2,798 research outputs found

    DASC: Robust Dense Descriptor for Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Correspondence Estimation

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    Establishing dense correspondences between multiple images is a fundamental task in many applications. However, finding a reliable correspondence in multi-modal or multi-spectral images still remains unsolved due to their challenging photometric and geometric variations. In this paper, we propose a novel dense descriptor, called dense adaptive self-correlation (DASC), to estimate multi-modal and multi-spectral dense correspondences. Based on an observation that self-similarity existing within images is robust to imaging modality variations, we define the descriptor with a series of an adaptive self-correlation similarity measure between patches sampled by a randomized receptive field pooling, in which a sampling pattern is obtained using a discriminative learning. The computational redundancy of dense descriptors is dramatically reduced by applying fast edge-aware filtering. Furthermore, in order to address geometric variations including scale and rotation, we propose a geometry-invariant DASC (GI-DASC) descriptor that effectively leverages the DASC through a superpixel-based representation. For a quantitative evaluation of the GI-DASC, we build a novel multi-modal benchmark as varying photometric and geometric conditions. Experimental results demonstrate the outstanding performance of the DASC and GI-DASC in many cases of multi-modal and multi-spectral dense correspondences

    Joint Estimation of Camera Pose, Depth, Deblurring, and Super-Resolution from a Blurred Image Sequence

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    The conventional methods for estimating camera poses and scene structures from severely blurry or low resolution images often result in failure. The off-the-shelf deblurring or super-resolution methods may show visually pleasing results. However, applying each technique independently before matching is generally unprofitable because this naive series of procedures ignores the consistency between images. In this paper, we propose a pioneering unified framework that solves four problems simultaneously, namely, dense depth reconstruction, camera pose estimation, super-resolution, and deblurring. By reflecting a physical imaging process, we formulate a cost minimization problem and solve it using an alternating optimization technique. The experimental results on both synthetic and real videos show high-quality depth maps derived from severely degraded images that contrast the failures of naive multi-view stereo methods. Our proposed method also produces outstanding deblurred and super-resolved images unlike the independent application or combination of conventional video deblurring, super-resolution methods.Comment: accepted to ICCV 201

    Fast Robust Monocular Depth Estimation for Obstacle Detection with Fully Convolutional Networks

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    Obstacle Detection is a central problem for any robotic system, and critical for autonomous systems that travel at high speeds in unpredictable environment. This is often achieved through scene depth estimation, by various means. When fast motion is considered, the detection range must be longer enough to allow for safe avoidance and path planning. Current solutions often make assumption on the motion of the vehicle that limit their applicability, or work at very limited ranges due to intrinsic constraints. We propose a novel appearance-based Object Detection system that is able to detect obstacles at very long range and at a very high speed (~300Hz), without making assumptions on the type of motion. We achieve these results using a Deep Neural Network approach trained on real and synthetic images and trading some depth accuracy for fast, robust and consistent operation. We show how photo-realistic synthetic images are able to solve the problem of training set dimension and variety typical of machine learning approaches, and how our system is robust to massive blurring of test images.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016

    An analysis of the factors affecting keypoint stability in scale-space

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    The most popular image matching algorithm SIFT, introduced by D. Lowe a decade ago, has proven to be sufficiently scale invariant to be used in numerous applications. In practice, however, scale invariance may be weakened by various sources of error inherent to the SIFT implementation affecting the stability and accuracy of keypoint detection. The density of the sampling of the Gaussian scale-space and the level of blur in the input image are two of these sources. This article presents a numerical analysis of their impact on the extracted keypoints stability. Such an analysis has both methodological and practical implications, on how to compare feature detectors and on how to improve SIFT. We show that even with a significantly oversampled scale-space numerical errors prevent from achieving perfect stability. Usual strategies to filter out unstable detections are shown to be inefficient. We also prove that the effect of the error in the assumption on the initial blur is asymmetric and that the method is strongly degraded in presence of aliasing or without a correct assumption on the camera blur

    Deep Self-Convolutional Activations Descriptor for Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence

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    We present a novel descriptor, called deep self-convolutional activations (DeSCA), designed for establishing dense correspondences between images taken under different imaging modalities, such as different spectral ranges or lighting conditions. Motivated by descriptors based on local self-similarity (LSS), we formulate a novel descriptor by leveraging LSS in a deep architecture, leading to better discriminative power and greater robustness to non-rigid image deformations than state-of-the-art cross-modality descriptors. The DeSCA first computes self-convolutions over a local support window for randomly sampled patches, and then builds self-convolution activations by performing an average pooling through a hierarchical formulation within a deep convolutional architecture. Finally, the feature responses on the self-convolution activations are encoded through a spatial pyramid pooling in a circular configuration. In contrast to existing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based descriptors, the DeSCA is training-free (i.e., randomly sampled patches are utilized as the convolution kernels), is robust to cross-modal imaging, and can be densely computed in an efficient manner that significantly reduces computational redundancy. The state-of-the-art performance of DeSCA on challenging cases of cross-modal image pairs is demonstrated through extensive experiments

