4,287 research outputs found

    Symbol error rate analysis for M-QAM modulated physical-layer network coding with phase errors

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    Recent theoretical studies of physical-layer network coding (PNC) show much interest on high-level modulation, such as M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM), and most related works are based on the assumption of phase synchrony. The possible presence of synchronization error and channel estimation error highlight the demand of analyzing the symbol error rate (SER) performance of PNC under different phase errors. Assuming synchronization and a general constellation mapping method, which maps the superposed signal into a set of M coded symbols, in this paper, we analytically derive the SER for M-QAM modulated PNC under different phase errors. We obtain an approximation of SER for general M-QAM modulations, as well as exact SER for quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), i.e. 4-QAM. Afterwards, theoretical results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations. The results in this paper can be used as benchmarks for designing practical systems supporting PNC. © 2012 IEEE

    Performance Analysis of Fifth-Generation Cellular Uplink

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    Fifth-generation cellular networks are expected to exhibit at least three primary physical-layer differences relative to fourth-generation ones: millimeter-wave propagation, antenna-array directionality, and densification of base stations. In this paper, the effects of these differences on the performance of single-carrier frequency-domain multiple-access uplink systems with frequency hopping are assessed. A new analysis, which is much more detailed than any other in the existing literature and accommodates actual base-station topologies, captures the primary features of uplink communications. Distance-dependent power-law, shadowing, and fading models based on millimeter-wave measurements are introduced. The beneficial effects of base-station densification, highly directional sectorization, and frequency hopping are illustrated.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, IEEE Military Commun. Conf. (MILCOM), 201

    Michelson Interferometry with the Keck I Telescope

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    We report the first use of Michelson interferometry on the Keck I telescope for diffraction-limited imaging in the near infrared JHK and L bands. By using an aperture mask located close to the f/25 secondary, the 10 m Keck primary mirror was transformed into a separate-element, multiple aperture interferometer. This has allowed diffraction-limited imaging of a large number of bright astrophysical targets, including the geometrically complex dust envelopes around a number of evolved stars. The successful restoration of these images, with dynamic ranges in excess of 200:1, highlights the significant capabilities of sparse aperture imaging as compared with more conventional filled-pupil speckle imaging for the class of bright targets considered here. In particular the enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio of the Fourier data, precipitated by the reduction in atmospheric noise, allows high fidelity imaging of complex sources with small numbers of short-exposure images relative to speckle. Multi-epoch measurements confirm the reliability of this imaging technique and our whole dataset provides a powerful demonstration of the capabilities of aperture masking methods when utilized with the current generation of large-aperture telescopes. The relationship between these new results and recent advances in interferometry and adaptive optics is briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted into Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. To appear in vol. 112. Paper contains 10 pages, 8 figure

    Multispectral imaging of Mars from a lander

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    Multispectral imaging of Mars from lande