "GameMaker") and piloted for use within the subsequent main study. The main study consisted of a series of educational game playing sessions (supported by questionnaires) aimed at addressing the thesis research questions. The results of the study (in combination with an additional literature review) suggest the following: It is possible for teachers (as non-game developers) to create „fun‟ educational computer games, although this may not always be the most practical or preferred approach. Low fidelity graphics do not negatively impact the successful use of computer games within an educational environment. Educational games can be used practically within the education system, but with constraints and barriers preventing their mainstream adoption, unless schools, government and educational game advocates work together towards a shared vision. Due to limitations within the study, the influence of genre on the use educational games remains unresolved. This thesis contributes new knowledge through the discovery that computer games do not require high fidelity graphics in order to be used successfully within an educational environment (at the primary school level), and addresses a gap within the current literature through the documentation of the author‟s „real world‟ experience of developing educational computer games (from a teacher‟s point of view)

    ENgAGED: um processo de desenvolvimento de jogos para ensino em computação

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2016.A utilização de jogos educacionais para o ensino de Computação vem se mostrando uma eficiente estratégia instrucional que leva os alunos a uma aprendizagem ativa e adquirir novos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. Assim, nos últimos anos diversos jogos (digitais e não-digitais) para ensinar várias áreas de Computação (p. ex. Engenharia de Software, programação, redes de computadores e segurança) foram desenvolvidos. Tipicamente estes jogos são desenvolvidos pelos próprios professores das disciplinas de modo ad-hoc e não são avaliados de forma rigorosa. Portanto, é necessária uma base melhor de design instrucional e de design de jogos para assegurar que os jogos desenvolvidos atingem os seus objetivos de aprendizagem. Neste contexto, a Tese apresenta o processo ENgAGED - um processo de desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais, que integra processo de design instrucional e processo de design de jogos. O processo foi desenvolvido com base em uma revisão sistemática da literatura, comparando os processos existentes e de forma sistemática integrando elementos do design instrucional e o design de jogos. O processo foi avaliado do ponto de vista da qualidade do processo e da qualidade do produto. A avaliação da qualidade do processo foi realizada por um painel de 10 especialistas que consideraram o processo é não-ambíguo, útil, consistente, completo, compreensível e correto. O processo também foi avaliado positivamente em relação a flexibilidade e usabilidade para o desenvolvimento de vários tipos de jogos. A qualidade do produto foi avaliado por meio de uma serie de estudo de casos, desenvolvendo 4 jogos educacionais (SCRUM-Scape, SCRUM?ed, PM-Quiz e Fuga de Gambix) com o processo ENGAGED. Espera-se que os resultados dessa Tese facilitem o desenvolvimento de novos jogos educacionais para área da Computação, contribuindo para a sua qualidade tanto em termos educacionais quanto de jogos e assim em geral contribuir positivamente ao ensino de Computação.Abstract : The use of educational games for teaching computing has been shown to be an effective instructional strategy that leads students to active learning and acquiring new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Recently various games (digital and non-digital) have been developed to teach diverse computing areas (e.g. software engineering, programming, computer networks, and security). Typically, these games are developed by the teachers themselves in an ad-hoc manner and many are not rigorously evaluated. Therefore, a better basis for instructional design and game design is required to ensure that the developed games achieve their learning goals. In this context, this thesis presents the process ENgAGED - a process for developing educational games, which integrates parts of the instructional design and game design process. The process was developed based on a systematic literature review, comparing existing processes and systematically integrating elements of instructional design and game design. The process was evaluated from the point of view process quality and quality of the product. The process quality was evaluated by a panel of 10 experts, who considered the process is non-ambiguous, useful, consistent, complete, understandable and correct. The process was also evaluated positively in relation to flexibility and usability for the development of several types of games. The product quality has been evaluated through a series of case studies developing 4 educational games (SCRUM-Scape, SCRUM?ed, PM-Quiz e Fuga de Gambix) following the process ENGAGED. We expect that the. Results of this thesis facilitate the development of new educational games for teaching computing contributing to their quality and, thus, contribute positively to computer education

