14,329 research outputs found

    WPU-Net: Boundary Learning by Using Weighted Propagation in Convolution Network

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    Deep learning has driven a great progress in natural and biological image processing. However, in material science and engineering, there are often some flaws and indistinctions in material microscopic images induced from complex sample preparation, even due to the material itself, hindering the detection of target objects. In this work, we propose WPU-net that redesigns the architecture and weighted loss of U-Net, which forces the network to integrate information from adjacent slices and pays more attention to the topology in boundary detection task. Then, the WPU-net is applied into a typical material example, i.e., the grain boundary detection of polycrystalline material. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves promising performance and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Besides, we propose a new method for object tracking between adjacent slices, which can effectively reconstruct 3D structure of the whole material. Finally, we present a material microscopic image dataset with the goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in image processing for material science.Comment: technical repor

    Autonomous robotic system for thermographic detection of defects in upper layers of carbon fiber reinforced polymers

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    Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are composites whose interesting properties, like high strength-to-weight ratio and rigidity, are of interest in many industrial fields. Many defects affecting their production process are due to the wrong distribution of the thermosetting polymer in the upper layers. In this work, they are effectively and efficiently detected by automatically analyzing the thermographic images obtained by Pulsed Phase Thermography (PPT) and comparing them with a defect-free reference. The flash lamp and infrared camera needed by PPT are mounted on an industrial robot so that surfaces of CFRP automotive components, car side blades in our case, can be inspected in a series of static tests. The thermographic image analysis is based on local contrast adjustment via UnSharp Masking (USM) and takes also advantage of the high level of knowledge of the entire system provided by the calibration procedures. This system could replace manual inspection leading to a substantial increase in efficiency

    Automated detection of brain abnormalities in neonatal hypoxia ischemic injury from MR images.

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    We compared the efficacy of three automated brain injury detection methods, namely symmetry-integrated region growing (SIRG), hierarchical region splitting (HRS) and modified watershed segmentation (MWS) in human and animal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets for the detection of hypoxic ischemic injuries (HIIs). Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI, 1.5T) data from neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) patients, as well as T2-weighted imaging (T2WI, 11.7T, 4.7T) at seven different time-points (1, 4, 7, 10, 17, 24 and 31 days post HII) in rat-pup model of hypoxic ischemic injury were used to assess the temporal efficacy of our computational approaches. Sensitivity, specificity, and similarity were used as performance metrics based on manual ('gold standard') injury detection to quantify comparisons. When compared to the manual gold standard, automated injury location results from SIRG performed the best in 62% of the data, while 29% for HRS and 9% for MWS. Injury severity detection revealed that SIRG performed the best in 67% cases while 33% for HRS. Prior information is required by HRS and MWS, but not by SIRG. However, SIRG is sensitive to parameter-tuning, while HRS and MWS are not. Among these methods, SIRG performs the best in detecting lesion volumes; HRS is the most robust, while MWS lags behind in both respects

    Trainable COSFIRE filters for vessel delineation with application to retinal images

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    Retinal imaging provides a non-invasive opportunity for the diagnosis of several medical pathologies. The automatic segmentation of the vessel tree is an important pre-processing step which facilitates subsequent automatic processes that contribute to such diagnosis. We introduce a novel method for the automatic segmentation of vessel trees in retinal fundus images. We propose a filter that selectively responds to vessels and that we call B-COSFIRE with B standing for bar which is an abstraction for a vessel. It is based on the existing COSFIRE (Combination Of Shifted Filter Responses) approach. A B-COSFIRE filter achieves orientation selectivity by computing the weighted geometric mean of the output of a pool of Difference-of-Gaussians filters, whose supports are aligned in a collinear manner. It achieves rotation invariance efficiently by simple shifting operations. The proposed filter is versatile as its selectivity is determined from any given vessel-like prototype pattern in an automatic configuration process. We configure two B-COSFIRE filters, namely symmetric and asymmetric, that are selective for bars and bar-endings, respectively. We achieve vessel segmentation by summing up the responses of the two rotation-invariant B-COSFIRE filters followed by thresholding. The results that we achieve on three publicly available data sets (DRIVE: Se = 0.7655, Sp = 0.9704; STARE: Se = 0.7716, Sp = 0.9701; CHASE_DB1: Se = 0.7585, Sp = 0.9587) are higher than many of the state-of-the-art methods. The proposed segmentation approach is also very efficient with a time complexity that is significantly lower than existing methods.peer-reviewe
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