5 research outputs found

    Avaliação do equilíbrio em indivíduos com défice visual e normovisuais

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em FisioterapiaObjetivo: Avaliar o equilíbrio em indivíduos com Défice Visual (DV) e Normovisuais (NV) durante a execução de diferentes testes de avaliação e verificar se os testes aplicados são apropriados para a avaliação do equilíbrio em sujeitos com DV. Metodologia: Neste estudo participaram 22 indivíduos, do sexo feminino e masculino, com mais de 50 anos de idade e com diferentes condições visuais. Para avaliar as oscilações posturais, utilizou-se um sistema de centrais inerciais. Os participantes realizaram 5 testes de equilíbrio, tendo sido colocada uma venda a todos os participantes para retirar o estímulo visual. Resultados: A comparação entre o grupo DV e NV apenas revelou diferenças significativas no Tandem Preferido (Tandem Pre). Dos três componentes avaliados, o ântero-posterior foi o que registou mais oscilação. Conclusão: Os participantes com DV apresentam melhor equilíbrio no teste Tandem Pre. Para a amostra estudada, os testes de Tandem revelaram-se mais desafiantes na avaliação do equilíbrio em indivíduos com DV.Aim: To evaluate balance in Visual Impairment (VI) and sighted (NV) people during the execution of different assessment tests and to verify if the applied tests were appropriate for the assessment of balance in subjects with VI. Methodology: The study included 22 individuals, both male and female, aged above 50 years and with different visual conditions. To assess postural oscillations, a inertial measurement system was used. Participants performed five balance tests, and all participants were blindfolded to remove the visual input. Results: The comparison between VI and NV groups showed significant differences in the Tandem Preferred (Tandem Pre). Between the three assessed components, the anteroposterior was the most unstable. Conclusions: VI participants evidenced better balance in the test Tandem Pre. In general, the Tandem tests revealed more challenging in the assessment of balance in VI individuals.N/

    Avaliação do equilíbrio em indivíduos com défice visual e normovisuais

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em FisioterapiaObjetivo: Avaliar o equilíbrio em indivíduos com Défice Visual (DV) e Normovisuais (NV) durante a execução de diferentes testes de avaliação e verificar se os testes aplicados são apropriados para a avaliação do equilíbrio em sujeitos com DV. Metodologia: Neste estudo participaram 22 indivíduos, do sexo feminino e masculino, com mais de 50 anos de idade e com diferentes condições visuais. Para avaliar as oscilações posturais, utilizou-se um sistema de centrais inerciais. Os participantes realizaram 5 testes de equilíbrio, tendo sido colocada uma venda a todos os participantes para retirar o estímulo visual. Resultados: A comparação entre o grupo DV e NV apenas revelou diferenças significativas no Tandem Preferido (Tandem Pre). Dos três componentes avaliados, o ântero-posterior foi o que registou mais oscilação. Conclusão: Os participantes com DV apresentam melhor equilíbrio no teste Tandem Pre. Para a amostra estudada, os testes de Tandem revelaram-se mais desafiantes na avaliação do equilíbrio em indivíduos com DV.Aim: To evaluate balance in Visual Impairment (VI) and sighted (NV) people during the execution of different assessment tests and to verify if the applied tests were appropriate for the assessment of balance in subjects with VI. Methodology: The study included 22 individuals, both male and female, aged above 50 years and with different visual conditions. To assess postural oscillations, a inertial measurement system was used. Participants performed five balance tests, and all participants were blindfolded to remove the visual input. Results: The comparison between VI and NV groups showed significant differences in the Tandem Preferred (Tandem Pre). Between the three assessed components, the anteroposterior was the most unstable. Conclusions: VI participants evidenced better balance in the test Tandem Pre. In general, the Tandem tests revealed more challenging in the assessment of balance in VI individuals.N/

    Body-Sensor-Network-Based Kinematic Characterization and Comparative Outlook of UPDRS Scoring in Leg Agility, Sit-to-Stand, and Gait Tasks in Parkinson's Disease

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    Recently, we have proposed a body-sensor-network-based approach, composed of a few body-worn wireless inertial nodes, for automatic assignment of Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) scores in the following tasks: Leg agility (LA), Sit-to-Stand (S2S), and Gait (G). Unlike our previous works and the majority of the published studies, where UPDRS tasks were the sole focus, in this paper, we carry out a comparative investigation of the LA, S2S, and G tasks. In particular, after providing an accurate description of the features identified for the kinematic characterization of the three tasks, we comment on the correlation between the most relevant kinematic parameters and the UPDRS scoring. We analyzed the performance achieved by the automatic UPDRS scoring system and compared the estimated UPDRS evaluation with the one performed by neurologists, showing that the proposed system compares favorably with typical interrater variability. We then investigated the correlations between the UPDRS scores assigned to the various tasks by both the neurologists and the automatic system. The results, based on a limited number of subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) (34 patients, 47 clinical trials), show poor-to-moderate correlations between the UPDRS scores of different tasks, highlighting that the patients' motor performance may vary significantly from one task to another, since different tasks relate to different aspects of the disease. An aggregate UPDRS score is also considered as a concise parameter, which can provide additional information on the overall level of the motor impairments of a Parkinson's patient. Finally, we discuss a possible implementation of a practical e-health application for the remote monitoring of PD patients

    Gait Analysis in Cerebellar Ataxia

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