    Object Detection Using Keygraphs

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    We propose a new framework for object detection based on a generalization of the keypoint correspondence framework. This framework is based on replacing keypoints by keygraphs, i.e. isomorph directed graphs whose vertices are keypoints, in order to explore relative and structural information. Unlike similar works in the literature, we deal directly with graphs in the entire pipeline: we search for graph correspondences instead of searching for individual point correspondences and then building graph correspondences from them afterwards. We also estimate the pose from graph correspondences instead of falling back to point correspondences through a voting table. The contributions of this paper are the proposed framework and an implementation that properly handles its inherent issues of loss of locality and combinatorial explosion, showing its viability for real-time applications. In particular, we introduce the novel concept of keytuples to solve a running time issue. The accuracy of the implementation is shown by results of over 800 experiments with a well-known database of images. The speed is illustrated by real-time tracking with two different cameras in ordinary hardware

    Evaluation of Three Vision Based Object Perception Methods for a Mobile Robot

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    This paper addresses object perception applied to mobile robotics. Being able to perceive semantically meaningful objects in unstructured environments is a key capability in order to make robots suitable to perform high-level tasks in home environments. However, finding a solution for this task is daunting: it requires the ability to handle the variability in image formation in a moving camera with tight time constraints. The paper brings to attention some of the issues with applying three state of the art object recognition and detection methods in a mobile robotics scenario, and proposes methods to deal with windowing/segmentation. Thus, this work aims at evaluating the state-of-the-art in object perception in an attempt to develop a lightweight solution for mobile robotics use/research in typical indoor settings.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figure

    Depth-aware Blending of Smoothed Images for Bokeh Effect Generation

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    Bokeh effect is used in photography to capture images where the closer objects look sharp and every-thing else stays out-of-focus. Bokeh photos are generally captured using Single Lens Reflex cameras using shallow depth-of-field. Most of the modern smartphones can take bokeh images by leveraging dual rear cameras or a good auto-focus hardware. However, for smartphones with single-rear camera without a good auto-focus hardware, we have to rely on software to generate bokeh images. This kind of system is also useful to generate bokeh effect in already captured images. In this paper, an end-to-end deep learning framework is proposed to generate high-quality bokeh effect from images. The original image and different versions of smoothed images are blended to generate Bokeh effect with the help of a monocular depth estimation network. The proposed approach is compared against a saliency detection based baseline and a number of approaches proposed in AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis. Extensive experiments are shown in order to understand different parts of the proposed algorithm. The network is lightweight and can process an HD image in 0.03 seconds. This approach ranked second in AIM 2019 Bokeh effect challenge-Perceptual Track

    From handcrafted to deep local features

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    This paper presents an overview of the evolution of local features from handcrafted to deep-learning-based methods, followed by a discussion of several benchmarks and papers evaluating such local features. Our investigations are motivated by 3D reconstruction problems, where the precise location of the features is important. As we describe these methods, we highlight and explain the challenges of feature extraction and potential ways to overcome them. We first present handcrafted methods, followed by methods based on classical machine learning and finally we discuss methods based on deep-learning. This largely chronologically-ordered presentation will help the reader to fully understand the topic of image and region description in order to make best use of it in modern computer vision applications. In particular, understanding handcrafted methods and their motivation can help to understand modern approaches and how machine learning is used to improve the results. We also provide references to most of the relevant literature and code.Comment: Preprin

    PROBE: Predictive Robust Estimation for Visual-Inertial Navigation

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    Navigation in unknown, chaotic environments continues to present a significant challenge for the robotics community. Lighting changes, self-similar textures, motion blur, and moving objects are all considerable stumbling blocks for state-of-the-art vision-based navigation algorithms. In this paper we present a novel technique for improving localization accuracy within a visual-inertial navigation system (VINS). We make use of training data to learn a model for the quality of visual features with respect to localization error in a given environment. This model maps each visual observation from a predefined prediction space of visual-inertial predictors onto a scalar weight, which is then used to scale the observation covariance matrix. In this way, our model can adjust the influence of each observation according to its quality. We discuss our choice of predictors and report substantial reductions in localization error on 4 km of data from the KITTI dataset, as well as on experimental datasets consisting of 700 m of indoor and outdoor driving on a small ground rover equipped with a Skybotix VI-Sensor.Comment: In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'15), Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 28-Oct. 2, 201
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