12 research outputs found

    Bounded model checking of temporal formulas with alloy

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    Alloy is formal modeling language based on first-order relational logic, with no specific support for specifying reactive systems. We propose the usage of temporal logic to specify such systems, and show how bounded model checking can be performed with the Alloy Analyzer

    Extracting Counterexamples from Transitive-Closure-Based Model Checking

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    © 2019 IEEEWe address the problem of how to extract counterexamples for the transitive-closure-based model checking (TCMC) technique. TCMC is a representation of the CTLFC (CTL with fairness constraints) model checking problem in first-order logic with transitive closure (FOLTC) and has been implemented in the Alloy Analyzer. It is a declarative, symbolic model checking method. As a CTL model checking method, TCMC is defined over transition systems and states (rather than paths) and therefore, returns a transition system with a bug as a counterexample. Our contribution is to isolate a counterexample path/subgraph in a declarative manner by adding constraints that do not depend on the property. Our method does not require extensions to Alloy

    Dash+: Extending Alloy with Hierarchical States and Replicated Processes for Modelling Transition Systems

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Modelling systems abstractly shows great promise to uncover bugs early in system development. The formal language Alloy provides the means of writing constraints abstractly, but lacks explicit constructs for describing transition systems. Extensions to Alloy, such as Electrum, DynAlloy, and Dash, provide such constructs. However, still missing are language constructs to describe easily multiple processes with the same behaviour (replicated processes) running in parallel as is found in languages such as PlusCal and PROMELA. In this paper, we describe our proposal for adding explicit constructs to Dash for replicated processes. The result is Dash+: an Alloy language extension for describing transition systems that include both concurrent and hierarchical states and parametrized concurrent processes.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

    Clafer: Lightweight Modeling of Structure, Behaviour, and Variability

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    Embedded software is growing fast in size and complexity, leading to intimate mixture of complex architectures and complex control. Consequently, software specification requires modeling both structures and behaviour of systems. Unfortunately, existing languages do not integrate these aspects well, usually prioritizing one of them. It is common to develop a separate language for each of these facets. In this paper, we contribute Clafer: a small language that attempts to tackle this challenge. It combines rich structural modeling with state of the art behavioural formalisms. We are not aware of any other modeling language that seamlessly combines these facets common to system and software modeling. We show how Clafer, in a single unified syntax and semantics, allows capturing feature models (variability), component models, discrete control models (automata) and variability encompassing all these aspects. The language is built on top of first order logic with quantifiers over basic entities (for modeling structures) combined with linear temporal logic (for modeling behaviour). On top of this semantic foundation we build a simple but expressive syntax, enriched with carefully selected syntactic expansions that cover hierarchical modeling, associations, automata, scenarios, and Dwyer's property patterns. We evaluate Clafer using a power window case study, and comparing it against other notations that substantially overlap with its scope (SysML, AADL, Temporal OCL and Live Sequence Charts), discussing benefits and perils of using a single notation for the purpose

    Dash+: Extending Alloy with Replicated Processes for Modelling Transition Systems

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    Modelling systems abstractly shows great promise to uncover bugs early in system development. The formal language Alloy provides the means of writing constraints abstractly but lacks explicit constructs for describing transition systems. Extensions to Alloy, such as Electrum, DynAlloy, and Dash, provide such constructs. However, still missing are language constructs to describe easily multiple processes with the same behavior (replicated processes) running in parallel as is found in languages such as PlusCal and Promela. We propose extensions to Dash for replicated processes. The result is Dash+: an Alloy language extension for describing transition systems that include both concurrent and hierarchical states and replicated concurrent processes. The processes can communicate via buffers or exchange information through variables and events. The key contributions of our novel approach are: 1) Replicated and non-replicated components can be nested arbitrarily at any level in the state hierarchy 2) Replicated components can exchange information directly without resorting to global variables as is the case in PlusCal and Promela 3) A modeller can abstractly model the topology of the processes (ring, list, etc.) through constraints on the set indexing the processes 4) Buffers can be used to facilitate communication between replicated components Dash+ stays consistent with the semantics of Dash and uses the notion of big steps and small steps to describe changes in the system. The semantics are implemented in a translation to Alloy in a way that accommodates the following model checking options: traces-based model checking, transitive closure-based model checking (TCMC), and Electrum. Our implementation is fully integrated into the Alloy Analyzer. This thesis presents case studies to demonstrate the features of Dash+ in modelling systems with concurrent processes and the benefits that Dash+ offers over existing languages. We check for properties in each of the models in the case studies to demonstrate how different model checking options can be used

