1,994 research outputs found

    A uniform approach to fundamental sequences and hierarchies

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    In this article we give a unifying approach to the theory of fundamental sequences and their related Hardy hierarchies of number-theoretic functions and we show the equivalence of the new approach with the classical one

    Proof Theory at Work: Complexity Analysis of Term Rewrite Systems

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    This thesis is concerned with investigations into the "complexity of term rewriting systems". Moreover the majority of the presented work deals with the "automation" of such a complexity analysis. The aim of this introduction is to present the main ideas in an easily accessible fashion to make the result presented accessible to the general public. Necessarily some technical points are stated in an over-simplified way.Comment: Cumulative Habilitation Thesis, submitted to the University of Innsbruc

    Complexity Bounds for Ordinal-Based Termination

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    `What more than its truth do we know if we have a proof of a theorem in a given formal system?' We examine Kreisel's question in the particular context of program termination proofs, with an eye to deriving complexity bounds on program running times. Our main tool for this are length function theorems, which provide complexity bounds on the use of well quasi orders. We illustrate how to prove such theorems in the simple yet until now untreated case of ordinals. We show how to apply this new theorem to derive complexity bounds on programs when they are proven to terminate thanks to a ranking function into some ordinal.Comment: Invited talk at the 8th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP 2014, 22-24 September 2014, Oxford

    Improved bounds and new techniques for Davenport-Schinzel sequences and their generalizations

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    Let lambda_s(n) denote the maximum length of a Davenport-Schinzel sequence of order s on n symbols. For s=3 it is known that lambda_3(n) = Theta(n alpha(n)) (Hart and Sharir, 1986). For general s>=4 there are almost-tight upper and lower bounds, both of the form n * 2^poly(alpha(n)) (Agarwal, Sharir, and Shor, 1989). Our first result is an improvement of the upper-bound technique of Agarwal et al. We obtain improved upper bounds for s>=6, which are tight for even s up to lower-order terms in the exponent. More importantly, we also present a new technique for deriving upper bounds for lambda_s(n). With this new technique we: (1) re-derive the upper bound of lambda_3(n) <= 2n alpha(n) + O(n sqrt alpha(n)) (first shown by Klazar, 1999); (2) re-derive our own new upper bounds for general s; and (3) obtain improved upper bounds for the generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequences considered by Adamec, Klazar, and Valtr (1992). Regarding lower bounds, we show that lambda_3(n) >= 2n alpha(n) - O(n), and therefore, the coefficient 2 is tight. We also present a simpler version of the construction of Agarwal, Sharir, and Shor that achieves the known lower bounds for even s>=4.Comment: To appear in Journal of the ACM. 48 pages, 3 figure

    Multiply-Recursive Upper Bounds with Higman's Lemma

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    We develop a new analysis for the length of controlled bad sequences in well-quasi-orderings based on Higman's Lemma. This leads to tight multiply-recursive upper bounds that readily apply to several verification algorithms for well-structured systems

    Pattern formation in Hamiltonian systems with continuous spectra; a normal-form single-wave model

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    Pattern formation in biological, chemical and physical problems has received considerable attention, with much attention paid to dissipative systems. For example, the Ginzburg--Landau equation is a normal form that describes pattern formation due to the appearance of a single mode of instability in a wide variety of dissipative problems. In a similar vein, a certain "single-wave model" arises in many physical contexts that share common pattern forming behavior. These systems have Hamiltonian structure, and the single-wave model is a kind of Hamiltonian mean-field theory describing the patterns that form in phase space. The single-wave model was originally derived in the context of nonlinear plasma theory, where it describes the behavior near threshold and subsequent nonlinear evolution of unstable plasma waves. However, the single-wave model also arises in fluid mechanics, specifically shear-flow and vortex dynamics, galactic dynamics, the XY and Potts models of condensed matter physics, and other Hamiltonian theories characterized by mean field interaction. We demonstrate, by a suitable asymptotic analysis, how the single-wave model emerges from a large class of nonlinear advection-transport theories. An essential ingredient for the reduction is that the Hamiltonian system has a continuous spectrum in the linear stability problem, arising not from an infinite spatial domain but from singular resonances along curves in phase space whereat wavespeeds match material speeds (wave-particle resonances in the plasma problem, or critical levels in fluid problems). The dynamics of the continuous spectrum is manifest as the phenomenon of Landau damping when the system is ... Such dynamical phenomena have been rediscovered in different contexts, which is unsurprising in view of the normal-form character of the single-wave model

    Simplification orders in term rewriting

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    Thema der Arbeit ist die Anwendung von Methoden der Beweistheorie auf Termersetzungssysteme, deren Termination mittels einer Simplifikationsordnung beweisbar ist. Es werden optimale Schranken für Herleitungslängen im allgemeinen Fall und im Fall der Termination mittels einer Knuth-Bendix-Ordnung (KBO) angegeben. Zudem werden die Ordnungstypen von KBOs vollständig klassifiziert und die unter KBO berechenbaren Funktionen vorgestellt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet die Untersuchung der Löngen von Reduktionsketten, die bei einfach terminierenden Termersetzungssysteme auftreten und bestimmten Wachstumsbedingungen genügen
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