10 research outputs found

    A Decision Support System (DSS) for Breast Cancer Detection Based on Invariant Feature Extraction, Classification, and Retrieval of Masses of Mammographic Images

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    This paper presents an integrated system for the breast cancer detection from mammograms based on automated mass detection, classification, and retrieval with a goal to support decision-making by retrieving and displaying the relevant past cases as well as predicting the images as benign or malignant. It is hypothesized that the proposed diagnostic aid would refresh the radiologist’s mental memory to guide them to a precise diagnosis with concrete visualizations instead of only suggesting a second diagnosis like many other CAD systems. Towards achieving this goal, a Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) method is used for automatic mass detection, invariant features are extracted based on using Non-Subsampled Contourlet transform (NSCT) and eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix in a histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and finally classification and retrieval are performed based on using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), and a linear combination-based similarity fusion approach. The image retrieval and classification performances are evaluated and compared in the benchmark Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) of 2604 cases by using both the precision-recall and classification accuracies. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system and show the viability of a real-time clinical application

    Prediction of Breast Cancer Survivability using Ensemble Algorithms

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    In this paper we propose new ensemble cancer survivability prediction models based three variants of AdaBoost algorithm to extend the application range of ensemble methods. In our approach to address the problem of low efficiency and slow speed we use Random Forest, Radial Basis Function and Neural Network algorithms as base learners and AdaBoostM1, Real AdaBoost and MultiBoostAB as ensemble techniques. AdaBoost is a technique that iteratively trains its base classifiers to generate committee of strong classifiers to improve their performance and prediction accuracy. There has been major research in ensemble modeling in statistics, medicine, technology and artificial intelligence in the last three decades. This might be because of the effectiveness and reliability of the technique in helping medical and other professionals in diagnosis and incident predictions. However, there is a need to improve the accuracy of the existing models address current challenges. In this paper we use state of the art Wisconsin breast cancer dataset in training and testing the proposed hybrid models. The performance of the models was evaluated using the following performance metrics: Accuracy, RMSE, TP Rate, FP Rate, Precision and ROC Area. The results of our study shows that MBAB-RF and AdaM1-RF models have the same accuracy prediction of 97% and RA + ANN has the worst prediction accuracy of 88%. Additionally we found that all ANN models requires more time to train its committee of classifiers compared to RFB models that requires the least time despite the fact that RBF is a family of ANN algorithm


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    Meme kanseri, akciğer kanserinden sonra kadınlarda kanser ölümlerinin ikinci önemli sebebidir. Erken tanı, meme kanseri tedavisinde oldukça önemlidir. Mamografi, meme kanserinin erken teşhisinde en çok kullanılan görüntüleme tekniğidir. Yapılan araştırmalar, 50 yaşın üstünde düzenli mamografi çektirmenin kadınlar için ölüm oranını %30 oranında azaltabileceğini göstermektedir. Ancak, mamogramların yorumlanması genellikle özneldir.Bu çalışmada, göğüs kitlelerinin otomatik tespiti, sınıflandırılması ve içerik tabanlı erişimi için entegre bir sistem sunulmuştur. Bu kapsamda, hekimlerin kitle hakkındaki kararları, üst düzey derin öznitelikler ve düşük seviye öznitelik seti ile ifade edilmiştir. Önerilen sistemde düşük seviyeli öznitelikleri elde etmek için, kitle tespitinde graf tabanlı görsel çıkıntı yöntemi kullanılmış ve öznitelik çıkarımı için örneklemesiz contourlet dönüşümü ve eig(Hess)-HOG yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, yüksek seviyeli evrişimsel sinir ağı öznitelikleri kullanılmıştır. Ardından, test görüntülerinin kategorisini tahmin etmek için yukarıda bahsedilen özniteliklere dayalı iki aşırı öğrenme makinesi (AÖM) sınıflandırıcısı kullanılmıştır. Farklı özniteliklere dayalı sınıflandırıcıların sonuçları, test görüntülerinin türünü belirlemek için analiz edilmiştir. Görüntü erişimi ve sınıflandırma performansları, hem kesinlik-duyarlılık hem de sınıflandırma doğrulukları kullanarak IRMA mammographic patches veri setinde değerlendirilip ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Deneysel sonuçlar, önerilen sistemin etkililiğini ve gerçek zamanlı klinik uygulamalardaki kullanılabilirliğini göstermektedir

    Mammography image classification using image processing and support vector machine

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    Improving Prediction Accuracy of Breast Cancer Survivability and Diabetes Diagnosis via RBF Networks trained with EKF models

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    The continued reliance on machine learning algorithms and robotic devices in the medical and engineering practices has prompted the need for the accuracy prediction of such devices. It has attracted many researchers in recent years and has led to the development of various ensembles and standalone models to address prediction accuracy issues. This study was carried out to investigate the integration of EKF, RBF networks and AdaBoost as an ensemble model to improve prediction accuracy. In this study we proposed a model termed EKF-RBFN-ADABOOST