    Improvements to Transitive-Closure-based Model Checking in Alloy

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    Model checking, which refers to the verification of temporal properties of a transition system, is a common formal method for verifying models. Transitive-closure-based model checking (TCMC), developed by Vakili et al., is a symbolic representation of the semantics of computational tree logic with fairness constraints (CTLFC) for finite models in first-order logic with transitive closure (FOLTC). TCMC is an expression of the complete (i.e., unbounded) model checking problem for CTLFC as a set of constraints in FOLTC without induction, iteration, or invariants. TCMC has been implemented in the Alloy Analyzer. This thesis focuses on improving practical aspects of using TCMC in Alloy. We provide style guidelines for writing concise declarative models of transition systems for behavioural analysis in Alloy without any extensions to the Alloy language. We address the issue of spurious instances produced when generating instances at small scopes using the Alloy Analyzer by introducing significance axioms, which ensure the instance contains interesting behaviour. We define scoped TCMC for a state scope of n, where n is less than the size of the reachable state space, as the model checking of all transition system instances of state size n that satisfy the transition relation. By considering infinite and finite paths of a transition system separately, we can make useful deductions about the complete model checking problem from the results of scoped TCMC for certain categories of properties. The significant scope, derived from the significance axioms, provides a measure independent of computing resource limitations that a significant part of the state space has been verified, providing higher confidence in the deductions from scoped TCMC. We present case studies that demonstrate the claims and results of this work. We also compare TCMC in Alloy to NuSMV and bounded model checking in terms of modelling practices, expressibility of temporal properties, model checking results, and performance

    Debugging Relational Declarative Models with Discriminating Examples

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    Models, especially those with mathematical or logical foundations, have proven valuable to engineering practice in a wide range of disciplines, including software engineering. Models, sometimes also referred to as logical specifications in this context, enable software engineers to focus on essential abstractions, while eliding less important details of their software design. Like any human-created artifact, a model might have imperfections at certain stages of the design process: it might have internal inconsistencies, or it might not properly express the engineer’s design intentions. Validating that the model is a true expression of the engineer’s intent is an important and difficult problem. One of the key challenges is that there is typically no other written artifact to compare the model to: the engineer’s intention is a mental object. One successful approach to this challenge has been automated example-generation tools, such as the Alloy Analyzer. These tools produce examples (satisfying valuations of the model) for the engineer to accept or reject. These examples, along with the engineer’s judgment of them, serve as crucial written artifacts of the engineer’s true intentions. Examples, like test-cases for programs, are more valuable if they reveal a discrepancy between the expressed model and the engineer’s design intentions. We propose the idea of discriminating examples for this purpose. A discriminating example is synthesized from a combination of the engineer’s expressed model and a machine-generated hypothesis of the engineer’s true intentions. A discriminating example either satisfies the model but not the hypothesis, or satisfies the hypothesis but not the model. It shows the difference between the model and the hypothesized alternative. The key to producing high-quality discriminating examples is to generate high-quality hypotheses. This dissertation explores three general forms of such hypotheses: mistakes that happen near borders; the expressed model is stronger than the engineer intends; or the expressed model is weaker than the engineer intends. We additionally propose a number of heuristics to guide the hypothesis-generation process. We demonstrate the usefulness of discriminating examples and our hypothesis-generation techniques through a case study of an Alloy model of Dijkstra’s Dining Philosophers problem. This model was written by Alloy experts and shipped with the Alloy Analyzer for several years. Previous researchers discovered the existence of a bug, but there has been no prior published account explaining how to fix it, nor has any prior tool been shown effective for assisting an engineer with this task. Generating high-quality discriminating examples and their underlying hypotheses is computationally demanding. This dissertation shows how to make it feasible

