3,281 research outputs found

    An exact approach for single machine scheduling with quadratic earliness and tardiness penalties

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    In this paper, we consider the single machine scheduling problem with quadratic earliness and tardiness costs, and no machine idle time. We propose two different lower bounds, as well as a lower bounding procedure that combines these two bounds. Optimal branch-and-bound algorithms are then presented. These algorithms incorporate the proposed lower bound, as well as an insertion-based dominance test. The lower bounding procedure and the branch-and-bound algorithms are tested on a wide set of randomly generated problems. The computational results show that the branch-and-bound algorithms are capable of optimally solving, within reasonable computation times, instances with up to 20 jobs.scheduling, single machine, quadratic earliness and tardiness, lower bounds, branch-and-bound

    Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problem

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    The simple plant location problem is a well-studied problem in combinatorial optimization. It is one of deciding where to locate a set of plants so that a set of clients can be supplied by them at the minimum cost. This problem of ten appears as a subproblem in other combinatorial problems. Several branch and bound techniques have been developed to solve these problems. In this paper we present a few techniques that enhance the performance of branch and bound algorithms. The new algorithms thus obtained are called branch and peg algorithms, where pegging refers to assigning values to variables outside the branching process. We present exhaustive computational experiments which show that the new algorithms generate less than 60% of the number of subproblems generated by branch and bound algorithms, and in certain cases require less than 10% of the execution times required by branch and bound algorithms.

    Advanced analysis of branch and bound algorithms

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    Als de code van een cijferslot zoek is, kan het alleen geopend worden door alle cijfercomĀ­binaties langs te gaan. In het slechtste geval is de laatste combinatie de juiste. Echter, als de code uit tien cijfers bestaat, moeten tien miljard mogelijkheden bekeken worden. De zogenaamde 'NP-lastige' problemen in het proefschrift van Marcel Turkensteen zijn vergelijkbaar met het 'cijferslotprobleem'. Ook bij deze problemen is het aantal mogelijkheden buitensporig groot. De kunst is derhalve om de zoekruimte op een slimme manier af te tasten. Bij de Branch and Bound (BnB) methode wordt dit gedaan door de zoekruimte op te splitsen in kleinere deelgebieden. Turkensteen past de BnB methode onder andere toe bij het handelsreizigersprobleem, waarbij een kortste route door een verzameling plaatsen bepaald moet worden. Dit probleem is in algemene vorm nog steeds niet opgelost. De economische gevolgen kunnen groot zijn: zo staat nog steeds niet vast of bijvoorbeeld een routeplanner vrachtwagens optimaal laat rondrijden. De huidige BnB-methoden worden in dit proefschrift met name verbeterd door niet naar de kosten van een verbinding te kijken, maar naar de kostentoename als een verbinding niet gebruikt wordt: de boventolerantie.

    Branch and Bound algorithms in greenhouse climate control

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    The horticultural sector has become an increasingly important sector of food production, for which greenhouse climate control plays a vital role in improving its sustainability. One of the methods to control the greenhouse climate is Model Predictive Control, which can be optimized through a branch and bound algorithm. The application of the algorithm in literature is examined and analyzed through small examples, and later extended to greenhouse climate simulation. A comparison is made of various alternative objective functions available in literature. Subsequently, a modidified version of the B&B algorithm is presented, which reduces the number of node evaluations required for optimization. Finally, three alternative algorithms are developed and compared to consider the optimization problem from a discrete to a continuous control space.Grant TIN2015-66680-c2-2-R from the Spanish state in part financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF
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