10 research outputs found

    Investigation of the field of problems for the Boolean analyzer

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    Logic networks synthesis with Boolean analyzer integrated with general purpose compute

    Algorithmic Layout of Gate Macros

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    This paper describes the basic modules of a gate-to-silicon compiler which accepts as its input a high level description of gate macros and generates a layout that satisfies particular technology (NMOS, for example) and environmental parameters (layout area or time delay, for example)

    Parallelization of SAT on Reconfigurable Hardware

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    Quoique très difficile à résoudre, le problème de satisfiabilité Booléenne (SAT) est fréquemment utilisé lors de la modélisation d’applications industrielles. À cet effet, les deux dernières décennies ont vu une progression fulgurante des outils conçus pour trouver des solutions à ce problème NP-complet. Deux grandes avenues générales ont été explorées afin de produire ces outils, notamment l’approche logicielle et matérielle. Afin de raffiner et améliorer ces solveurs, de nombreuses techniques et heuristiques ont été proposées par la communauté de recherche. Le but final de ces outils a été de résoudre des problèmes de taille industrielle, ce qui a été plus ou moins accompli par les solveurs de nature logicielle. Initialement, le but de l’utilisation du matériel reconfigurable a été de produire des solveurs pouvant trouver des solutions plus rapidement que leurs homologues logiciels. Cependant, le niveau de sophistication de ces derniers a augmenté de telle manière qu’ils restent le meilleur choix pour résoudre SAT. Toutefois, les solveurs modernes logiciels n’arrivent toujours pas a trouver des solutions de manière efficace à certaines instances SAT. Le but principal de ce mémoire est d’explorer la résolution du problème SAT dans le contexte du matériel reconfigurable en vue de caractériser les ingrédients nécessaires d’un solveur SAT efficace qui puise sa puissance de calcul dans le parallélisme conféré par une plateforme FPGA. Le prototype parallèle implémenté dans ce travail est capable de se mesurer, en termes de vitesse d’exécution à d’autres solveurs (matériels et logiciels), et ce sans utiliser aucune heuristique. Nous montrons donc que notre approche matérielle présente une option prometteuse vers la résolution d’instances industrielles larges qui sont difficilement abordées par une approche logicielle.Though very difficult to solve, the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) is extensively used to model various real-world applications and problems. Over the past two decades, researchers have tried to provide tools that are used, to a certain degree, to find solutions to the Boolean satisfiability problem. The nature of these tools is broadly divided in software and reconfigurable hardware solvers. In addition, the main algorithms used to solve this problem have also been complemented with heuristics of various levels of sophistication to help overcome some of the NP-hardness of the problem. The end goal of these tools has been to provide solutions to industrial-sized problems of enormous size. Initially, reconfigurable hardware tools provided a promising avenue to accelerating SAT solving over traditional software based solutions. However, the level of sophistication of software solvers overcame their hardware counterparts, which remained limited to smaller problem instances. Even so, modern state-of-the-art software solvers still fail unpredictably on some instances. The main focus of this thesis is to explore solving SAT on reconfigurable hardware in order to gain an understanding of what would be essential ingredients to add (and discard) to a very efficient hardware SAT solver that obtains its processing power from the raw parallelism of an FPGA platform. The parallel prototype solver that was implemented in this work has been found to be comparable with other hardware and software solvers in terms of execution speed even though no heuristics or other helping techniques were implemented. We thus show that our approach provides a very promising avenue to solving large, industrial SAT instances that might be difficult to handle by software solvers


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    This project presents the static type checkers that I developed for the optional type system of the Dart programming language. Dart is an optionally typed language and as a result has an unsound type system. In this project I have created the static type checker tools for dart. The first static type checker tool ensures mandatory typing of Dart code. This checker can be invoked by giving a new compiler option that I have added to the compiler configuration. This checker will help in catching any type errors early at compile time rather than at run time. The second static type checker improves the Dart’s support for covariant generics. This static checker issues warnings at compile time if the covariant use of generics is followed by a modification of the collection passed covariantly. I have also introduced three annotations that will add more type safety to the Dart programming language. The @notnull annotation is to ensure that null values are not passed as arguments to method parameters. This nullness checker ensures that a running program will never throw a null pointer exception. The @modifies annotation supports the covariance check. The @linear annotation is used to prevent unexpected modification of objects by aliasing. The @linear annotation can be used in conjunction with Dart isolates for concurrent programming

    Boolean Analyzer -- An Algorithm That Uses A Probabilistic Interestingness Measure to find Dependency/Association Rules In A Head Trauma Data

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    A new, binary-based technique is presented for finding dependency/association rules called the Boolean Analyzer (BA). With initial guidance from a domain user or domain expert, BA is given one or more metrics to partition the entire data set. This leads to analyzing the implicit domain knowledge and creatingweighted rules in the form of boolean expressions. To augment the analysis of the rules produced, we can additionally apply a probabilistic interestingness measure (PIM) to order the generated rules based on event dependency, where events are combinations of primed and unprimed variables. Following our discussion of the basic BA algorithm, our paper will present a case study on clinical head trauma data. BA able to find rules, where the most significant rules were those that had a high PIM. We believe that BA has broad applicability in the medical domain, and hope that our presentation here can stimulate other creative applications of the technique