6 research outputs found

    Exploiting contextual information in attacking set-generalized transactions

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    Transactions are records that contain a set of items about individuals. For example, items browsed by a customer when shopping online form a transaction. Today, many activities are carried out on the Internet, resulting in a large amount of transaction data being collected. Such data are often shared and analyzed to improve business and services, but they also contain private information about individuals that must be protected. Techniques have been proposed to sanitize transaction data before their release, and set-based generalization is one such method. In this article, we study how well set-based generalization can protect transactions. We propose methods to attack set-generalized transactions by exploiting contextual information that is available within the released data. Our results show that set-based generalization may not provide adequate protection for transactions, and up to 70% of the items added into the transactions during generalization to obfuscate original data can be detected by our methods with a precision over 80%

    Synthetic Data Generation Using Wasserstein Conditional Gans With Gradient Penalty (WCGANS-GP)

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    With data protection requirements becoming stricter, the data privacy has become increasingly important and more crucial than ever. This has led to restrictions on the availability and dissemination of real-world datasets. Synthetic data offers a viable solution to overcome barriers of data access and sharing. Existing data generation methods require a great deal of user-defined rules, manual interactions and domainspecific knowledge. Moreover, they are not able to balance the trade-off between datausability and privacy. Deep learning based methods like GANs have seen remarkable success in synthesizing images by automatically learning the complicated distributions and patterns of real data. But they often suffer from instability during the training process

    Semantic attack on transaction data anonymised by set-based generalisation

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    Publishing data that contains information about individuals may lead to privacy breaches. However, data publishing is useful to support research and analysis. Therefore, privacy protection in data publishing becomes important and has received much recent attention. To improve privacy protection, many researchers have investigated how secure the published data is by designing de-anonymisation methods to attack anonymised data. Most of the de-anonymisation methods consider anonymised data in a syntactic manner. That is, items in a dataset are considered to be contextless or even meaningless literals, and they have not considered the semantics of these data items. In this thesis, we investigate how secure the anonymised data is under attacks that use semantic information. More specifically, we propose a de-anonymisation method to attack transaction data anonymised by set-based generalisation. Set-based generalisation protects data by replacing one item by a set of items, so that the identity of an individual can be hidden. Our goal is to identify those items that are added to a transaction during generalisation. Our attacking method has two components: scoring and elimination. Scoring measures semantic relationship between items in a transaction, and elimination removes items that are deemed not to be in the original transaction. Our experiments on both real and synthetic data show that set-based generalisation may not provide adequate protection for transaction data, and about 70% of the items added to the transactions during generalisation can be detected by our method with a precision greater than 85%

    Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling for Distance-Based Privacy-Preserving Data Mining

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    Recent advances in the field of data mining have led to major concerns about privacy. Sharing data with external parties for analysis puts private information at risk. The original data are often perturbed before external release to protect private information. However, data perturbation can decrease the utility of the output. A good perturbation technique requires balance between privacy and utility. This study proposes a new method for data perturbation in the context of distance-based data mining. We propose the use of non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) as a suitable technique to perturb data that are intended for distance-based data mining. The basic premise of this approach is to transform the original data into a lower dimensional space and generate new data that protect private details while maintaining good utility for distance-based data mining analysis. We investigate the extent the perturbed data are able to preserve useful statistics for distance-based analysis and to provide protection against malicious attacks. We demonstrate that our method provides an adequate alternative to data randomisation approaches and other dimensionality reduction approaches. Testing is conducted on a wide range of benchmarked datasets and against some existing perturbation methods. The results confirm that our method has very good overall performance, is competitive with other techniques, and produces clustering and classification results at least as good, and in some cases better, than the results obtained from the original data