47 research outputs found

    Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Models with the Taxis Mechanism

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    This open access book deals with a rich variety of taxis-type cross-diffusive equations. Particularly, it intends to show the key role played by quasi-energy inequality in the derivation of some necessary a priori estimates. This book addresses applied mathematics and all researchers interested in mathematical development of reaction-diffusion theory and its application and can be a basis for a graduate course in applied mathematics

    Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Models with the Taxis Mechanism

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    This open access book deals with a rich variety of taxis-type cross-diffusive equations. Particularly, it intends to show the key role played by quasi-energy inequality in the derivation of some necessary a priori estimates. This book addresses applied mathematics and all researchers interested in mathematical development of reaction-diffusion theory and its application and can be a basis for a graduate course in applied mathematics

    Convergence of a cancer invasion model to a logistic chemotaxis model

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    A characteristic feature of tumor invasion is the destruction of the healthy tissue surrounding it. Open space is generated, which invasive tumor cells can move into. One such mechanism is the urokinase plasminogen system (uPS), which is found in many processes of tissue reorganization. Lolas, Chaplain and collaborators have developed a series of mathematical models for the uPS and tumor invasion. These models are based upon degradation of the extracellular material through plasmid plus chemotaxis and haptotaxis. In this paper we consider the uPS invasion models in one-space dimension and we identify a condition under which this cancer invasion model converges to a chemotaxis model with logistic growth. This condition assumes that the density of the extracellular material is not too large. Our result shows that the complicated spatio-temporal patterns, which were observed by Lolas and Chaplain et al. are organized by the chaotic attractor of the logistic chemotaxis system. Our methods are based on energy estimates, where, for convergence, we needed to find lower estimates in Lγ for 0 < γ < 1. This is a new method for these types of PDE. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company

    Global existence of classical solutions and numerical simulations of a cancer invasion model

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    In this paper, we study a cancer invasion model both theoretically and numerically. The model is a nonstationary, nonlinear system of three coupled partial differential equations modeling the motion of cancer cells, degradation of the extracellular matrix, and certain enzymes. We first establish existence of global classical solutions in both two- and three-dimensional bounded domains, despite the lack of diffusion of the matrix-degrading enzymes and corresponding regularizing effects in the analytical treatment. Next, we give a weak formulation and apply finite differences in time and a Galerkin finite element scheme for spatial discretization. The overall algorithm is based on a fixed-point iteration scheme. Our theory and numerical developments are accompanied by some simulations in two and three spatial dimensions