4,710 research outputs found

    Large Eddy Simulations of gaseous flames in gas turbine combustion chambers

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    Recent developments in numerical schemes, turbulent combustion models and the regular increase of computing power allow Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to be applied to real industrial burners. In this paper, two types of LES in complex geometry combustors and of specific interest for aeronautical gas turbine burners are reviewed: (1) laboratory-scale combustors, without compressor or turbine, in which advanced measurements are possible and (2) combustion chambers of existing engines operated in realistic operating conditions. Laboratory-scale burners are designed to assess modeling and funda- mental flow aspects in controlled configurations. They are necessary to gauge LES strategies and identify potential limitations. In specific circumstances, they even offer near model-free or DNS-like LES computations. LES in real engines illustrate the potential of the approach in the context of industrial burners but are more difficult to validate due to the limited set of available measurements. Usual approaches for turbulence and combustion sub-grid models including chemistry modeling are first recalled. Limiting cases and range of validity of the models are specifically recalled before a discussion on the numerical breakthrough which have allowed LES to be applied to these complex cases. Specific issues linked to real gas turbine chambers are discussed: multi-perforation, complex acoustic impedances at inlet and outlet, annular chambers.. Examples are provided for mean flow predictions (velocity, temperature and species) as well as unsteady mechanisms (quenching, ignition, combustion instabil- ities). Finally, potential perspectives are proposed to further improve the use of LES for real gas turbine combustor designs

    Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional velocity fields induced by wave-structure interaction

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    Submerged shore-parallel breakwaters for coastal defence are a good compromise between the need to mitigate the effects of waves on the coast and the ambition to ensure the preservation of the landscape and water quality. In this work we simulate, in a fully three-dimensional form, the hydrodynamic effects induced by submerged breakwaters on incident wave trains with different wave height. The proposed three-dimensional non-hydrostatic finite-volume model is based on an integral form of the Navier-Stokes equations in σ-coordinates and is able to simulate the shocks in the numerical solution related to the wave breaking. The obtained numerical results show that the hydrodynamic phenomena produced by wave-structure interaction have features of three-dimensionality (undertow), that are locally important, and emphasize the need to use a non-hydrostatic fully-three-dimensional approach

    Flow optimization study of a batch microfluidics PET tracer synthesizing device.

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    We present numerical modeling and experimental studies of flow optimization inside a batch microfluidic micro-reactor used for synthesis of human-scale doses of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers. Novel techniques are used for mixing within, and eluting liquid out of, the coin-shaped reaction chamber. Numerical solutions of the general incompressible Navier Stokes equations along with time-dependent elution scalar field equation for the three dimensional coin-shaped geometry were obtained and validated using fluorescence imaging analysis techniques. Utilizing the approach presented in this work, we were able to identify optimized geometrical and operational conditions for the micro-reactor in the absence of radioactive material commonly used in PET related tracer production platforms as well as evaluate the designed and fabricated micro-reactor using numerical and experimental validations

    Methodology for tidal turbine representation in ocean circulation model

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    The present method proposes the use and adaptation of ocean circulation models as an assessment tool framework for tidal current turbine (TCT) array layout optimization. By adapting both momentum and turbulence transport equations of an existing model, the present TCT representation method is proposed to extend the actuator disc concept to 3-D large-scale ocean circulation models. Through the reproduction of experimental flume tests and grid dependency tests, this method has shown its numerical coherence as well as its ability to simulate accurately both momentum and turbulent turbine-induced perturbations in both near and far wakes in a relatively short period of computation time. Consequently the present TCT representation method is a very promising basis for the development of a TCT array layout optimization tool

    Two-phase CFD analyses in fuel assembly sub-channels of Pressurized Water Reactors under swirl conditions