    A Modified LeNet CNN for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively utilized in medical image processing to automatically extract meaningful features and classify various medical conditions, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses. In this paper, LeNet, a classic CNN architecture, has been successfully applied to breast cancer data analysis. It demonstrates its ability to extract discriminative features and classify malignant and benign tumors with high accuracy, thereby supporting early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. LeNet with corrected Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), a modification of the traditional ReLU activation function, has been found to improve the performance of LeNet in breast cancer data analysis tasks via addressing the “dying ReLU” problem and enhancing the discriminative power of the extracted features. This has led to more accurate, reliable breast cancer detection and diagnosis and improved patient outcomes. Batch normalization improves the performance and training stability of small and shallow CNN architecture like LeNet. It helps to mitigate the effects of internal covariate shift, which refers to the change in the distribution of network activations during training. This classifier will lessen the overfitting problem and reduce the running time. The designed classifier is evaluated against the benchmarking deep learning models, proving that this has produced a higher recognition rate. The accuracy of the breast image recognition rate is 89.91%. This model will achieve better performance in segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and breast cancer tumor detection

    Multi-fractal dimension features by enhancing and segmenting mammogram images of breast cancer

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    The common malignancy which causes deaths in women is breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer using mammographic image can help in reducing the mortality rate and the probability of recurrence. Through mammographic examination, breast lesions can be detected and classified. Breast lesions can be detected using many popular tools such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasonography, and mammography. Although mammography is very useful in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the pattern similarities between normal and pathologic cases makes the process of diagnosis difficult. Therefore, in this thesis Computer Aided Diagnosing (CAD) systems have been developed to help doctors and technicians in detecting lesions. The thesis aims to increase the accuracy of diagnosing breast cancer for optimal classification of cancer. It is achieved using Machine Learning (ML) and image processing techniques on mammogram images. This thesis also proposes an improvement of an automated extraction of powerful texture sign for classification by enhancing and segmenting the breast cancer mammogram images. The proposed CAD system consists of five stages namely pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification. First stage is pre-processing that is used for noise reduction due to noises in mammogram image. Therefore, based on the frequency domain this thesis employed wavelet transform to enhance mammogram images in pre-processing stage for two purposes which is to highlight the border of mammogram images for segmentation stage, and to enhance the region of interest (ROI) using adaptive threshold in the mammogram images for feature extraction purpose. Second stage is segmentation process to identify ROI in mammogram images. It is a difficult task because of several landmarks such as breast boundary and artifacts as well as pectoral muscle in Medio-Lateral Oblique (MLO). Thus, this thesis presents an automatic segmentation algorithm based on new thresholding combined with image processing techniques. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model increases segmentation accuracy of the ROI from breast background, landmarks, and pectoral muscle. Third stage is feature extraction where enhancement model based on fractal dimension is proposed to derive significant mammogram image texture features. Based on the proposed, model a powerful texture sign for classification are extracted. Fourth stage is feature selection where Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique has been used as a feature selection technique to select the important features. In last classification stage, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique has been used to differentiate between Benign and Malignant classes of cancer using the most relevant texture feature. As a conclusion, classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity obtained by the proposed CAD system are improved in comparison to previous studies. This thesis has practical contribution in identification of breast cancer using mammogram images and better classification accuracy of benign and malign lesions using ML and image processing techniques

    Methods to Improve the Prediction Accuracy and Performance of Ensemble Models

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    The application of ensemble predictive models has been an important research area in predicting medical diagnostics, engineering diagnostics, and other related smart devices and related technologies. Most of the current predictive models are complex and not reliable despite numerous efforts in the past by the research community. The performance accuracy of the predictive models have not always been realised due to many factors such as complexity and class imbalance. Therefore there is a need to improve the predictive accuracy of current ensemble models and to enhance their applications and reliability and non-visual predictive tools. The research work presented in this thesis has adopted a pragmatic phased approach to propose and develop new ensemble models using multiple methods and validated the methods through rigorous testing and implementation in different phases. The first phase comprises of empirical investigations on standalone and ensemble algorithms that were carried out to ascertain their performance effects on complexity and simplicity of the classifiers. The second phase comprises of an improved ensemble model based on the integration of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) and AdaBoost algorithms. The third phase comprises of an extended model based on early stop concepts, AdaBoost algorithm, and statistical performance of the training samples to minimize overfitting performance of the proposed model. The fourth phase comprises of an enhanced analytical multivariate logistic regression predictive model developed to minimize the complexity and improve prediction accuracy of logistic regression model. To facilitate the practical application of the proposed models; an ensemble non-invasive analytical tool is proposed and developed. The tool links the gap between theoretical concepts and practical application of theories to predict breast cancer survivability. The empirical findings suggested that: (1) increasing the complexity and topology of algorithms does not necessarily lead to a better algorithmic performance, (2) boosting by resampling performs slightly better than boosting by reweighting, (3) the prediction accuracy of the proposed ensemble EKF-RBFN-AdaBoost model performed better than several established ensemble models, (4) the proposed early stopped model converges faster and minimizes overfitting better compare with other models, (5) the proposed multivariate logistic regression concept minimizes the complexity models (6) the performance of the proposed analytical non-invasive tool performed comparatively better than many of the benchmark analytical tools used in predicting breast cancers and diabetics ailments. The research contributions to ensemble practice are: (1) the integration and development of EKF, RBFN and AdaBoost algorithms as an ensemble model, (2) the development and validation of ensemble model based on early stop concepts, AdaBoost, and statistical concepts of the training samples, (3) the development and validation of predictive logistic regression model based on breast cancer, and (4) the development and validation of a non-invasive breast cancer analytic tools based on the proposed and developed predictive models in this thesis. To validate prediction accuracy of ensemble models, in this thesis the proposed models were applied in modelling breast cancer survivability and diabetics’ diagnostic tasks. In comparison with other established models the simulation results of the models showed improved predictive accuracy. The research outlines the benefits of the proposed models, whilst proposes new directions for future work that could further extend and improve the proposed models discussed in this thesis