203 research outputs found

    Bounded Satisfiability for PCTL

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    While model checking PCTL for Markov chains is decidable in polynomial-time, the decidability of PCTL satisfiability, as well as its finite model property, are long standing open problems. While general satisfiability is an intriguing challenge from a purely theoretical point of view, we argue that general solutions would not be of interest to practitioners: such solutions could be too big to be implementable or even infinite. Inspired by bounded synthesis techniques, we turn to the more applied problem of seeking models of a bounded size: we restrict our search to implementable -- and therefore reasonably simple -- models. We propose a procedure to decide whether or not a given PCTL formula has an implementable model by reducing it to an SMT problem. We have implemented our techniques and found that they can be applied to the practical problem of sanity checking -- a procedure that allows a system designer to check whether their formula has an unexpectedly small model

    Real-time and Probabilistic Temporal Logics: An Overview

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    Over the last two decades, there has been an extensive study on logical formalisms for specifying and verifying real-time systems. Temporal logics have been an important research subject within this direction. Although numerous logics have been introduced for the formal specification of real-time and complex systems, an up to date comprehensive analysis of these logics does not exist in the literature. In this paper we analyse real-time and probabilistic temporal logics which have been widely used in this field. We extrapolate the notions of decidability, axiomatizability, expressiveness, model checking, etc. for each logic analysed. We also provide a comparison of features of the temporal logics discussed

    Probably Safe or Live

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    This paper presents a formal characterisation of safety and liveness properties \`a la Alpern and Schneider for fully probabilistic systems. As for the classical setting, it is established that any (probabilistic tree) property is equivalent to a conjunction of a safety and liveness property. A simple algorithm is provided to obtain such property decomposition for flat probabilistic CTL (PCTL). A safe fragment of PCTL is identified that provides a sound and complete characterisation of safety properties. For liveness properties, we provide two PCTL fragments, a sound and a complete one. We show that safety properties only have finite counterexamples, whereas liveness properties have none. We compare our characterisation for qualitative properties with the one for branching time properties by Manolios and Trefler, and present sound and complete PCTL fragments for characterising the notions of strong safety and absolute liveness coined by Sistla

    The Satisfiability Problem for Unbounded Fragments of Probabilistic CTL

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    We investigate the satisfiability and finite satisfiability problem for probabilistic computation-tree logic (PCTL) where operators are not restricted by any step bounds. We establish decidability for several fragments containing quantitative operators and pinpoint the difficulties arising in more complex fragments where the decidability remains open

    Probabilistic Mu-Calculus: Decidability and Complete Axiomatization

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    We introduce a version of the probabilistic mu-calculus (PMC) built on top of a probabilistic modal logic that allows encoding n-ary inequational conditions on transition probabilities. PMC extends previously studied calculi and we prove that, despite its expressiveness, it enjoys a series of good meta-properties. Firstly, we prove the decidability of satisfiability checking by establishing the small model property. An algorithm for deciding the satisfiability problem is developed. As a second major result, we provide a complete axiomatization for the alternation-free fragment of PMC. The completeness proof is innovative in many aspects combining various techniques from topology and model theory

    Alternating Nonzero Automata

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    We introduce a new class of automata on infinite trees called alternating nonzero automata, which extends the class of non-deterministic nonzero automata. The emptiness problem for this class is still open, however we identify a subclass, namely limited choice, for which we reduce the emptiness problem for alternating nonzero automata to the same problem for non-deterministic ones, which implies decidability. We obtain, as corollaries, algorithms for the satisfiability of a probabilistic temporal logic extending both CTL* and the qualitative fragment of pCTL*
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