18 research outputs found

    The solvability of consensus in iterated models extended with safe-consensus

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    The safe-consensus task was introduced by Afek, Gafni and Lieber (DISC'09) as a weakening of the classic consensus. When there is concurrency, the consensus output can be arbitrary, not even the input of any process. They showed that safe-consensus is equivalent to consensus, in a wait-free system. We study the solvability of consensus in three shared memory iterated models extended with the power of safe-consensus black boxes. In the first model, for the ii-th iteration, processes write to the memory, invoke safe-consensus boxes and finally they snapshot the memory. We show that in this model, any wait-free implementation of consensus requires (n2)\binom{n}{2} safe-consensus black-boxes and this bound is tight. In a second iterated model, the processes write to memory, then they snapshot it and finally they invoke safe-consensus boxes. We prove that in this model, consensus cannot be implemented. In the last iterated model, processes first invoke safe-consensus, then they write to memory and finally they snapshot it. We show that this model is equivalent to the previous model and thus consensus cannot be implemented.Comment: 49 pages, A preliminar version of the main results appeared in the SIROCCO 2014 proceeding

    Model Checking of Consensus Algorithms

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    48 pagesLarge-scale decentralized networks have many advantageous fault tolerance properties over their centralized counterparts. These properties enable resiliency in the face of faulty, and even adversarial behavior. Consensus protocols are a way to coordinate state across these networks and are what makes them extremely robust to adversaries. This paper investigates the effectiveness of different consensus protocol designs by examining various questions about the relationships between blockchain consensus parameters and network externalities. In this research we develop a linear regression model to estimate which characteristics of blockchains are associated with the highest levels of byzantine fault tolerance. This quantitative research provides evidence for whether there are statistically significant relationships between aspects of blockchain design and voting power centralization. Finally, we explore what key network metrics are used by node operators in the decision making process to participate in the mining process

    Soundness of the Quasi-Synchronous Abstraction

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    International audienceMany critical real-time embedded systems are implemented as a set of processes that execute periodically with bounded jitter and communicate with bounded transmission delay. The quasi-synchronous abstraction was introduced by P. Caspi for model-checking the safety properties of applications running on such systems. The simplicity of the abstraction is appealing: the only events are process activations; logical steps account for transmission delays; and no process may be activated more than twice between two successive activations of any other.We formalize the relation between the real-time model and the quasi-synchronous abstraction by introducing the notion of a unitary discretisation. Even though the abstraction has been applied several times in the literature, we show, surprisingly, that it is not sound for general systems of more than two processes. Our central result is to propose necessary and sufficient conditions on both communication topologies and timing parameters to recover soundness

    The Impact of Timing Knowledge on the Session Problem

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    Totally Ordered Broadcast and Multicast Algorithms: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Total order multicast algorithms constitute an important class of problems in distributed systems, especially in the context of fault-tolerance. In short, the problem of total order multicast consists in sending messages to a set of processes, in such a way that all messages are delivered by all correct destinations in the same order. However, the huge amount of literature on the subject and the plethora of solutions proposed so far make it difficult for practitioners to select a solution adapted to their specific problem. As a result, naive solutions are often used while better solutions are ignored. This paper proposes a classification of total order multicast algorithms based on the ordering mechanism of the algorithms, and describes a set of common characteristics (e.g., assumptions, properties) with which to evaluate them. In this classification, more than fifty total order broadcast and multicast algorithms are surveyed. The presentation includes asynchronous algorithms as well as algorithms based on the more restrictive synchronous model. Fault-tolerance issues are also considered as the paper studies the properties and behavior of the different algorithms with respect to failures