959 research outputs found

    Solving weighted and counting variants of connectivity problems parameterized by treewidth deterministically in single exponential time

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    It is well known that many local graph problems, like Vertex Cover and Dominating Set, can be solved in 2^{O(tw)}|V|^{O(1)} time for graphs G=(V,E) with a given tree decomposition of width tw. However, for nonlocal problems, like the fundamental class of connectivity problems, for a long time we did not know how to do this faster than tw^{O(tw)}|V|^{O(1)}. Recently, Cygan et al. (FOCS 2011) presented Monte Carlo algorithms for a wide range of connectivity problems running in time $c^{tw}|V|^{O(1)} for a small constant c, e.g., for Hamiltonian Cycle and Steiner tree. Naturally, this raises the question whether randomization is necessary to achieve this runtime; furthermore, it is desirable to also solve counting and weighted versions (the latter without incurring a pseudo-polynomial cost in terms of the weights). We present two new approaches rooted in linear algebra, based on matrix rank and determinants, which provide deterministic c^{tw}|V|^{O(1)} time algorithms, also for weighted and counting versions. For example, in this time we can solve the traveling salesman problem or count the number of Hamiltonian cycles. The rank-based ideas provide a rather general approach for speeding up even straightforward dynamic programming formulations by identifying "small" sets of representative partial solutions; we focus on the case of expressing connectivity via sets of partitions, but the essential ideas should have further applications. The determinant-based approach uses the matrix tree theorem for deriving closed formulas for counting versions of connectivity problems; we show how to evaluate those formulas via dynamic programming.Comment: 36 page

    A Fixed Parameter Tractable Approximation Scheme for the Optimal Cut Graph of a Surface

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    Given a graph GG cellularly embedded on a surface Σ\Sigma of genus gg, a cut graph is a subgraph of GG such that cutting Σ\Sigma along GG yields a topological disk. We provide a fixed parameter tractable approximation scheme for the problem of computing the shortest cut graph, that is, for any ε>0\varepsilon >0, we show how to compute a (1+ε)(1+ \varepsilon) approximation of the shortest cut graph in time f(ε,g)n3f(\varepsilon, g)n^3. Our techniques first rely on the computation of a spanner for the problem using the technique of brick decompositions, to reduce the problem to the case of bounded tree-width. Then, to solve the bounded tree-width case, we introduce a variant of the surface-cut decomposition of Ru\'e, Sau and Thilikos, which may be of independent interest

    Low-Degree Spanning Trees of Small Weight

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    The degree-d spanning tree problem asks for a minimum-weight spanning tree in which the degree of each vertex is at most d. When d=2 the problem is TSP, and in this case, the well-known Christofides algorithm provides a 1.5-approximation algorithm (assuming the edge weights satisfy the triangle inequality). In 1984, Christos Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani posed the challenge of finding an algorithm with performance guarantee less than 2 for Euclidean graphs (points in R^n) and d > 2. This paper gives the first answer to that challenge, presenting an algorithm to compute a degree-3 spanning tree of cost at most 5/3 times the MST. For points in the plane, the ratio improves to 3/2 and the algorithm can also find a degree-4 spanning tree of cost at most 5/4 times the MST.Comment: conference version in Symposium on Theory of Computing (1994

    On the complexity of the bilevel minimum spanning tree problem

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    We consider the bilevel minimum spanning tree (BMST) problem where the leader and the follower choose a spanning tree together, according to different objective functions. We show that this problem is NP-hard, even in the special case where the follower only controls a matching. Moreover, we give some evidence that BMST might even remain hard in case the follower controls only few edges. On the positive side, we present a (|V|-1)-approximation algorithm for BMST, where |V| is the number of vertices. Moreover, we show that 2-approximating BMST is fixed-parameter tractable and that, in case of uniform costs on leader's edges, even solving BMST exactly is fixed-parameter tractable. We finally consider bottleneck variants of BMST and settle the complexity landscape of all combinations of sum or bottleneck objective functions for the leader and follower, for the optimistic as well as the pessimistic setting

    On the Complexity of the Bilevel Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

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    We consider the bilevel minimum spanning tree (BMST) problem where the leader and the follower choose a spanning tree together, according to different objective functions. By showing that this problem is NP-hard in general, we answer an open question stated by Shi et al. We prove that BMST remains hard even in the special case where the follower only controls a matching. Moreover, by a polynomial reduction from the vertex-disjoint Steiner trees problem, we give some evidence that BMST might even remain hard in case the follower controls only few edges. On the positive side, we present a polynomial-time (n−1)(n-1)-approximation algorithm for BMST, where nn is the number of vertices in the input graph. Moreover, considering the number of edges controlled by the follower as parameter, we show that 2-approximating BMST is fixed-parameter tractable and that, in case of uniform costs on leader's edges, even solving BMST exactly is fixed-parameter tractable. We finally consider bottleneck variants of BMST and settle the complexity landscape of all combinations of sum or bottleneck objective functions for the leader and follower, for the optimistic as well as the pessimistic setting

    Content Distribution by Multiple Multicast Trees and Intersession Cooperation: Optimal Algorithms and Approximations

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    In traditional massive content distribution with multiple sessions, the sessions form separate overlay networks and operate independently, where some sessions may suffer from insufficient resources even though other sessions have excessive resources. To cope with this problem, we consider the universal swarming approach, which allows multiple sessions to cooperate with each other. We formulate the problem of finding the optimal resource allocation to maximize the sum of the session utilities and present a subgradient algorithm which converges to the optimal solution in the time-average sense. The solution involves an NP-hard subproblem of finding a minimum-cost Steiner tree. We cope with this difficulty by using a column generation method, which reduces the number of Steiner-tree computations. Furthermore, we allow the use of approximate solutions to the Steiner-tree subproblem. We show that the approximation ratio to the overall problem turns out to be no less than the reciprocal of the approximation ratio to the Steiner-tree subproblem. Simulation results demonstrate that universal swarming improves the performance of resource-poor sessions with negligible impact to resource-rich sessions. The proposed approach and algorithm are expected to be useful for infrastructure-based content distribution networks with long-lasting sessions and relatively stable network environment
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