8,759 research outputs found

    A survey of uncertainty principles and some signal processing applications

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    The goal of this paper is to review the main trends in the domain of uncertainty principles and localization, emphasize their mutual connections and investigate practical consequences. The discussion is strongly oriented towards, and motivated by signal processing problems, from which significant advances have been made recently. Relations with sparse approximation and coding problems are emphasized

    Intersecting families of discrete structures are typically trivial

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    The study of intersecting structures is central to extremal combinatorics. A family of permutations F⊂Sn\mathcal{F} \subset S_n is \emph{tt-intersecting} if any two permutations in F\mathcal{F} agree on some tt indices, and is \emph{trivial} if all permutations in F\mathcal{F} agree on the same tt indices. A kk-uniform hypergraph is \emph{tt-intersecting} if any two of its edges have tt vertices in common, and \emph{trivial} if all its edges share the same tt vertices. The fundamental problem is to determine how large an intersecting family can be. Ellis, Friedgut and Pilpel proved that for nn sufficiently large with respect to tt, the largest tt-intersecting families in SnS_n are the trivial ones. The classic Erd\H{o}s--Ko--Rado theorem shows that the largest tt-intersecting kk-uniform hypergraphs are also trivial when nn is large. We determine the \emph{typical} structure of tt-intersecting families, extending these results to show that almost all intersecting families are trivial. We also obtain sparse analogues of these extremal results, showing that they hold in random settings. Our proofs use the Bollob\'as set-pairs inequality to bound the number of maximal intersecting families, which can then be combined with known stability theorems. We also obtain similar results for vector spaces.Comment: 19 pages. Update 1: better citation of the Gauy--H\`an--Oliveira result. Update 2: corrected statement of the unpublished Hamm--Kahn result, and slightly modified notation in Theorem 1.6 Update 3: new title, updated citations, and some minor correction

    Nearly Optimal Private Convolution

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    We study computing the convolution of a private input xx with a public input hh, while satisfying the guarantees of (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. Convolution is a fundamental operation, intimately related to Fourier Transforms. In our setting, the private input may represent a time series of sensitive events or a histogram of a database of confidential personal information. Convolution then captures important primitives including linear filtering, which is an essential tool in time series analysis, and aggregation queries on projections of the data. We give a nearly optimal algorithm for computing convolutions while satisfying (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. Surprisingly, we follow the simple strategy of adding independent Laplacian noise to each Fourier coefficient and bounding the privacy loss using the composition theorem of Dwork, Rothblum, and Vadhan. We derive a closed form expression for the optimal noise to add to each Fourier coefficient using convex programming duality. Our algorithm is very efficient -- it is essentially no more computationally expensive than a Fast Fourier Transform. To prove near optimality, we use the recent discrepancy lowerbounds of Muthukrishnan and Nikolov and derive a spectral lower bound using a characterization of discrepancy in terms of determinants

    Still Wrong Use of Pairings in Cryptography

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    Several pairing-based cryptographic protocols are recently proposed with a wide variety of new novel applications including the ones in emerging technologies like cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), e-health systems and wearable technologies. There have been however a wide range of incorrect use of these primitives. The paper of Galbraith, Paterson, and Smart (2006) pointed out most of the issues related to the incorrect use of pairing-based cryptography. However, we noticed that some recently proposed applications still do not use these primitives correctly. This leads to unrealizable, insecure or too inefficient designs of pairing-based protocols. We observed that one reason is not being aware of the recent advancements on solving the discrete logarithm problems in some groups. The main purpose of this article is to give an understandable, informative, and the most up-to-date criteria for the correct use of pairing-based cryptography. We thereby deliberately avoid most of the technical details and rather give special emphasis on the importance of the correct use of bilinear maps by realizing secure cryptographic protocols. We list a collection of some recent papers having wrong security assumptions or realizability/efficiency issues. Finally, we give a compact and an up-to-date recipe of the correct use of pairings.Comment: 25 page
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