11 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap between general probabilistic theories and the device-independent framework for nonlocality and contextuality

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    Characterizing quantum correlations in terms of information-theoretic principles is a popular chapter of quantum foundations. Traditionally, the principles adopted for this scope have been expressed in terms of conditional probability distributions, specifying the probability that a black box produces a certain output upon receiving a certain input. This framework is known as "device-independent". Another major chapter of quantum foundations is the information-theoretic characterization of quantum theory, with its sets of states and measurements, and with its allowed dynamics. The different frameworks adopted for this scope are known under the umbrella term "general probabilistic theories". With only a few exceptions, the two programmes on characterizing quantum correlations and characterizing quantum theory have so far proceeded on separate tracks, each one developing its own methods and its own agenda. This paper aims at bridging the gap, by comparing the two frameworks and illustrating how the two programmes can benefit each other.Comment: 61 pages, no figures, published versio

    Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker contextuality: How are they connected?

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    Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker (KS) contextuality are logically independent concepts, fuel different protocols with quantum vs classical advantage, and have distinct classical simulation costs. A natural question is what are the relations between these concepts, advantages, and costs. To address this question, it is useful to have a map that captures all the connections between Bell non-locality and KS contextuality in quantum theory. The aim of this work is to introduce such a map. After defining the theory-independent notions of Bell non-locality and KS contextuality for ideal measurements, we show that, in quantum theory, due to Neumark's dilation theorem, every matrix of quantum Bell non-local correlations can be mapped to an identical matrix of KS contextual correlations produced in a scenario with identical relations of compatibility but where measurements are ideal and no space-like separation is required. A more difficult problem is identifying connections in the opposite direction. We show that there are "one-to-one" and partial connections between KS contextual correlations and Bell non-local correlations for some KS contextuality scenarios, but not for all of them. However, there is also a method that transforms any matrix of KS contextual correlations for quantum systems of dimension dd into a matrix of Bell non-local correlations between two quantum subsystems each of them of dimension dd. We collect all these connections in map and list some problems which can benefit from this map.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Necessary and sufficient condition for contextuality from incompatibility

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    Measurement incompatibility is the most basic resource that distinguishes quantum from classical physics. Contextuality is the critical resource behind the power of some models of quantum computation and is also a necessary ingredient for many applications in quantum information. A fundamental problem is thus identifying when incompatibility produces contextuality. Here, we show that, given a structure of incompatibility characterized by a graph in which nonadjacent vertices represent incompatible ideal measurements, the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a quantum realization producing contextuality is that this graph contains induced cycles of size larger than three.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Almost Quantum Correlations are Inconsistent with Specker's Principle

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    Ernst Specker considered a particular feature of quantum theory to be especially fundamental, namely that pairwise joint measurability of sharp measurements implies their global joint measurability (https://vimeo.com/52923835). To date, Specker's principle seemed incapable of singling out quantum theory from the space of all general probabilistic theories. In particular, its well-known consequence for experimental statistics, the principle of consistent exclusivity, does not rule out the set of correlations known as almost quantum, which is strictly larger than the set of quantum correlations. Here we show that, contrary to the popular belief, Specker's principle cannot be satisfied in any theory that yields almost quantum correlations.Comment: 17 pages + appendix. 5 colour figures. Comments welcom

    Quantum correlations from simple assumptions

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    We address the problem of deriving the set of quantum correlations for every Bell and Kochen-Specker (KS) contextuality scenario from simple assumptions. We show that the correlations that are possible according to quantum theory are equal to those possible under the assumptions that there is a nonempty set of correlations for every KS scenario and a statistically independent realization of any two KS experiments. The proof uses tools of the graph-theoretic approach to correlations and deals with Bell nonlocality and KS contextuality in a unified way.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Ruling out higher-order interference from purity principles

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    As first noted by Rafael Sorkin, there is a limit to quantum interference. The interference pattern formed in a multi-slit experiment is a function of the interference patterns formed between pairs of slits, there are no genuinely new features resulting from considering three slits instead of two. Sorkin has introduced a hierarchy of mathematically conceivable higher-order interference behaviours, where classical theory lies at the first level of this hierarchy and quantum theory theory at the second. Informally, the order in this hierarchy corresponds to the number of slits on which the interference pattern has an irreducible dependence. Many authors have wondered why quantum interference is limited to the second level of this hierarchy. Does the existence of higher-order interference violate some natural physical principle that we believe should be fundamental? In the current work we show that such principles can be found which limit interference behaviour to second-order, or "quantum-like", interference, but that do not restrict us to the entire quantum formalism. We work within the operational framework of generalised probabilistic theories, and prove that any theory satisfying Causality, Purity Preservation, Pure Sharpness, and Purification---four principles that formalise the fundamental character of purity in nature---exhibits at most second-order interference. Hence these theories are, at least conceptually, very "close" to quantum theory. Along the way we show that systems in such theories correspond to Euclidean Jordan algebras. Hence, they are self-dual and, moreover, multi-slit experiments in such theories are described by pure projectors.Comment: 18+8 pages. Comments welcome. v2: Minor correction to Lemma 5.1, main results are unchange

    Ruling out Higher-Order Interference from Purity Principles

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    As first noted by Rafael Sorkin, there is a limit to quantum interference. The interference pattern formed in a multi-slit experiment is a function of the interference patterns formed between pairs of slits; there are no genuinely new features resulting from considering three slits instead of two. Sorkin has introduced a hierarchy of mathematically conceivable higher-order interference behaviours, where classical theory lies at the first level of this hierarchy and quantum theory theory at the second. Informally, the order in this hierarchy corresponds to the number of slits on which the interference pattern has an irreducible dependence. Many authors have wondered why quantum interference is limited to the second level of this hierarchy. Does the existence of higher-order interference violate some natural physical principle that we believe should be fundamental? In the current work we show that such principles can be found which limit interference behaviour to second-order, or “quantum-like”, interference, but that do not restrict us to the entire quantum formalism. We work within the operational framework of generalised probabilistic theories, and prove that any theory satisfying Causality, Purity Preservation, Pure Sharpness, and Purification—four principles that formalise the fundamental character of purity in nature—exhibits at most second-order interference. Hence these theories are, at least conceptually, very “close” to quantum theory. Along the way we show that systems in such theories correspond to Euclidean Jordan algebras. Hence, they are self-dual and, moreover, multi-slit experiments in such theories are described by pure projectors

    A no-go theorem for theories that decohere to quantum mechanics

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    To date, there has been no experimental evidence that invalidates quantum theory. Yet it may only be an effective description of the world, in the same way that classical physics is an effective description of the quantum world. We ask whether there exists an operationally defined theory superseding quantum theory, but which reduces to it via a decoherence-like mechanism. We prove that no such post-quantum theory exists if it is demanded that it satisfy two natural physical principles: causality and purification. Causality formalizes the statement that information propagates from present to future, and purification that each state of incomplete information arises in an essentially unique way due to lack of information about an environment. Hence, our result can be viewed either as evidence that the fundamental theory of Nature is quantum or as showing in a rigorous manner that any post-quantum theory must abandon causality, purification or both