655 research outputs found

    Resolving sets for Johnson and Kneser graphs

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    A set of vertices SS in a graph GG is a {\em resolving set} for GG if, for any two vertices u,vu,v, there exists x∈Sx\in S such that the distances d(u,x)≠d(v,x)d(u,x) \neq d(v,x). In this paper, we consider the Johnson graphs J(n,k)J(n,k) and Kneser graphs K(n,k)K(n,k), and obtain various constructions of resolving sets for these graphs. As well as general constructions, we show that various interesting combinatorial objects can be used to obtain resolving sets in these graphs, including (for Johnson graphs) projective planes and symmetric designs, as well as (for Kneser graphs) partial geometries, Hadamard matrices, Steiner systems and toroidal grids.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Resolvable designs with large blocks

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    Resolvable designs with two blocks per replicate are studied from an optimality perspective. Because in practice the number of replicates is typically less than the number of treatments, arguments can be based on the dual of the information matrix and consequently given in terms of block concurrences. Equalizing block concurrences for given block sizes is often, but not always, the best strategy. Sufficient conditions are established for various strong optimalities and a detailed study of E-optimality is offered, including a characterization of the E-optimal class. Optimal designs are found to correspond to balanced arrays and an affine-like generalization.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001253 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hadamard 2-(63,31,15) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10

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    AbstractAll Hadamard 2-(63,31,15) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10 are constructed and classified up to isomorphism together with related Hadamard matrices of order 64. Affine 2-(64,16,5) designs can be obtained from Hadamard 2-(63,31,15) designs having line spreads by Rahilly’s construction [A. Rahilly, On the line structure of designs, Discrete Math. 92 (1991) 291–303]. The parameter set 2-(64,16,5) is one of two known sets when there exists several nonisomorphic designs with the same parameters and p-rank as the design obtained from the points and subspaces of a given dimension in affine geometry AG(n,pm) (p a prime). It is established that an affine 2-(64,16,5) design of 2-rank 16 that is associated with a Hadamard 2-(63,31,15) design invariant under the dihedral group of order 10 is either isomorphic to the classical design of the points and hyperplanes in AG(3,4), or is one of the two exceptional designs found by Harada, Lam and Tonchev [M. Harada, C. Lam, V.D. Tonchev, Symmetric (4, 4)-nets and generalized Hadamard matrices over groups of order 4, Designs Codes Cryptogr. 34 (2005) 71–87]
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