9 research outputs found

    Bondage number of grid graphs

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    The bondage number b(G)b(G) of a nonempty graph GG is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from GG results in a graph with domination number greater than the domination number of GG. Here we study the bondage number of some grid-like graphs. In this sense, we obtain some bounds or exact values of the bondage number of some strong product and direct product of two paths.Comment: 13 pages. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 201

    The total bondage number of grid graphs

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    The total domination number of a graph GG without isolated vertices is the minimum number of vertices that dominate all vertices in GG. The total bondage number bt(G)b_t(G) of GG is the minimum number of edges whose removal enlarges the total domination number. This paper considers grid graphs. An (n,m)(n,m)-grid graph Gn,mG_{n,m} is defined as the cartesian product of two paths PnP_n and PmP_m. This paper determines the exact values of bt(Gn,2)b_t(G_{n,2}) and bt(Gn,3)b_t(G_{n,3}), and establishes some upper bounds of bt(Gn,4)b_t(G_{n,4}).Comment: 15 pages with 4 figure

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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    Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Proceedings 2019

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    The conference proceedings of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences biannual conference, May 29-June 1, 2019 at Indiana Wesleyan University

    Game Theory Relaunched

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    The game is on. Do you know how to play? Game theory sets out to explore what can be said about making decisions which go beyond accepting the rules of a game. Since 1942, a well elaborated mathematical apparatus has been developed to do so; but there is more. During the last three decades game theoretic reasoning has popped up in many other fields as well - from engineering to biology and psychology. New simulation tools and network analysis have made game theory omnipresent these days. This book collects recent research papers in game theory, which come from diverse scientific communities all across the world; they combine many different fields like economics, politics, history, engineering, mathematics, physics, and psychology. All of them have as a common denominator some method of game theory. Enjoy