    The Murray Ledger and Times, August 25, 1990

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    Adaptação e avaliação da metodologia dos sete passos para o desenvolvimento de competências em produção de jogos digitais didáticos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, Araranguá, 2017.Os jogos digitais estão presentes no contexto educacional como recurso didático e se percebe uma preocupação atual em desenvolvê-los com foco em aprendizagem e diversão. Motivado por esse contexto, o trabalho tem como objetivo abordar o uso da Metodologia dos Sete Passos para o Desenvolvimento de Competências para produzir jogos digitais didáticos. Assim, pode-se observar sua contribuição perante a diversão e aprendizagem proposto no jogo. A metodologia da pesquisa se baseia em uma revisão bibliográfica da terminologia dos jogos digitais didáticos. Também o estudo da Metodologia dos Sete Passos para o Desenvolvimento de Competências, abordando o termo competência e cada passo da metodologia foco da pesquisa. A seguir, ela foi adaptada para a produção de jogos digitais didáticos, tendo como base os autores originais da metodologia e fazendo inferências com autores voltados ao projeto de jogos digitais. Uma vez adaptada, a metodologia foi usada no projeto de um estudo de caso chamado ?Isaac e o Enigma do Explorador? para se trabalhar a competência de reconhecimento de pontos turísticos da região sul de Santa Catarina com alunos universitários entre 18 e 22 anos. Depois, o jogo foi aplicado com os estudantes para se verificar a eficiência do método perante diversão e aprendizagem. A principal contribuição deste trabalho de pesquisa é de apresentar uma nova forma de produção de jogos digitais didáticos de forma organizada, flexível e que resulte em um software de entretenimento que seja divertido e permita a aprendizagem. Baseado no experimento realizado com os estudantes, observou-se que o estudo de caso desenvolveu a aprendizagem dos alunos de uma forma instigante e motivadora, além de demonstrar que é possível utilizar tal metodologia para projetar jogos didáticos divertidos.Abstract : The digital games are present in the educational context as a didactic resource and there are a present worry to develop them with focus in learning and fun. Motivated by this context, this research has the objective to show the Seven Steps Skills Development Methodology to produce didactic digital games and its contribution about fun and learning in games. The methodology begins with a sistematic review about didactical games terminologies. Besides, the study about Seven Steps Skills Development Methodology, showing which are the competences and each step about the Skills Development Methodology. Next, it has been adapted in a didactic digital game development based on the methodology's original authors and others authors in the game development area. That methodology was used in a case study called ?Isaac e o Enigma do Explorador? in order to develop the competence about tourist attractions in Southern Santa Catarina State with college students between 18 and 22 years old. After, the game was applied with students to analyze the method effectiveness about fun and learning. The contribution of this research is related to the fact it shows news guidelines to produce didactic digital game designs with organization, flexibility, fun and learning. Based on the experiment realized, it has been observed that the case study was able to develop the students' learning with fun and showed that is possible to use this particular methodology to design fun didactical games

    Geography in the South African curriculum in relation to developments in the teaching of the subject overseas

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    The mind and character of an individual can be fostered by the subjects which have proved themselves to be of value in improving the education of man, not only from scientific, but also from moral and aesthetic stand points. The question is whether or not geography as a subject fulfils this requirement. For this it must have a distinctiveness of aim and a limitation of content. Civilization today is passing through great crises. Wars, rumours of wars, cold wars, economic crises, exhaustion of natural resources etc. are reported daily in the newspapers. Education of a certain type is needed - an education which will develop in man a deep concern for the freedom and good life of his fellows, and some understarding of the major problems of the world and possible solutions. Man is no longer a unit of a small self-contained community, but has his responsibilities as a citizen, firstly of his own country and secondly of a world community. Upon his solutions to the problems of the world depend to some degree the progress and development of his town, country, of the world generally. Education therefore ought to train the child to take his place in the world, not only as a man, but as a citizen. Children must be taught to think and reason for themselves. Geography as a subject lends itself magnificently to the general education of men and the development of good citizens. Geography can help to teach pupils to understand and experience the adult world. South Africans are fortunate in that geography is a compulsory subject up to standard seven. In high school beyond this level it is not offered by all schools