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    Single-phase CFD calculations are already widely applied in nuclear industry for the thermal-hydraulic design optimization of fuel assemblies (FA). In contrast, two-phase CFD-applications are still in the state of development. The work presented in this thesis shows contributions towards the detailed two-phase modeling of boiling flows under swirl conditions in sub-channel geometries of pressurized water reactors (PWR) FAs, including a realistic description of the critical heat flux (CHF)-phenomena and identification of two-phase indicators characterizing CHF-phenomena. The numerical simulations were conducted with a 3-D CFD code (STAR CD) for various types of swirl generating components in FA. New insights regarding local void distribution in sub-channels under swirl conditions were obtained, which are relevant for CHF (“bubble pockets”). Furthermore, an enhanced wall partitioning model provides a more realistic description of the steep increase of the rod temperature due to CHF. Presented validation studies showed good agreement with the available experiments under PWR conditions for the radial void distributions at non-CHF conditions as well as for the CHF prediction. The results performed in this thesis show the incentives and chances of two-phase CFD applications for the development of thermal-hydraulically optimized PWR spacer grids with regard to heat transfer and improvement to the CHF behaviour.Einphasige CFD Analysen stellen für typische thermohydraulische Fragestellungen aus dem Kernkraftwerksbereich bereits jetzt ein wichtiges Werkzeug für die Brennelement (BE)¬Auslegung dar. Die zweiphasige CFD-Modellierung befindet sich dagegen in der Entwicklungsphase. Die in dieser Dissertation präsentierten Arbeiten zeigen Fortschritte für die detaillierte zweiphasige Modellierung drallbehafteter Strömungen im Unterkanal eines BEs des Druckwasserreaktors (DWR) einschließlich der realistischen Beschreibung des kritischen Wärmestroms (CHF) sowie die Bestimmung zweiphasiger Indikatoren, welche das Auftreten von CHF-Phänomen beschreiben. Verschiedene drallerzeugende Komponenten im BE wurden mit dem 3-D CFD-Code STAR-CD modelliert. Es wurden neue Erkenntnisse zur lokalen Blasenverteilung in Unterkanälen unter Drallbedingungen gewonnen, die für CHF relevant sind (“bubble pockets”). Durch eine Modifikation des Wärmeübergangsmodells (heat partitioning model) wird der starke Anstieg der Stabtemperatur infolge CHF realistischer beschrieben. Die durchgeführten Validierungen zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit verfügbaren Experimenten unter DWR-Bedingungen für die radialen Blasenverteilungen und für die Bestimmung von CHF. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation verdeutlichen den Nutzen und die Möglichkeiten von zweiphasigen CFD-Anwendungen für die Entwicklung und die thermohydraulische Optimierung von DWR-Abstandshaltern bezüglich des Wärmeübergangs und der Verbesserung des CHF-Verhaltens.Модели однофазовой среды в вычислительной гидродинамике (англ. CFD) являются уже сейчас важным инструментом для решения типичных термогидравлических задач в ядерной энергетике, например, при конструировании тепловыделяющих сборок (ТВС). Двухфазовое моделирование, в сравнении с однофазовым, находится на сегодняшний момент в стадии развития. Данная диссертация связана с совершенствованием двухфазовой модели в направлении улучшения детализации вихревого течения внутри ячейки ТВС в условиях работы двухконтурного ядерного реактора (тип PWR). Также в работе показана возможность более реалистичного описания феномена кризиса теплоотдачи и определения двухфазовых индикаторов, характеризующих критический тепловой поток (англ. CHF). Комплекс расчетов выполнен для различных интенсификаторов теплоотдачи, размещенных на дистанционирующих решетках TBC. Расчеты производились с помощью программного обеспечения STAR-CD, позволяющего моделировать трехмерные гидродинамические системы. Полученные новые данные о локальном распределении пузырьков в ячейках с вихревым течением дали важную информацию для идентификации критического теплового потока. Усовершенствование модели теплоотдачи на поверхности тепловыделяющего элемента (ТВЭЛ) позволило более реалистично описать резкое повышение температуры на поверхности ТВЭЛа при достижении критических условий. Полученные результаты численного моделирования для радиальных распределений пузырьков при нормальных условиях работы PWR и также для определения критического теплового потока показали хорошее совпадение с известными экспериментальными данными. Представленные в диссертации результаты показывают возможности применения двухфазовых CFD-расчётов для разработки и термогидравлической оптимизации дистанционирующих решеток с целью улучшения теплообмена и характеристик критического теплового потока в двухконтурном ядерном реакторе типа PWR

    Heat Transfer Analysis of Two Pass Cooling Channel of Gas Turbine Blade with Analytical Wall Function Turbulence Approach

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    This paper reports experimental and computational studies of heat transfer through a square duct with a sharp 180 degree turn. The main purpose of this research was to study heat transfer predictions using the Analytical Wall-Function (AWF). To compare the predicting performance of the AWF, the standard Log-Law Based Wall-Function (LWF) and a Low-Reynolds-number (LRN) k-e model were applied. Their results were also compared with experimental results for validation. In addition, three extended forms of the AWF were tested. The AWF showed better results than the conventional wall-function based on a logarithmic law especially in separation and reattachment regions and closer results to the LRN model\u27s results. The extended forms of the AWF did not show significant differences from the results of the original form for the prediction of the whole region, although they showed to-some-extend changes in impinging and recirculation zones

    Analysis of two-phase flows under microgravity (spatial) conditions using OpenFOAM