    Business Policy Modeling and Enforcement in Relational Database Systems

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    Database systems maintain integrity of the stored information by ensuring that modifications to the database comply with constraints designed by the administrators. As the number of users and applications sharing a common database increases, so does the complexity of the set of constraints that originate from higher level business processes. The lack of a systematic mechanism for integrating and reasoning about a diverse set of evolving and potentially interfering policies manifested as database level constraints makes corporate policy management within relational systems a chaotic process. In this thesis we present a systematic method of mapping a broad set of process centric business policies onto database level constraints. We exploit the observation that the state of a database represents the union of all the states of every ongoing business process and thus establish a bijective relationship between progression in individual business processes and changes in the database state space. We propose graphical notations that are equivalent to integrity constraints specified in linear temporal logic of the past. Furthermore we demonstrate how this notation can accommodate a wide array of workflow patterns, can allow for multiple policy makers to implement their own process centric constraints independently using their own logical policy models, and can model check these constraints within the database system to detect potential conflicting constraints across several different business processes. A major contribution of this thesis is that it bridges several different areas of research including database systems, temporal logics, model checking, and business workflow/policy management to propose an accessible method of integrating, enforcing, and reasoning about the consequences of process-centric constraints embedded in database systems. As a result, the task of ensuring that a database continuously complies with evolving business rules governed by hundreds of processes, which is traditionally handled by an army of database programmers regularly updating triggers and batch procedures, is made easier, more manageable, and more predictable

    Alloy4PV : un Framework pour la Vérification de Procédés Métiers

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    In this thesis, we realized a study of the start-of-the-art on different process domains (business, software, military, medical, etc.). The aim was to identify and categorize critical properties that can be verified on any process model. This study resulted in a library of generic and configurable properties. As a second step, we have defined a framework for process verification called Alloy4PV. This framework uses a subset of UML 2 Activity Diagram as a process modeling language. For process verification, (1) we defined a formal model of UML 2 Activity Diagram based on the fUML semantics, the OMG standard that gives a semantic to a subset of UML 2. This was achieved using first-order logic, (2) we implemented this formalization using the Alloy language in order to perform bounded model-checking, and (3) we automatized in a graphical tool integrated to Eclipse, the possibility to express and verify properties on all the perspectives of a process model. This contribution resulted in a tool which is under evaluation by our MerGE project’s partners and to five publications in conferences proceedings.Dans cette thèse, nous avons tout d'abord fait une étude de l'état de l'art dans les différents domaines des procédés (métier, logiciel, militaire, médical, etc) afin d'identifier et de catégoriser les principales propriétés à garantir. À partir de cette étude, nous avons défini une bibliothèque de propriétés générique et paramétrable pour tout modèle de procédé. Ensuite, nous avons défini un framework pour la vérification de procédés appelé Alloy4PV. Il utilise un sous-ensemble des diagrammes d'activités UML 2 comme langage de modélisation. Afin d'effectuer la vérification de procédés, nous avons (1) défini un modèle formel des diagrammes d'activités basé sur la sémantique fUML (le standard de l'OMG donnant une sémantique à un sous-ensemble de UML) en utilisant la logique de premier ordre, (2) implémenté cette formalisation en utilisant le langage Alloy afin d'effectuer du model-checking borné, et (3) automatisé, dans un outil graphique intégré à Eclipse, la possibilité d'exprimer et de vérifier des propriétés sur toutes les perspectives du procédé