27 research outputs found

    The Discrete Logarithm Problem in Finite Fields of Small Characteristic

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    Computing discrete logarithms is a long-standing algorithmic problem, whose hardness forms the basis for numerous current public-key cryptosystems. In the case of finite fields of small characteristic, however, there has been tremendous progress recently, by which the complexity of the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is considerably reduced. This habilitation thesis on the DLP in such fields deals with two principal aspects. On one hand, we develop and investigate novel efficient algorithms for computing discrete logarithms, where the complexity analysis relies on heuristic assumptions. In particular, we show that logarithms of factor base elements can be computed in polynomial time, and we discuss practical impacts of the new methods on the security of pairing-based cryptosystems. While a heuristic running time analysis of algorithms is common practice for concrete security estimations, this approach is insufficient from a mathematical perspective. Therefore, on the other hand, we focus on provable complexity results, for which we modify the algorithms so that any heuristics are avoided and a rigorous analysis becomes possible. We prove that for any prime field there exist infinitely many extension fields in which the DLP can be solved in quasi-polynomial time. Despite the two aspects looking rather independent from each other, it turns out, as illustrated in this thesis, that progress regarding practical algorithms and record computations can lead to advances on the theoretical running time analysis -- and the other way around.Die Berechnung von diskreten Logarithmen ist ein eingehend untersuchtes algorithmisches Problem, dessen Schwierigkeit zahlreiche Anwendungen in der heutigen Public-Key-Kryptographie besitzt. FĂŒr endliche Körper kleiner Charakteristik sind jedoch kĂŒrzlich erhebliche Fortschritte erzielt worden, welche die KomplexitĂ€t des diskreten Logarithmusproblems (DLP) in diesem Szenario drastisch reduzieren. Diese Habilitationsschrift erörtert zwei grundsĂ€tzliche Aspekte beim DLP in Körpern kleiner Charakteristik. Es werden einerseits neuartige, erheblich effizientere Algorithmen zur Berechnung von diskreten Logarithmen entwickelt und untersucht, wobei die Laufzeitanalyse auf heuristischen Annahmen beruht. Unter anderem wird gezeigt, dass Logarithmen von Elementen der Faktorbasis in polynomieller Zeit berechnet werden können, und welche praktischen Auswirkungen die neuen Verfahren auf die Sicherheit paarungsbasierter Kryptosysteme haben. WĂ€hrend heuristische LaufzeitabschĂ€tzungen von Algorithmen fĂŒr die konkrete Sicherheitsanalyse ĂŒblich sind, so erscheint diese Vorgehensweise aus mathematischer Sicht unzulĂ€nglich. Der Aspekt der beweisbaren KomplexitĂ€t fĂŒr DLP-Algorithmen konzentriert sich deshalb darauf, modifizierte Algorithmen zu entwickeln, die jegliche heuristische Annahme vermeiden und dessen Laufzeit rigoros gezeigt werden kann. Es wird bewiesen, dass fĂŒr jeden Primkörper unendlich viele Erweiterungskörper existieren, fĂŒr die das DLP in quasi-polynomieller Zeit gelöst werden kann. Obwohl die beiden Aspekte weitgehend unabhĂ€ngig voneinander erscheinen mögen, so zeigt sich, wie in dieser Schrift illustriert wird, dass Fortschritte bei praktischen Algorithmen und Rekordberechnungen auch zu Fortentwicklungen bei theoretischen LaufzeitabschĂ€tzungen fĂŒhren -- und umgekehrt

    Computing Discrete Logarithms in F_{3^{6*137}} and F_{3^{6*163}} using Magma

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    We show that a Magma implementation of Joux\u27s L[1/4+o(1)] algorithm can be used to compute discrete logarithms in the 1303-bit finite field F_{3^{6*137}} and the 1551-bit finite field F_{3^{6*163}} with very modest computational resources. Our F_{3^{6*137}} implementation was the first to illustrate the effectiveness of Joux\u27s algorithm for computing discrete logarithms in small-characteristic finite fields that are not Kummer or twisted-Kummer extensions

    Computing discrete logarithms in cryptographically-interesting characteristic-three finite fields

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    Since 2013 there have been several developments in algorithms for computing discrete logarithms in small-characteristic finite fields, culminating in a quasi-polynomial algorithm. In this paper, we report on our successful computation of discrete logarithms in the cryptographically-interesting characteristic-three finite field F36⋅509{\mathbb F}_{3^{6 \cdot 509}} using these new algorithms; prior to 2013, it was believed that this field enjoyed a security level of 128 bits. We also show that a recent idea of Guillevic can be used to compute discrete logarithms in the cryptographically-interesting finite field F36⋅709{\mathbb F}_{3^{6 \cdot 709}} using essentially the same resources as we expended on the F36⋅509{\mathbb F}_{3^{6 \cdot 509}} computation. Finally, we argue that discrete logarithms in the finite field F36⋅1429{\mathbb F}_{3^{6 \cdot 1429}} can feasibly be computed today; this is significant because this cryptographically-interesting field was previously believed to enjoy a security level of 192 bits

