30 research outputs found

    Deep Contrast Learning for Salient Object Detection

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    Salient object detection has recently witnessed substantial progress due to powerful features extracted using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, existing CNN-based methods operate at the patch level instead of the pixel level. Resulting saliency maps are typically blurry, especially near the boundary of salient objects. Furthermore, image patches are treated as independent samples even when they are overlapping, giving rise to significant redundancy in computation and storage. In this CVPR 2016 paper, we propose an end-to-end deep contrast network to overcome the aforementioned limitations. Our deep network consists of two complementary components, a pixel-level fully convolutional stream and a segment-wise spatial pooling stream. The first stream directly produces a saliency map with pixel-level accuracy from an input image. The second stream extracts segment-wise features very efficiently, and better models saliency discontinuities along object boundaries. Finally, a fully connected CRF model can be optionally incorporated to improve spatial coherence and contour localization in the fused result from these two streams. Experimental results demonstrate that our deep model significantly improves the state of the art.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Emergence of Visual Saliency from Natural Scenes via Context-Mediated Probability Distributions Coding

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    Visual saliency is the perceptual quality that makes some items in visual scenes stand out from their immediate contexts. Visual saliency plays important roles in natural vision in that saliency can direct eye movements, deploy attention, and facilitate tasks like object detection and scene understanding. A central unsolved issue is: What features should be encoded in the early visual cortex for detecting salient features in natural scenes? To explore this important issue, we propose a hypothesis that visual saliency is based on efficient encoding of the probability distributions (PDs) of visual variables in specific contexts in natural scenes, referred to as context-mediated PDs in natural scenes. In this concept, computational units in the model of the early visual system do not act as feature detectors but rather as estimators of the context-mediated PDs of a full range of visual variables in natural scenes, which directly give rise to a measure of visual saliency of any input stimulus. To test this hypothesis, we developed a model of the context-mediated PDs in natural scenes using a modified algorithm for independent component analysis (ICA) and derived a measure of visual saliency based on these PDs estimated from a set of natural scenes. We demonstrated that visual saliency based on the context-mediated PDs in natural scenes effectively predicts human gaze in free-viewing of both static and dynamic natural scenes. This study suggests that the computation based on the context-mediated PDs of visual variables in natural scenes may underlie the neural mechanism in the early visual cortex for detecting salient features in natural scenes

    A Bayesian inference theory of attention: neuroscience and algorithms

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    The past four decades of research in visual neuroscience has generated a large and disparate body of literature on the role of attention [Itti et al., 2005]. Although several models have been developed to describe specific properties of attention, a theoretical framework that explains the computational role of attention and is consistent with all known effects is still needed. Recently, several authors have suggested that visual perception can be interpreted as a Bayesian inference process [Rao et al., 2002, Knill and Richards, 1996, Lee and Mumford, 2003]. Within this framework, topdown priors via cortical feedback help disambiguate noisy bottom-up sensory input signals. Building on earlier work by Rao [2005], we show that this Bayesian inference proposal can be extended to explain the role and predict the main properties of attention: namely to facilitate the recognition of objects in clutter. Visual recognition proceeds by estimating the posterior probabilities for objects and their locations within an image via an exchange of messages between ventral and parietal areas of the visual cortex. Within this framework, spatial attention is used to reduce the uncertainty in feature information; feature-based attention is used to reduce the uncertainty in location information. In conjunction, they are used to recognize objects in clutter. Here, we find that several key attentional phenomena such such as pop-out, multiplicative modulation and change in contrast response emerge naturally as a property of the network. We explain the idea in three stages. We start with developing a simplified model of attention in the brain identifying the primary areas involved and their interconnections. Secondly, we propose a Bayesian network where each node has direct neural correlates within our simplified biological model. Finally, we elucidate the properties of the resulting model, showing that the predictions are consistent with physiological and behavioral evidence

    Saliency identified by absence of background structure

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    Visual attention is commonly modelled by attempting to characterise objects using features that make them special or in some way distinctive in a scene. These approaches have the disadvantage that it is never certain what features will be relevant in an object that has not been seen before. This paper provides a brief outline of the approaches to modeling human visual attention together with some of the problems that they face. A graphical representation for image similarity is described that relies on the size of maximally associative structures (cliques) that are found to be reflected in pairs of images. While comparing an image with itself, the similarity mechanism is shown to model pop-out effects when constraints are placed on the physical separation of pixels that correspond to nodes in the maximal cliques. Background regions are found to contain structure in common that is not present in the salient regions which are thereby identified by its absence. The approach is illustrated with figures that exemplify asymmetry in pop-out, the conjunction of features, orientation disturbances and the application to natural images

    Consistent Video Saliency Using Local Gradient Flow Optimization and Global Refinement

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    We present a novel spatiotemporal saliency detection method to estimate salient regions in videos based on the gradient flow field and energy optimization. The proposed gradient flow field incorporates two distinctive features: 1) intra-frame boundary information and 2) inter-frame motion information together for indicating the salient regions. Based on the effective utilization of both intra-frame and inter-frame information in the gradient flow field, our algorithm is robust enough to estimate the object and background in complex scenes with various motion patterns and appearances. Then, we introduce local as well as global contrast saliency measures using the foreground and background information estimated from the gradient flow field. These enhanced contrast saliency cues uniformly highlight an entire object. We further propose a new energy function to encourage the spatiotemporal consistency of the output saliency maps, which is seldom explored in previous video saliency methods. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art video saliency detection methods

    Interpretable feature maps for robot attention

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    Attention is crucial for autonomous agents interacting with complex environments. In a real scenario, our expectations drive attention, as we look for crucial objects to complete our understanding of the scene. But most visual attention models to date are designed to drive attention in a bottom-up fashion, without context, and the features they use are not always suitable for driving top-down attention. In this paper, we present an attentional mechanism based on semantically meaningful, interpretable features. We show how to generate a low-level semantic representation of the scene in real time, which can be used to search for objects based on specific features such as colour, shape, orientation, speed, and texture.Postprin

    Visual Attention: low level and high level viewpoints

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    This paper provides a brief outline of the approaches to modeling human visual attention. Bottom-up and top-down mechanisms are described together with some of the problems that they face. It has been suggested in brain science that memory functions by trading measurement precision for associative power; sensory inputs from the environment are never identical on separate occasions, but the associations with memory compensate for the differences. A graphical representation for image similarity is described that relies on the size of maximally associative structures (cliques) that are found to reflect between pairs of images. This is applied to the recognition of movie posters, the location and recognition of characters, and the recognition of faces. The similarity mechanism is shown to model popout effects when constraints are placed on the physical separation of pixels that correspond to nodes in the maximal cliques. The effect extends to modeling human visual behaviour on the Poggendorff illusion