6 research outputs found

    m-Reading: Fiction reading from mobile phones

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    Mobile phones are reportedly the most rapidly expanding e-reading device worldwide. However, the embodied, cognitive and affective implications of smartphone-supported fiction reading for leisure (m-reading) have yet to be investigated empirically. Revisiting the theoretical work of digitization scholar Anne Mangen, we argue that the digital reading experience is not only contingent on patterns of embodied reader–device interaction (Mangen, 2008 and later) but also embedded in the immediate environment and broader situational context. We call this the situation constraint. Its application to Mangen’s general framework enables us to identify four novel research areas, wherein m-reading should be investigated with regard to its unique affordances. The areas are reader–device affectivity, situated embodiment, attention training and long-term immersion

    Students’ use of paper and pen versus digital media in university environments for writing and reading – a cross-cultural exploration

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    This paper offers a summative cross cultural analysis of qualitative survey data collected to investigate the impact of digital media on writing and reading within universities from different countries. It addresses the particular aspect of the student’s experiences of paper and pen versus digital media. This study is based on the results of individual qualitative research conducted in 10 countries in two continents by members of the COST Action FP1104, Work Group 1 – Customers and Users. The methodological approach used is qualitative content analysis of the reported research and analysis of the individual country surveys. The survey was conducted in the national language of each country using the same research questions. Various survey methods were deployed – online questionnaire; questionnaire and interviews or hand written essays. The principal results show that there are many similarities between the countries studied but that some use pen and paper less whereas others are more prepared to use hand writing, this may link to the availability and use of digital technologies as well as to personal preferences. Reading and writing competencies are changing with the use of digital technologies but students still see benefits of reading and writing with paper which they continue to use, especially to convey private emotions and intimate feelings. This study provides new learning about the contrasting use of paper and digital media within an educational rather than business setting. These surveys provided the basis for the design and analysis of a follow up quantitative study (not examined in this paper) and for further exploration of this important research topic within the countries surveyed, particularly in social sciences and pedagogical studies

    La lectura no utilitaria en la universidad en la era digital. Un análisis multivariante que ubica el texto impreso en la lectura de literatura

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    This paper explores the preference of the printed text for reading literature in a university community. A characterization of reading and writing in the university is made and a review of the importance of non-utilitarian reading is presented in this context. The issue of the appropriation of ICT in the university environment is reviewed, identifying the relevance of reading and writing in the digital age. The case study uses data from a survey applied at the Universidad Veracruzana, for which the context and background are presented. A description of the variables and the strategy of statistical analysis is made. We analyze the factors that are associated with the format preference and characterize the main associations based on independence tests using the Chi-Square statistic; for multivariate associations, a multiple correspondence analysis was run. It is concluded that the preference of the printed text is still very marked, a little more among women, highlighting the level of taste and time of dedication among academics and officials. However, the concept of reading that is more frequent is related to the utilitarian reading

    La lectura no utilitaria en la universidad en la era digital. Un análisis multivariante que ubica el texto impreso en la lectura de literatura

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    This paper explores the preference of the printed text for reading literature in a university community. A characterization of reading and writing in the university is made and a review of the importance of non-utilitarian reading is presented in this context. The issue of the appropriation of ICT in the university environment is reviewed, identifying the relevance of reading and writing in the digital age. The case study uses data from a survey applied at the Universidad Veracruzana, for which the context and background are presented. A description of the variables and the strategy of statistical analysis is made. We analyze the factors that are associated with the format preference and characterize the main associations based on independence tests using the Chi-Square statistic; for multivariate associations, a multiple correspondence analysis was run. It is concluded that the preference of the printed text is still very marked, a little more among women, highlighting the level of taste and time of dedication among academics and officials. However, the concept of reading that is more frequent is related to the utilitarian reading

    The power of writing hands : logical memory performance after handwriting and typing tasks with Wechsler Memory Scale revised edition

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    Information and communications technologies have generated a multilevel metamorphose not only of the educational field, but also of the usage of hands. The shift from handwriting to typing is bringing about a change in the ways people learn to recognize and recollect letters and words, read and write. This study investigates how different writing methods affect memory retrieval. The aim is to understand how the memory performances compare after handwriting and typing tasks, and how the factor of time or age affects recollection. The Wechsler Memory Scale Revised Edition (WMS-R) was used with experimental within-subjects research design to measure memory functions of 31 University of Lapland students in 2016. Participants wrote down a dictated story with a pencil, computer keyboard, and a touch screen keyboard. Consequently, the degree of recollection of each writing task was measured and analysed with repeated measures analysis of variance. Additionally, this thesis deliberates the embodied cognition theory, as learning and memorizing are not simply information processing in nothingness. Experiences, actions and senses all play part in learning, as well as in writing process with the harmonious co-operation of brain, mind and body. The results of this study indicate that writing modalities have statistically significant effect on recollection, handwriting receiving the highest scores. These results are of interest due to the constant increase of digitalization of learning environments. Moreover, these results can be reflected upon when evaluating the impending changes in the Finnish curriculum, from which cursive handwriting is removed in autumn 2016

    Tecnologías de la Información, Comunicación, Aprendizaje y Conocimiento (TIC/TAC): Comprensión de las subjetividades en jóvenes universitarios de Montería -Tránsitos educativos en dos universidades

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    Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.El objetivo de la investigación fue comprender las subjetividades generadas por un grupo de jóvenes de dos universidades de Montería, a causa de las Tecnologías de la Información, la Comunicación, el Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TIC/TAC), y los tránsitos educativos emergentes en la Universidad de Córdoba y la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Montería. La perspectiva epistemológica se basó en la Epistemología del sujeto conocido, la metodología tuvo una orientación cualitativa, el tipo de investigación se centró en el estudio de caso. Las técnicas de recolección de información utilizadas fueron los grupos focales, las historias de vida, las narrativas digitales y la observación participante en las dos universidades seleccionadas. Como estrategia de interpretación se trabajó a través análisis de contenido. Entre las conclusiones se incorpora en la tesis un término, Jóvenes Ciber-Applicados (App de Aplicaciones), tomando como base lo planteado por (Garner & Davis, 2014) de Generación APP. Se deriva de jóvenes que usan el ciberespacio como espacio de socialización y de nuevas formas de relacionamiento y donde las Aplicaciones o App, son fundamentales en procesos de subjetivaciones, donde se usan de acuerdo a los intereses y necesidades. Debemos tener presente que, las paradojas de la pluralidad no se dan de forma lineal en el desarrollo del tiempo, y en ciudades caribeñas del trópico colombiano- como es Montería-; se debe propender desde los procesos académicos que los jóvenes produzcan contenidos constituidos entre la tradición y la innovación tecnológica de forma diversa y las TIC/TAC son fundamentales en dicho proceso