    Solving discrete logarithms on a 170-bit MNT curve by pairing reduction

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    Pairing based cryptography is in a dangerous position following the breakthroughs on discrete logarithms computations in finite fields of small characteristic. Remaining instances are built over finite fields of large characteristic and their security relies on the fact that the embedding field of the underlying curve is relatively large. How large is debatable. The aim of our work is to sustain the claim that the combination of degree 3 embedding and too small finite fields obviously does not provide enough security. As a computational example, we solve the DLP on a 170-bit MNT curve, by exploiting the pairing embedding to a 508-bit, degree-3 extension of the base field.Comment: to appear in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Computation of a 30750-Bit Binary Field Discrete Logarithm

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    This paper reports on the computation of a discrete logarithm in the finite field F230750\mathbb F_{2^{30750}}, breaking by a large margin the previous record, which was set in January 2014 by a computation in F29234\mathbb F_{2^{9234}}. The present computation made essential use of the elimination step of the quasi-polynomial algorithm due to Granger, Kleinjung and Zumbr\"agel, and is the first large-scale experiment to truly test and successfully demonstrate its potential when applied recursively, which is when it leads to the stated complexity. It required the equivalent of about 2900 core years on a single core of an Intel Xeon Ivy Bridge processor running at 2.6 GHz, which is comparable to the approximately 3100 core years expended for the discrete logarithm record for prime fields, set in a field of bit-length 795, and demonstrates just how much easier the problem is for this level of computational effort. In order to make the computation feasible we introduced several innovative techniques for the elimination of small degree irreducible elements, which meant that we avoided performing any costly Gr\"obner basis computations, in contrast to all previous records since early 2013. While such computations are crucial to the L(14+o(1))L(\frac 1 4 + o(1)) complexity algorithms, they were simply too slow for our purposes. Finally, this computation should serve as a serious deterrent to cryptographers who are still proposing to rely on the discrete logarithm security of such finite fields in applications, despite the existence of two quasi-polynomial algorithms and the prospect of even faster algorithms being developed.Comment: 22 page

    An Efficient ID-Based Message Recoverable Privacy-Preserving Auditing Scheme

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    One of the most important benefits of public cloud storage is outsourcing of management and maintenance with easy accessibility and retrievability over the internet. However, outsourcing data on the cloud brings new challenges such as integrity verification and privacy of data. More concretely, once the users outsource their data on the cloud they have no longer physical control over the data and this leads to the integrity protection issue. Hence, it is crucial to guarantee proof of data storage and integrity of the outsourced data. Several pairing-based au- diting solutions have been proposed utilizing the Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) short signatures. They basically provide a desirable and efficient property of non-repudiation protocols. In this work, we propose the first ID-based privacy-preserving public auditing scheme with message recov- erable signatures. Because of message recoverable auditing scheme, the message itself is implicitly included during the verification step that was not possible in previously proposed auditing schemes. Furthermore, we point out that the algorithm suites of existing schemes is either insecure or very inefficient due to the choice of the underlying bilinear map and its baseline parameter selections. We show that our scheme is more ef- ficient than the recently proposed auditing schemes based on BLS like short signatures

    On the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields of fixed characteristic

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    For qq a prime power, the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) in Fq\mathbb{F}_{q} consists in finding, for any g∈Fq×g \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{\times} and h∈⟹g⟩h \in \langle g \rangle, an integer xx such that gx=hg^x = h. We present an algorithm for computing discrete logarithms with which we prove that for each prime pp there exist infinitely many explicit extension fields Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} in which the DLP can be solved in expected quasi-polynomial time. Furthermore, subject to a conjecture on the existence of irreducible polynomials of a certain form, the algorithm solves the DLP in all extensions Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} in expected quasi-polynomial time.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Transactions of the AM

    Computation of a 30 750-Bit Binary Field Discrete Logarithm

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    This paper reports on the computation of a discrete logarithm in the finite field F230750\mathbb F_{2^30750}, breaking by a large margin the previous record, which was set in January 2014 by a computation in F230750\mathbb F_{2^30750}. The present computation made essential use of the elimination step of the quasi-polynomial algorithm due to Granger, Kleinjung and ZumbrÀgel, and is the first large-scale experiment to truly test and successfully demonstrate its potential when applied recursively, which is when it leads to the stated complexity. It required the equivalent of about 2900 core years on a single core of an Intel Xeon Ivy Bridge processor running at 2.6 GHz, which is comparable to the approximately 3100 core years expended for the discrete logarithm record for prime fields, set in a field of bit-length 795, and demonstrates just how much easier the problem is for this level of computational effort. In order to make the computation feasible we introduced several innovative techniques for the elimination of small degree irreducible elements, which meant that we avoided performing any costly Gröbner basis computations, in contrast to all previous records since early 2013. While such computations are crucial to the L(1/4+o(1))L(1/4 + o(1)) complexity algorithms, they were simply too slow for our purposes. Finally, this computation should serve as a serious deterrent to cryptographers who are still proposing to rely on the discrete logarithm security of such finite fields in applications, despite the existence of two quasi-polynomial algorithms and the prospect of even faster algorithms being developed