13,631 research outputs found

    Strategies for Searching Video Content with Text Queries or Video Examples

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    The large number of user-generated videos uploaded on to the Internet everyday has led to many commercial video search engines, which mainly rely on text metadata for search. However, metadata is often lacking for user-generated videos, thus these videos are unsearchable by current search engines. Therefore, content-based video retrieval (CBVR) tackles this metadata-scarcity problem by directly analyzing the visual and audio streams of each video. CBVR encompasses multiple research topics, including low-level feature design, feature fusion, semantic detector training and video search/reranking. We present novel strategies in these topics to enhance CBVR in both accuracy and speed under different query inputs, including pure textual queries and query by video examples. Our proposed strategies have been incorporated into our submission for the TRECVID 2014 Multimedia Event Detection evaluation, where our system outperformed other submissions in both text queries and video example queries, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed approaches

    Multimedia search without visual analysis: the value of linguistic and contextual information

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    This paper addresses the focus of this special issue by analyzing the potential contribution of linguistic content and other non-image aspects to the processing of audiovisual data. It summarizes the various ways in which linguistic content analysis contributes to enhancing the semantic annotation of multimedia content, and, as a consequence, to improving the effectiveness of conceptual media access tools. A number of techniques are presented, including the time-alignment of textual resources, audio and speech processing, content reduction and reasoning tools, and the exploitation of surface features

    An affect-based video retrieval system with open vocabulary querying

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    Content-based video retrieval systems (CBVR) are creating new search and browse capabilities using metadata describing significant features of the data. An often overlooked aspect of human interpretation of multimedia data is the affective dimension. Incorporating affective information into multimedia metadata can potentially enable search using this alternative interpretation of multimedia content. Recent work has described methods to automatically assign affective labels to multimedia data using various approaches. However, the subjective and imprecise nature of affective labels makes it difficult to bridge the semantic gap between system-detected labels and user expression of information requirements in multimedia retrieval. We present a novel affect-based video retrieval system incorporating an open-vocabulary query stage based on WordNet enabling search using an unrestricted query vocabulary. The system performs automatic annotation of video data with labels of well defined affective terms. In retrieval annotated documents are ranked using the standard Okapi retrieval model based on open-vocabulary text queries. We present experimental results examining the behaviour of the system for retrieval of a collection of automatically annotated feature films of different genres. Our results indicate that affective annotation can potentially provide useful augmentation to more traditional objective content description in multimedia retrieval

    Automatic semantic video annotation in wide domain videos based on similarity and commonsense knowledgebases

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for automatic Semantic Video Annotation. As this framework detects possible events occurring in video clips, it forms the annotating base of video search engine. To achieve this purpose, the system has to able to operate on uncontrolled wide-domain videos. Thus, all layers have to be based on generic features. This framework aims to bridge the "semantic gap", which is the difference between the low-level visual features and the human's perception, by finding videos with similar visual events, then analyzing their free text annotation to find a common area then to decide the best description for this new video using commonsense knowledgebases. Experiments were performed on wide-domain video clips from the TRECVID 2005 BBC rush standard database. Results from these experiments show promising integrity between those two layers in order to find expressing annotations for the input video. These results were evaluated based on retrieval performance

    Fusing MPEG-7 visual descriptors for image classification

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    This paper proposes three content-based image classification techniques based on fusing various low-level MPEG-7 visual descriptors. Fusion is necessary as descriptors would be otherwise incompatible and inappropriate to directly include e.g. in a Euclidean distance. Three approaches are described: A “merging” fusion combined with an SVM classifier, a back-propagation fusion combined with a KNN classifier and a Fuzzy-ART neurofuzzy network. In the latter case, fuzzy rules can be extracted in an effort to bridge the “semantic gap” between the low-level descriptors and the high-level semantics of an image. All networks were evaluated using content from the repository of the aceMedia project1 and more specifically in a beach/urban scene classification problem

    Learning Multimodal Latent Attributes

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    Abstract—The rapid development of social media sharing has created a huge demand for automatic media classification and annotation techniques. Attribute learning has emerged as a promising paradigm for bridging the semantic gap and addressing data sparsity via transferring attribute knowledge in object recognition and relatively simple action classification. In this paper, we address the task of attribute learning for understanding multimedia data with sparse and incomplete labels. In particular we focus on videos of social group activities, which are particularly challenging and topical examples of this task because of their multi-modal content and complex and unstructured nature relative to the density of annotations. To solve this problem, we (1) introduce a concept of semi-latent attribute space, expressing user-defined and latent attributes in a unified framework, and (2) propose a novel scalable probabilistic topic model for learning multi-modal semi-latent attributes, which dramatically reduces requirements for an exhaustive accurate attribute ontology and expensive annotation effort. We show that our framework is able to exploit latent attributes to outperform contemporary approaches for addressing a variety of realistic multimedia sparse data learning tasks including: multi-task learning, learning with label noise, N-shot transfer learning and importantly zero-shot learning