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    Two-phase flows have gained importance over the last years due to their multiple and useful applications in space systems. For example, two-phase flows are used in fuel cells micro-channel networks, in the fluid management of Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) or in thermal management systems. However, many problems regarding two-phase flows in microgravity conditions are still open, so further research is needed. In this study, numerical simulations of gas-liquid two-phase flow are performed in a T-junction capillary. Bubbles are formed as a consequence of the interaction between air and water. The geometry used is the same as in [1, 2, 3] in order to make reliable comparisons with the results extracted from the laboratory experiments performed in the mentioned literature. OpenFOAM is used as the main software for the simulations, and ParaView and MATLAB are used to post-process the data. InterFoam is selected as the solver since it uses an incompressible, immiscible and isothermal Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. Some validations were made before setting up the definitive cases of the simulations. These validations were related to the adequate capillary length in order to obtain fully-developed flows, to the appropriate mesh quality to get good results and maintain an acceptable computational complexity, to the optimal contact angle value to get close to reality bubble behavior in terms of adherence to the walls, and to the right location of the sampling surfaces responsible for extracting the data. An analysis of the fluid velocity profiles along both of the capillaries of the T-junction was also made. Bubbles are analyzed in terms of their generating frequency, volume, length and velocity. Bubble volume dispersion is quantified using the polydispersity index. A pressure probe is used to measure the gauge pressure at the very center of the T-junction. Visual comparisons are made between simulation bubbles and experimental bubbles. In the end, the results of the simulations qualitatively fitted the experimental data, validating Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as an alternative and correct tool to perform two-phase flow studies under microgravity conditions.Els fluxos bifàsics han guanyat importància al llarg dels anys gràcies a les útils i múltiples aplicacions que tenen en sistemes espacials. Per exemple, els fluxos bifàsics s’utilitzen als micro-canals de les cel·les de combustible, en control de fluids en Sistemes de Suport Vital i Control de l’Ambient (ECLSS) o en sistemes de control tèrmic. Tot i això, molts dels problemes relacionats amb fluxos bifàsics en condicions de microgravetat segueixen oberts. En aquest estudi es duen a terme simulacions numèriques de fluxos bifàsics gas-líquid en un capil·lar en forma de T. Com a conseqüència de la interacció entre l’aire i l’aigua, es formen bombolles. La geometria utilitzada és la mateixa que en [1, 2, 3] per tal de fer comparacions fidedignes amb els resultats experimentals obtinguts a la literatura esmentada. S’utilitza OpenFOAM com a software principal per fer les simulacions, i ParaView i MATLAB com a eina de post-processament. Com a solver s’ha escollit InterFoam perquè utilitza un mètode Volume of Fluid (VOF) del tipus incompressible, immiscible i isotèrmic. Abans de configurar els casos definitius de les simulacions, es van realitzar certes validacions. Aquestes validacions estaven relacionades amb la longitud adequada del capil·lar per obtenir un flux completament desenvolupat, amb la qualitat apropiada de la malla per extreure bons resultats i mantenir un nivell acceptable de complexitat computacional, amb l’angle de contacte òptim per tal d’aconseguir un comportament proper a la realitat en termes d’adherència a les parets, i amb la localització adequada de les superfícies de mesura encarregades d’extreure les dades. Les bombolles són analitzades en termes de la freqüència de generació, volum, longitud i velocitat. La dispersió en el volum de les bombolles es quantifica utilitzant l’índex de polidispersitat. S’ha mesurat la pressió relativa al centre de la geometria emprant una sonda. S’han fet comparacions visuals entre les bombolles de les simulacions i dels experiments. Finalment, els resultats de les simulacions s’ajusten qualitativament als experimentals, validant així la Dinàmica de Fluids Computacional (CFD) com una eina alternativa per estudiar fluxos bifàsics en condicions de microgravetat

    Investigation of ship-bank, ship-bottom and ship-ship interactions by using potential flow method

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    The authors were inspired by the benchmark model test data in MASHCON [1, 2] and carried out some numerical studies on ship-bank, ship-bottom and ship-ship interactions based on potential flow method in the last few years. In the confined waterways, many researchers question the applicability of the classical potential flow method. The main objective of the present paper is to present some validations of the 3D boundary element method (BEM) against the model test data to exam the feasibility of the potential method in predicting the hydrodynamic behaviour of the ships in confined water. The methodology used in the present paper is a 3D boundary element method based on Rankine type Green function. The numerical simulation is based on the in-house developed multi-body hydrodynamic interaction program MHydro. We calculate the wave elevations and forces (or moments) when the ship is manoeuvring in shallow and narrow channel, or when the two ships is travelling side by side or crossing each other. These calculations are compared with the benchmark test data, as well as the published CFD results. Generally, the agreement between the present calculations and model test and CFD results are satisfactory, which indicates that the potential flow method and developed program are still capable to predict the hydrodynamic interaction involved in ship-bank, ship-bottom and ship-ship problem