4 research outputs found

    Towards a semantic and statistical selection of association rules

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    The increasing growth of databases raises an urgent need for more accurate methods to better understand the stored data. In this scope, association rules were extensively used for the analysis and the comprehension of huge amounts of data. However, the number of generated rules is too large to be efficiently analyzed and explored in any further process. Association rules selection is a classical topic to address this issue, yet, new innovated approaches are required in order to provide help to decision makers. Hence, many interesting- ness measures have been defined to statistically evaluate and filter the association rules. However, these measures present two major problems. On the one hand, they do not allow eliminating irrelevant rules, on the other hand, their abun- dance leads to the heterogeneity of the evaluation results which leads to confusion in decision making. In this paper, we propose a two-winged approach to select statistically in- teresting and semantically incomparable rules. Our statis- tical selection helps discovering interesting association rules without favoring or excluding any measure. The semantic comparability helps to decide if the considered association rules are semantically related i.e comparable. The outcomes of our experiments on real datasets show promising results in terms of reduction in the number of rules

    Mining Characteristic Patterns for Comparative Music Corpus Analysis

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    A core issue of computational pattern mining is the identification of interesting patterns. When mining music corpora organized into classes of songs, patterns may be of interest because they are characteristic, describing prevalent properties of classes, or because they are discriminant, capturing distinctive properties of classes. Existing work in computational music corpus analysis has focused on discovering discriminant patterns. This paper studies characteristic patterns, investigating the behavior of different pattern interestingness measures in balancing coverage and discriminability of classes in top k pattern mining and in individual top ranked patterns. Characteristic pattern mining is applied to the collection of Native American music by Frances Densmore, and the discovered patterns are shown to be supported by Densmore’s own analyses

    Boolean factors as a means of clustering of interestingness measures of association rules

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    International audienceMeasures of interestingness play a crucial role in association rule mining. An important methodological problem, on which several papers appeared in the literature, is to provide a reasonable classification of the measures. In this paper, we explore Boolean factor analysis, which uses formal concepts corresponding to classes of measures as factors, for the purpose of clustering of the measures. Unlike the existing studies, our method reveals overlapping clusters of interestingness measures. We argue that the overlap between clusters is a desired feature of natural groupings R. Belohlavek et al. of measures and that because formal concepts are used as factors in Boolean factor analysis, the resulting clusters have a clear meaning and are easy to interpret. We conduct three case studies on clustering of measures, provide interpretations of the resulting clusters and compare the results to those of the previous approaches reported in the literature