60,857 research outputs found

    Correlation Clustering with Same-Cluster Queries Bounded by Optimal Cost

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    Several clustering frameworks with interactive (semi-supervised) queries have been studied in the past. Recently, clustering with same-cluster queries has become popular. An algorithm in this setting has access to an oracle with full knowledge of an optimal clustering, and the algorithm can ask the oracle queries of the form, "Does the optimal clustering put vertices u and v in the same cluster?" Due to its simplicity, this querying model can easily be implemented in real crowd-sourcing platforms and has attracted a lot of recent work. In this paper, we study the popular correlation clustering problem (Bansal et al., 2002) under the same-cluster querying framework. Given a complete graph G=(V,E) with positive and negative edge labels, correlation clustering objective aims to compute a graph clustering that minimizes the total number of disagreements, that is the negative intra-cluster edges and positive inter-cluster edges. In a recent work, Ailon et al. (2018b) provided an approximation algorithm for correlation clustering that approximates the correlation clustering objective within (1+epsilon) with O((k^{14} log{n} log{k})/epsilon^6) queries when the number of clusters, k, is fixed. For many applications, k is not fixed and can grow with |V|. Moreover, the dependency of k^14 on query complexity renders the algorithm impractical even for datasets with small values of k. In this paper, we take a different approach. Let C_{OPT} be the number of disagreements made by the optimal clustering. We present algorithms for correlation clustering whose error and query bounds are parameterized by C_{OPT} rather than by the number of clusters. Indeed, a good clustering must have small C_{OPT}. Specifically, we present an efficient algorithm that recovers an exact optimal clustering using at most 2C_{OPT} queries and an efficient algorithm that outputs a 2-approximation using at most C_{OPT} queries. In addition, we show under a plausible complexity assumption, there does not exist any polynomial time algorithm that has an approximation ratio better than 1+alpha for an absolute constant alpha > 0 with o(C_{OPT}) queries. Therefore, our first algorithm achieves the optimal query bound within a factor of 2. We extensively evaluate our methods on several synthetic and real-world datasets using real crowd-sourced oracles. Moreover, we compare our approach against known correlation clustering algorithms that do not perform querying. In all cases, our algorithms exhibit superior performance

    The effects of anti-correlation on gravitational clustering

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    We use non-linear scaling relations (NSRs) to investigate the effects arising from the existence of negative correlations on the evolution of gravitational clustering in an expanding universe. It turns out that such anti-correlated regions have important dynamical effects on {\it all} scales. In particular, the mere existence of negative values for the linear two-point correlation function \xib_L over some range of scales starting from l=Lol = L_o, implies that the non-linear correlation function is bounded from above at {\it all} scales x<Lox < L_o. This also results in the relation \xib \propto x^{-3}, at these scales, at late times, independent of the original form of the correlation function. Current observations do not rule out the existence of negative \xib for 200h1 200 h^{-1} Mpc \la \xib \la 1000 h^{-1} Mpc; the present work may thus have relevance for the real Universe. The only assumption made in the analysis is the {\it existence} of the NSR; the results are independent of the form of the NSR as well as of the stable clustering hypothesis.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the derivation of the GKLS equation for weakly coupled systems

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    We consider the reduced dynamics of a small quantum system in interaction with a reservoir when the initial state is factorized. We present a rigorous derivation of a GKLS master equation in the weak-coupling limit for a generic bath, which is not assumed to have a bosonic or fermionic nature, and whose reference state is not necessarily thermal. The crucial assumption is a reservoir state endowed with a mixing property: the n-point connected correlation function of the interaction must be asymptotically bounded by the product of two-point functions (clustering property).Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Finite correlation length implies efficient preparation of quantum thermal states

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    Preparing quantum thermal states on a quantum computer is in general a difficult task. We provide a procedure to prepare a thermal state on a quantum computer with a logarithmic depth circuit of local quantum channels assuming that the thermal state correlations satisfy the following two properties: (i) the correlations between two regions are exponentially decaying in the distance between the regions, and (ii) the thermal state is an approximate Markov state for shielded regions. We require both properties to hold for the thermal state of the Hamiltonian on any induced subgraph of the original lattice. Assumption (ii) is satisfied for all commuting Gibbs states, while assumption (i) is satisfied for every model above a critical temperature. Both assumptions are satisfied in one spatial dimension. Moreover, both assumptions are expected to hold above the thermal phase transition for models without any topological order at finite temperature. As a building block, we show that exponential decay of correlation (for thermal states of Hamiltonians on all induced subgraph) is sufficient to efficiently estimate the expectation value of a local observable. Our proof uses quantum belief propagation, a recent strengthening of strong sub-additivity, and naturally breaks down for states with topological order.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure